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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
It was the tail-end of a newly fascinating tale about two twin tailed teens living in Nepleslia's =argent&s[]=towers']top tier towers. It was an interesting experience for many viewers to find out more about relatable aspects of Nepleslian culture's upper crust. Soon, though, the season finale ended on a cliff-hanger that asked the audience the same question once again. "Who is Geshrin Girl, anyway?" After the short tag-line, a commercial played. With a splash of vocalization, the tunes of The Kyoto Project played across the scenery of a somewhat deserted hotel's verandah before the turning body of a red-headed Nekovalkyrja swayed through the foreground. "Li-li-living as a Neko-o-oooo,"came a lilting, soft voice. "Neko Sparkle,"...
An amateur recorded video has been going viral across both Yamataian and Nepleslian social networks in the past few weeks, achieving a record number of views within mere days. The recording depicts a pair of large, yellow insectoids: Diplomatic representatives of the obscure species known as the I'ee. While accompanying a Yamataian official to a private meeting, one of the large, wasp-like beings appeared to become enamoured with a particularly large, potted ficus, which she embraced while squeaking profusely. The Yamataian official was visibly confused and uncomfortable throughout the display, repeatedly requesting the I'ee to leave the ficus alone while attempting to disperse the growing crowd watching the spectacle. When asked to...
Nepleslia A short intro sequence began, and consisted of explosions, monster starship impacts and extreme speeds, and a bullet shredding through space on fire. After the intro, the viewer would see the familiar and beautifully chiseled face of a Nepleslian woman they knew all too well as one of the newscasters for NNN. The gruff and tumble hulk of a woman behind the desk of the studio of the news network spoke out after a husky cough. "Tonight, we have a showstopper! Skeet season is approaching. Get your clay, get your butt spray, and get your shotguns!! This year is the first year that the drones will be flying high over Funky City's clouds at the top of one of Argent Towers. The stadium is set and waiting, are you ready? Cock and...
YE 39, 25 Kugatsu, 16:00 Front steps, Imperial Palace Yuumi stood at the crimson podium and surveyed the crowd of cameras and journalists, staffers and officials, foreigners and citizens. She could see the shadow of the palace cast over the courtyard before it, and imagined the brilliant colors in the sky. She was glad for the artificial lights contrasting the podium and nearby space with the darkened palace. Wearing her best navy blue suit and crisp white blouse, her red eyes carried a stillness that came from a lot of hours running a government and Empire the Star Army often couldn't afford to help. In peacetime -- something Yuumi wasn't sure Yamatai even could imagine, let alone know -- it'd be expected that the Star Army could...
Planet Yamatai Embassy Park Center Compound Conference Room There was a din of conversation in the largest of the dozens of conference rooms of Reikan Park's center compound. The chatter was amongst a group of people so large that those with gravity manipulation took places up in the air on the flanks and to the back of the crowd, finding their seats to low to catch a glimpse of what would likely soon be proceedings to the front of the conference room. It gave the appearance to Sachiko, who stood near a small inlet in the rosewood room that was sequestered away from the public view by frosty blue one-way glass, of an amphitheater instead of a conference room. Her opalescent eyes went slowly to the ceiling as she took a small breath...