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Zairyo's Commissions (Original Thread)

Third time's the charm right

Relevant Links:

Star Army Gallery
DeviantArt page

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This is aimed to those of you that don't have a credit card or paypal account (or any way to pay for digital content) but wish they could get a commission from me. As some of you know I have an Xbox 360, which means nothing Microsoft does is ever free, that goes with Xbox Live and Marketplace related content. The Star Army price for commissions remains the same, $15 for the commission and an extra $5 for the card option which brings it to $20. Those $20 can be paid with:

A- 1600 Microsoft Points
B- 3 months of Xbox live Gold subscription

I currently care more about the points than the subscription 'cause I only play online with friends (friends that I communicate with through IM 'cause I can't hear $#!T through the headset so good thing I only like co-op and not multiplayer crap)

There are sites that allow some people (those living in the US, Canada and forgot where else) to do some surveys and what not and get them for free, I really don't care how you get the points, only that they work. Amazon.com also sells them directly, by e-mailing you the code.
In reference to Ember's picture:

Class is in session. Take your seats, children.


It's cocktail time for SARP.

But yeah, xlnt
Damn... you are good... If and when you have time id like to get a commission for a character pic... not right now though so don't worry about it yet.
AWanderingMage said:
Damn... you are good... If and when you have time id like to get a commission for a character pic... not right now though so don't worry about it yet.

Just let me know when and what you want. I should have time as long as I'm alive and don't have a time consuming job or a block. ^^;


Although I have another comic page and a pinup I'm currently working on but still ^^
You have a comic?... can you link it here so i can see it?.. i have about 20 that i frequent and id like to add yours to my list.
AWanderingMage said:
You have a comic?... can you link it here so i can see it?.. i have about 20 that i frequent and id like to add yours to my list.

Nope I don't have the time/devotion required to have a comic. At least not yet. I'm planning to make an adult comic for a website just that $35-$45 for a full color page is too damn low, so if I find a better deal who knows.

The comic page I'm doing is another commission, similar to this one: [Link]
Love the artwork. Betcha I can whip up a good short background story for her too.

Let's see...

how's that?
Unrelated to Star Army but I know here are some children of the 80's so maybe they could be interested?

I'm working on my own version of Jem and the Holograms. I know it was a girls show back in the day and that most of their stories were stupid at best but the characters and music was interesting enough to keep the show alive for 3 seasons (65 episodes) That was rare back in the day and it is still rare. I'm not really doing a fan fic, as I'm not a writer, it's more like bits and pieces of plots that a writer can take to the next level or a comic artist can use for the comic layout.

I did this as both my 200th deviation and 'cause I'm taking it further than just posting redesigns and plots.

This is the place to go to look for all my Jem related stuff.
Jem and the Holograms are hot, and so are your various drawings of them.

Kimber makes my heart stop.

And you are still a god, good sir.
You are still OUR god, good sir!

Speaking of, I should get another commission. You able to stand me again? *grins*
Yup Doshii np, you know the drill.

Version 1:

Forgot the faction's name... Ask Kim ^^
MissingNo said:
Very cool uniform! Kind of reminds me of the X-Men movie uniforms, but in a good way : )

Ah thank you it was driving me nuts. It looked so familiar but I couldn't pin point the source. Since I dislike the X-Men movies I would've never thought about them. I saw most of X-men 1 before I turned it off. I really don't know how it ended, I know they fought in the statue of liberty but that's about it. Saw X-Men 2 a couple of times, wasn't that bad but really wasn't X-Men either. It felt like it was a movie based on X-Men Evolution or something which I didn't particularly like either. I might've liked Evolution if it wasn't so far from the books. They could've gone Ultimate or First Class on it but nooooo. Didn't bother to see the third movie.

Rant over ^^
Doshii Jun said:
Goddamn sweet uniform. Now that is some delicious concept.
Can't take full credit for it though. Kim already had a base design, I just added more details to it. She also did the palette. The only thing that is truly mine is the character ^^

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