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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
The news cameras gather around the figure of Senator Iemochi, speaking from Fort Hikari on his electoral seat of Virginia. He is clad in his formal Star Army attire. Behind him is a large grey silk sheet covering a statue of some kind. He stands at the podium bearing his system's flag and looks out to the small audience of news cameras. An honour guard of Nekos flanked the hidden object, seeming to be a planetary militia of some kind. A couple of other Star Army officers stood nearby, most notably Shosho Chinchu Rhikiya. The Senator began, taking his position and flipping open a file upon the podium. "Good morning everyone, I trust the journey wasn't too far for anyone." A smattering of chuckles swept through those assembled. The...
YSS Tokyo - 1XF Jun System The First Expeditionary Fleet under the command of Taisho Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano was given the task to reclaim the Jun System as part of an ongoing effort to liberate systems lost during the Kuvexian War. The YSS Tokyo, and the rest of the Tokyo Expeditionary Group, arrived in the system several months ago to find clusters of remaining hold out forces which have now been eliminated. Unfortunately, the cities of the once colonized system lay ruin in the aftermath of Kuvexian occupation which will create a difficult obstacle for any of the 50,000 residents that were evacuated before the system fell in YE 42. Many of the system's Resource Collection Facilities which were originally built by the SMX, were...
Tatiana, Inuyama City "The Kuvexian War was a trying ordeal with the Yamatai Star Empire and our allies. For the first time, we battled a foe from distant space that wished to impose their will against all who did not fall into line. Only by coming together as a sector did we defeat and crush these invaders. We honor the lives of those that paid the ultimate price to secure our ability to continue to live the way each of our nations wish to live. Even as they are defeated, the Kuvexians and their allies are still a nuisance to those living within the frontiers of the sector. It is the belief of Ryu-Mizumitsu Yuki that only with the continued cooperation forged in war can we hope to discover future threats before they come to us. But...
The camera displays a fairly attractive middle aged man sitting at a desk in a TV studio, he pauses for a moment before beginning to speak. “Welcome to CBN! Today's top story concerns the new Sentient Rights bill, which was passed today by the Council of Six in a unanimous decision after nearly a month of heated debate concerning the subject. Councilman Aglatine appeared on nationwide television today to announce the decision. Let’s see that footage now.” The camera changes to show a view of the outside of the Capitol building in Obsidian City. It then cuts to a close-up of a stage outside the building, and a well dressed but otherwise unassuming man. The man clears his throat for a moment before stepping up to the microphone. “Ladies...
Yamatai, Ternifac In a small ceremony in the central business district of Ternifac, the Toyotomi Training Institute (TTI) announced it was officially open for business. A transition training facility, the main focus of the TTI is the integration of former slaves found outside of the Yamatai Star Empire and teach them to fully integrate in a freer society of choice. TTI wishes to accomplish this with a combination of formal classes and internships with corporations willing to accept non-Yamataian residents into their fold. "I wish to work with young children due to my experience with my previous employer's children." said Zyna, one of 8 Helashios that currently make up the student body. "When ever I see younglings and children, I just...