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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
The reporter speaking to thousands of millions of viewers within the Kikyō Sector adjusted his body as he picked up the datapad near his previously resting hands. Decorated austerely with deep orange and navy blues, the newsroom housed two beauifully presented people; a man with a lithe physique and sleek white hair atop his youthful face was next to a pastel pink haired woman with somber, piercing eyes. "In financial news today, Psychopomp's stock has been in freefall since a series of attacks destroyed much of their infrastructure. While an offical statement has not been released, PsychoPomp has still been persuing an aggressive strategy. Seemingly intending to take a part of the growing PMC and Private Colonization market, they have...
Incident At Vordachibea and the Hyulughflar Massacre
Core Nepleslia, Nepleslian Space "Good evening everyone. We're bringing you this emergency broadcast to alert everyone to an outbreak that occurred. Multiple ships reacted en force, so I cannot help but assure all of you that the situation is... probably under control." "An excursion was made today by a group of morons rookies who hadn't learned much in school, it seems. This group or mercenaries, who have no survivors to even provide a proper name, had slipped through the blockade of the planet Vordachibea. Those of you out there who know this system know the dangers of why this system has been under lock and key, protected and cordoned off by a detachment of the NSN." "It is believed, not confirmed, that these mercenaries had a...
Empyrean, Elysia Novus - Citing "growing concerns amongst [his] constituents" and a "moral obligation to bring the heathen responsible for slaughtering one of the Lord's heavenly children to justice," Senator Barachiel Valeria has placed a large bounty on Lazarus, the individual allegedly responsible for the murder of a Caelisolan female named Araxie Serai. The bounty, which has received widespread approval from the Elysian public, has nevertheless drawn heavy criticism from numerous Elysian senators, as such actions, according to Senatorial Legate Karael Malarch, "violate the spirit of several laws prohibiting the personal involvement of Senators in foreign affairs."
Empyrean, Elysia Novus - For what is now the fourth year in a row, the Elysian Senate has failed to agree on a government budget for the upcoming fiscal year. This, according to our lead economic analyst Valdia Kiyomori, "will have drastic consequences for the entire [Elysian] economy" because of its dependence on "government-directed spending" and, if not addressed by the end of this year, "may even lead to the devaluation of the Aureas."
Old (Furui) Tokyo- Previously, we reported in the planting of sunflowers by Taisa Kage Yaichiro planted sunflowers through Furui Tokyo to assist in radiation cleanup. Now that the first set of sunflowers has finished their life cycle, the second phase of cleanup has begun. Kage-Taisa has completed a simplified version of the Fabrication Areas of starships, the Fabrication Chamber, in a footprint which can fit in an SSCC-Medium and can thus be driven about on the back of a truck. Combined with the CAMIE M11 Construction Mecha provided by him, it is now possible to enter the damaged site safely and perform more comprehensive decontamination, processing both damaged components and radioactive matter into raw materials and components...