Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Zairyo's Commissions (Original Thread)

Third time's the charm right

Relevant Links:

Star Army Gallery
DeviantArt page

Zairyo said:
Hello everyone, I'm a fan of Sci Fi, video games and all those things we tend to spend way too much time on. My biggest passion however is drawing, so as requested by Wes and by my personal interest I'm here to offer my skills to you guys.

If you want to see more please visit my Deviantart gallery here:

If you want to commission me please make sure you are willing to spend at least $15.00 and that you have a Paypal account.
Thanks for your time.

______aimg474.imageshack.us_img474_8144_samspritetestdf7.gif____________________________________________ aimg401.imageshack.us_img401_5431_hanakospritebt3.gif

This is aimed to those of you that don't have a credit card or paypal account (or any way to pay for digital content) but wish they could get a commission from me. As some of you know I have an Xbox 360, which means nothing Microsoft does is ever free, that goes with Xbox Live and Marketplace related content. The Star Army price for commissions remains the same, $15 for the commission and an extra $5 for the card option which brings it to $20. Those $20 can be paid with:

A- 1600 Microsoft Points
B- 3 months of Xbox live Gold subscription

I currently care more about the points than the subscription 'cause I only play online with friends (friends that I communicate with through IM 'cause I can't hear $#!T through the headset so good thing I only like co-op and not multiplayer crap)

There are sites that allow some people (those living in the US, Canada and forgot where else) to do some surveys and what not and get them for free, I really don't care how you get the points, only that they work. also sells them directly, by e-mailing you the code.
Nevaraon said:
God, if only I had the money to spare for a commission. Then again it might not be the same with a guy...

Well the main difference is that drawing men is boring for me LOL but I still try my best on every pic. Some come out better than others but who knows. I still have to draw the male "version" of the uniform so perhaps you can judge after that?
Nevaraon said:
God, if only I had the money to spare for a commission. Then again it might not be the same with a guy...
*echoes Nevaraon's lament*

I'd love to see this quality of art for any of my characters...I have a couple drawings for Tweak and Nel, but while my style is good, it's more cartoon/anime-ish...and Nel's face finally frustrated me enough that I quit trying to finish her art (at least for now) : p
MissingNo said:
Nevaraon said:
God, if only I had the money to spare for a commission. Then again it might not be the same with a guy...
*echoes Nevaraon's lament*

I'd love to see this quality of art for any of my characters...I have a couple drawings for Tweak and Nel, but while my style is good, it's more cartoon/anime-ish...and Nel's face finally frustrated me enough that I quit trying to finish her art (at least for now) : p

Post some of it, maybe we can work something out.
Hey, I was wondering if you're taking commissions right now. I've got some money to burn, and frankly your art kicks five different kinds of ass, if you'll allow me to turn a colourful phrase.

It'd be for a guy, but for what it's worth beyond the fact that he's:

1) middle eastern (not actually, but you know what I mean)
2) got a collection of cybernetics
3) short

he's more or less a blank slate, so at least you'd have plenty of room to work.
Thanks, glad you like my stuff.

Do remind me some time next week as I'm kinda busy this week.

Note to self:


Get off your lazy ass and at least write their names in your list will ya? Funny K^3
Zairyo said:
Post some of it, maybe we can work something out.
Alright...I'd appreciate any help you can's a little frustrating to see people turn out digital paintings and drawings that they say took only a few hours and find myself working one picture for days with little to show for it.

This is the pencil drawing I have for Tweak. The outfit is right, the ears are the way I want them, the proportions are more or less right (arms are supposed to be longer than normal; the hips are skewed by my attempt at perspective), the hairstyle is right (the color scheme is not: it's supposed to be dark with light streaks). The face is the only thing I am not satisfied with. I tried to fix that by taking more of a painting approach to coloring her, but it didn't go very well so I scrapped it.

I just looked at Nel's pic again and I think I'm going to try salvaging it first...if I can't work it out, I'll post it for you.

In the meantime...what sort of "working something out" did you mean?


  • Tweak Three Seven (WIP1, original drawing).webp
    Tweak Three Seven (WIP1, original drawing).webp
    23.3 KB · Views: 435
MissingNo said:
In the meantime...what sort of "working something out" did you mean?

Something like what you did so I can sketch something in return. I couldn't make out some of the details but you can work them out yourself if you like my sketch. Maybe I even aged her a little bit too, I don't know.


  • Tweak.webp
    41.6 KB · Views: 400
I can't help it.


This is just a sketch? Clean work, for a sketch. Here's a +3 bonus to your ego, Zairyo! Aside from small details, this is perfect : D Many, many thanks!

I added a few things (like the vent slits on her arms and the gear tattoo), adjusted her necklace, and loosened the shorts a little, among others of those "small details" mentioned above.

Is it alright if I use this as her profile picture? Are you offering me free artwork? I know you probably need the money, but I really can't pay you aside from a possible art trade...though it'd most likely be a very unfair trade in terms of quality...

Meanwhile I'm going to try fix how I draw faces by comparing your method with mine. This'll be a great help since I have two versions of the same character where the only difference is the style.

Again, thank you a lot...and you wouldn't mind doing something like this for Nel too?


  • TweakFinalLines.webp
    42.3 KB · Views: 355
MissingNo said:
I can't help it.


This is just a sketch? Clean work, for a sketch. Here's a +3 bonus to your ego, Zairyo! Aside from small details, this is perfect : D Many, many thanks!
I just deleted the construction lines on this one but it is still the second step of the process so while not rough it is a sketch.

MissingNo said:
I added a few things (like the vent slits on her arms and the gear tattoo), adjusted her necklace, and loosened the shorts a little, among others of those "small details" mentioned above.
Perfect that's what I wanted you to do.

MissingNo said:
Is it alright if I use this as her profile picture? Are you offering me free artwork?
Use it if you want. I've been so busy this week I haven't had the time to draw anything and when I saw your character I felt like sketching it. I think it was her hairstyle that got me, I love that hairstyle.

MissingNo said:
Again, thank you a lot...and you wouldn't mind doing something like this for Nel too?
Don't know, maybe but no guarantees.
Oh yes it was the hair, now I remember why I liked that hairstyle.

As some of you know I'm doing my own version of Jem and the Holograms. I finished the plots for what could be considered the first season so I was thinking of doing an animatic of Ultimate Jem season's 2 Concert. Now what does that have to do with anything? Both my version of Jem and Synergy are inspired by Sharon Apple from Macross Plus. So I was using the concert scene as base for the animatic. I posted the sketch on DA and I was checking the comments and since I had just been working on the animatic the image was still fresh on my mind ^^.

Kevyn said:
Just poking my head in to see if things have gotten less hectic for you.

I just got back from the Comic Con so things are even more hectic as I had to delay everything. Now I need to put myself together as I came home finding that my best friend (my youngest cat) died today. TODAY!!! the day I got here. I'm no longer sad but I'm so pissed right now. So I'm shutting my mouth (fingers) up.
My condolences about your cat, man. I know what it's like to loose a pet. We had to put down our cat two years ago, poor guy.
Ya man, don't feel in a hurry. Those close to you are fairly more important than your work.

Besides, I'm a fairly patient person.
Thank you very much for your understanding. I'm feeling a little better now although I still miss him.

I posted this link here but I kinda got fed up with the replies about the language so I'm ignoring that post and hope that if your only complaint about this character creator is the language (Portuguese) that you keep the comment to yourself.

I tried making the Thundercats with it and here's the result:

It has been my wish to make a character creator like this since I got my first computer back in 1995 or 1994. I want to do one for Star Army and one for myself.
Give the creator a try, I did these trying to emulate the Star Army uniforms when I first found the creator.


You can drag the symbols and place them whenever you need. I didn't know that when I made the Star Army characters but I used it with the Thundercats.
Nifty little tool. I don't know why people would bitch about the Portuguese though. Sure there's some trial and error to it, but it's not exactly rocket science to figure out.