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RP: 5th XF [Yugumo Mission 1] Day 1: Perdition's Flames


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Kiyoko made a stealthy exit from her bed and quarters, straightening her skirt as she headed down the corridor and into the lift. Her green hair was back up in a tight bun held by decorative chopsticks. She entered the lift, along with one of Yugumo's NH-12 Sprites, the tiny neko said "Good Morning Shosa, you sleep well?â€
Caine had been up early than usual and had gotten a shower to clean up from the previous night. When he got out he'd noticed Kiyoko was gone and presumably went up to the bridge to start Alpha Shift. He was always a bit of a slow beginner in the morning and today was no different but he felt energized and ready to go. He paused and had Yugumo bring up his own messages to see if he had any from friends or family from home.

The blonde Yamataian let out a long whistle of at the number of messages from the people from the party. Quite a few were smutty, especially those from the nekos that had seem him 2/3's nude and wet at the dance. "Wow I didn't think I was that popular." he said, Yugumo's soft voice giggled in response to it.

Once he collected himself and got dressed in the typical yet fashionable uniform, pressed and prepared with the new patch and pins attached. Caine walked out of the officer's quarters with a brisk pace to his walk, his hard-soled boot ringing out as he walked down the hallway. Once on the bridge he looked around at everyone, changing shifts from Beta to Alpha. "What's our status this morning Yugumo? Everything condition green for the first day of our new mission?" he asked the computer as he took in the artistry that was the bridge of the Takumi class.
Camellia was confortably asleep in her bed. Heavy drinking, as it turns out, is a heavy sedative for the Geshrin. Whn the general wake up call was sounded, she was still asleep, infact the only response she gave to the wake up, was a barely pronounceable mumble and shifting to her left side.
By the time Alpha call went out, Ichiro was stepping out of the shower, dressed in clean clothes. "Wow. Talk about timing." He said, donning his uniform.
After Tesuro had cleared the air with Akira, he felt much more natural and relaxed. Though not wanting to encounter any more strange apparitions, he spent the remainder of the morning in the media room watching a documentary on the history and development of wildlife on Yamatai. He yearned to write, but nothing worthy came to his mind, so he sought merely to advance his knowledge in one of his favorite fields.

As the program ended, he noticed the time. 0528. He spent the next two minutes intently staring at the time, and as expected, the alpha duty shift was called at exactly 0530. With a stride in his step he exited the media room after shutting down the television screen, and made his way to the bridge. He had time over most of the other crewmen, as he had been awake for the past few hours. His body was rested, and he was not the least bit tired. It was likely due to the fact that his body simply did not need much rest, but he liked to think it was because he would be seeing Kiyoko again soon.
"Gnfkt." Kiyoe wasn't a morning person in the best of times, and the late night out didn't help. At least she was in a bottom bunk--half-flopping out of bed in the manner that she did this morning wasn't a good trait for people who slept in top bunks. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she pulled her box of hair ornaments out of her storage locker and looked over them thoughtfully. After a few moments of deliberation, she settled on a series of small gold-banded black rings to constrict her hair into a tight ponytail all the way to the nape of her back, with a small pin shaped like a bundle of white flowers placed at the base of the ponytail for decoration.

She ducked into the shower room and checked herself in a mirror, nodding approval of the hairstyle. "Hey, Yūgumo. Think I've got time for a quick shower before I'm on-duty?"
Caine stood on the bridge, waiting for the other members of Alpha shift to arrive and had been monitoring the time. Everything seemed to be in order for their first mission on the Yugumo, there was one factor that was slightly tweaking his nerve. But nothing that severe, the fact that the duty shift enlisted hadn't arrived yet. "It's 0530, where are those four? They should be here squarely at the time appointed..." he mused quietly, as he looked over at the door, waiting for them. "I'll let them slide with a warning this time but next time they gotta be here on time." he thought to himself.
Tesuro arrived onto the bridge not two seconds after Caine did. He speed walked into the room, expecting himself to be the first enlistee to arrive, but was quite surprised at seeing Caine in the room. At this point, the two had not been formally introduced, and though Tesuro had seen Caine on two occasions, he still only knew him as "the pantsless man". Tesuro stopped in his tracks and looked over Caine's uniform, locating and identifying his pins. Almost immediately after he noticed that the man before him was a Chui (a vast superior), he stood at attention and bowed respectfully. "Sir! Urameshi Tesuro reporting for Alpha Duty; I apologize for my tardiness and I promise it will not happen again!" he half-shouted, nervous and unknowing as to how this man would be treating him.
The scant hours of rest passed quickly. Kishou's sleep dreamless and dark...infinitely more peaceful than the events just before her rest. She was grateful that, for this nap at least, she hadn't dreamt of electric sheep...this day already had enough going for it without bad dreams and nightmares. Her eyes snapped open and a very looong yawn managed to force its way out. Pause. Wait five seconds. Kishou jumped out of bed and stretched. Yes, plenty to do and not enough time to do it in.

"Good morning again, everyone!â€
Yugumo replied to Caine, All systems and departments are at normal parameters. Department reports will be placed in your queue. I am ready when you are Chui. Do you wish for the usual morning tea be brought to the bridge?


You best hurry Kanai-san. Make that shower a quick one. Perhaps I will keep you apprised by turning the shower to cold to notify you of your tardiness. Yugumo, obviously had a sense of humor.

Kiyoko eyed the door, someone was knocking on it.That is going to take some getting used to. She noted, not used to her crew not just walking in. The door slid open to reveal the Santo Hei. Kiyoko sat at her desk-a V shaped glass table near the aft of the room-she was sitting with her feet propped up on the left side of the desk- she motioned Kishou in. There was five chairs set up immediately in front of the desk, for those she was expecting.

"Kigetsuki-hei, come in and have a seat. I apologize for not being able to meet with you last night. The launch party ended up a little out of control-think half the fleet ended up on this ship. Getting settled in your new setting?â€
The blue hair Yamataian huffed in annoyance at the computer's joke as she took off for the bridge, nearly jogging. "Fine, I'll do it after the shift. This kind of thing wouldn't be a problem if you didn't go locking me out of my room for half a night!" It seemed that she wasn't going to forgive the betrayal of being locked out of her room so easily.

A few minutes later, she screeched to a halt at her destination, announcing, "Sorry, sorry. I'm here now," to Caine.
Thank you Yugumo, and the tea would be appreciated. Arigato. he responded to the computer and turned to the enlisted as they entered the bridge. One of them was a young neko that seemed to be in a hurry to report to the ready room, obviously for a meeting. "Good morning yourself Urameshi-san." he said in a casual tone. "I can understand why you'd be late after that party so there's no reason for concern this time. But I expect you to be at your station when your duty shift comes up, no later." He said to the enlisted man firmly and turned to Ichiro and nodded, meaning the reminder was for him too.

Where is Kiyoe? Is she still asleep? He wondered for a moment before giving the men their assignments. "Alright Urameshi-san, you'll be assigned to the Science station." he said, pointing out the station console in question. Caine then turned to Ichiro with the same casual air. "Ichiro-san, you're on communications." he said to him, again gesturing to the respective station.

His question would be answered when Kiyoe herself hurried onto the bridge. With a sigh he looked at her right in the eyes. "It's ok this time Kanai-san, but next time I expect you at your station when yoru shift rolls around." he said, giving her the same treatment as the others. "You're at Tactical with Sarri-Chui." He said.

"Alright you guys. Before you get too far into it I should introduce myself." Caine said, addressing them all. "We all met at the party last night but perhaps with everything going on people may have forgotten." he said. "My name is Caine Ionoche, Chui-Ionoche, or hell you guys can just call me Caine." he said with a smirk.

The blonde yamataian himself stood up so they could see him. "Why don't we share a little about each other? I'll start us off." He said. "Im originally from the Xiulurian Country on Yamatai. I've served under some of the best people in the 5th, because of that I've seen quite a bit of action as well, I've explored ghost ships... "he paused fo ra moment before continuing. "And just like Sarri-chui, I'm one of the two survivors of the Murf Ambush when the Namiko was destroyed." Caine said, looking a bit sad at that. "Feel free to ask me about anything you're curious about."
Kishou stepped inside, with a bouncy air about her – after deciding that she couldn't do dead serious this early in the morning if her life depended on it. Happy was so much better after all! She quickly took in her, rather posh, surroundings before responding to the Shosa – giving a slight bow out of respect as she spoke.

"Ohayou, Captain! Looks like we won't be needing to introduce each other...as for no meetings last night I guess my only regret would be missing your party. Sounds like it was fun.â€
((That was Kiyoe))

Ichiro nodded, going to his respective station, taking a seat, and putting his stuff under his chair.
He stifled a chuckle as Kiyoe arrived onto the bridge, obviously frustrated. At that point he had yet to speak much with her due to the events of the night and morning prior, which made him feel a bit bad as she was the first person he met upon his arrival. He resolved to later attempt to speak with her, if she would permit conversation with him as it was essentially his fault that she was locked out of her room and thus late for the briefing.

Tesuro was about ready to rush off to his station as he was conditioned to do, as Caine began his short speech. He listened intently to Caine as he spoke; he was casual yet professional and made Tesuro feel at ease. The fact that he was not chewed out for being late (despite the fact that he was up for hours before he was scheduled) was enough to make Tesuro feel comfortable--an open forum of discussion was even better, as Tesuro did very much enjoy a good discussion.

As Caine finished, Tesuro nodded in acknowledgement and smiled. He felt he could be a bit more relaxed and casual now that Caine had opened up a friendly line of communication. "So you're Caine? I saw you at the party, but we had yet to meet. Kiyoko mentioned you to me, but she didn't say anything about your involvement in the Namiko incident!" Tesuro said, quite intrigued. He did not want to push any more information out of Caine, as the event was likely not one he wanted to relive, so he left it at that.
Kiyoko liked Kishou's energy, "Well, so far so good. They all look pretty good-especially the cute ones.â€
"Ooh, I've gotta make you tell me about that ambush some time. Er, if it isn't something you don't like to talk about, I mean." Stupid. She mentally kicked herself--she'd found out early enough that pressing people for information about fights whose descriptions involved lines like "I'm one of the survivors" was a good way to upset people. But then, comforting a commanding officer when he got all teary-eyed might be a good way to snag some brownie points for when she inevitably messed up somewhere...

Putting that line of thought away for later, she gave her response to the question, twirling the end of her ponytail absently as she did. "Okay, well, most of you've already met me. I'm Kiyoe, I'm from the middle of nowhere, and I could use a good sparring partner. Especially if any of you are any good with swords; that'd be great. ... just hanging out would be good too. I don't really know anybody here that well yet." She shrugged, apparently signaling that she was done.
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