• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.


News and updates about the site and the Star Army Community (OOC)

2022: Year In Review


Star Army had amazing roleplaying in 2022!
  • 34 Open RPs, including the popular Arrival of the Norians: Operation Fireplace!
  • Too many RP posts and threads for me to count, lol
  • Over 1000 forum posts a month!
Wiki and Lore

Star Army expanded its universe and improved the overall quality of the wiki, approving at least 140 articles. Only 2 submissions were rejected in 2022.
  1. Kakushi Nekoba (Hidden Neko den)
  2. Chōuryū...

Important Privacy Note - "Real Name" Field on the Wiki

Hey Star Army!

I wanted to address an important privacy issue that has turned up a couple times. When you register a wiki account on Star Army there's an option for your display name that's called Real Name, which is the default language that the software uses for that field. The Real Name field is used mainly for credit and copyright ownership purposes (as in who does this work belong to).

Because a lot of people are uncomfortable putting their real name out there, yet have put it in that...

Minor Outage for Push Notifications

So, our webserver decided to do a PHP update I requested ages ago during the datacenter outage as part of troubleshooting it, which was not implemented due to the outage. Why today? No idea. But I need to reinstall the gmp extension due to this. Not a huge deal but it is stopping push notifications until I can fix and I need to be home to do it. So you may see push related errors for like the next 4-5 hours.

Player Spotlight - Locked_0ut

Hi Star Army!

Every month (okay, let's be real, every so often haha), we highlight a member of the Star Army community who's making a positive impact. For the month of September, I want to honor @Locked_Out for really setting a great example. I met him at Dragon Con and we had a great talk about the Star Army and he was interested so after the con he joined up!

I was very impressed by how fast Locke was able to immediately join in a plot with an interesting, well-written character and I've...