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Zairyo's Commissions (Original Thread)

Third time's the charm right

Relevant Links:

Star Army Gallery
DeviantArt page

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This is aimed to those of you that don't have a credit card or paypal account (or any way to pay for digital content) but wish they could get a commission from me. As some of you know I have an Xbox 360, which means nothing Microsoft does is ever free, that goes with Xbox Live and Marketplace related content. The Star Army price for commissions remains the same, $15 for the commission and an extra $5 for the card option which brings it to $20. Those $20 can be paid with:

A- 1600 Microsoft Points
B- 3 months of Xbox live Gold subscription

I currently care more about the points than the subscription 'cause I only play online with friends (friends that I communicate with through IM 'cause I can't hear $#!T through the headset so good thing I only like co-op and not multiplayer crap)

There are sites that allow some people (those living in the US, Canada and forgot where else) to do some surveys and what not and get them for free, I really don't care how you get the points, only that they work. Amazon.com also sells them directly, by e-mailing you the code.
It's good to see you posting again, Zairyo! Great artwork as always.
Very cute. would date.

Somehow, the image doesn't fit the Personality, but I believe the personality of this character was meant to be different than her appearance.

Still. Awesome artwork, Zairyo!
It is a very good bit of artwork. But the only real qualm I have is rather minor and could probably be overlooked: but the hair style is usually worn out to it's full length if she doesn't have to have it in a helmet, the skintone needs to be a bit more tannish (like mediterranean really) and the bust should stand out a bit more due to how the bodysuit fits and should probably look a bit strained.

But that's just me :3
The first two items (skin and hair) I don't know about so I won't comment, but the suit seems to be fine to me. The straining wouldn't be worse if the suit was sufficient size to begin with and if the cloth was as thick as I think it is...this isn't a typical Yamataian spandex-type suit. The underlying (dark blue) cloth seems to be wrinkling like a pair of slacks or similar material would, which may show more strain at the bust than shown by the light blue over-vest (?). Since the over-vest is form-fitted (it doesn't leave the ribcage as it curves under the bust), there wouldn't be much strain (which is there if you look at the shadows) compared with fitting that into chest into a smaller size. Seems like her clothes have been tailored to fit, which is expected when you can custom-synth items : )

I do have a note too, though: I'm assuming the line down the middle of the vest is where it opens when she puts it on, right? The gray border has a line at the top, but not at the bottom. Does the over-vest open completely or is it a pullover-style? (This may be a Wes-question.)
hey there zai!

i don't believe we've ever spoken, and i usually don't have any questions or critiques about your art. but i do this this time. my biggest beef is with the Toranaga Siyun picture. and i've been a bit scared to say anything incase i come off as rude. ;-; forgive me if i do. i'm horrible at words. XD

his left arm, (our right) has this... odd coloration to it, as if there was a single light shinning on just that arm. it looks odd and out of the place, seeing as how its such a straight line. it doesn't form to the muscles. and it seems that if it was a light source, that it would also be on his pants, boots, glove and shoulder. what also gets me is why is it the color of his skin? it doesn't seem to have that glow like most light sources from you has, and pulls your attention to that spot. least for me.

thats the only thing i see that i really don't understand, other then that, great work.

Just on to say Hi, I'm not dead yet, I've been busy as hell. Just check this sh!t out

I've never let Deviations get that big before. (ignore the notes, those aren't job related, just friends asking for opinions on their stuff)
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