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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

In relation to your first point what i meant was that it has been stated several times that Crash had sneaked aboard the ship sometime in the past which would mean that he is still a foreign program to the ships computer and if the ship was able to detect hackers it would have picked him up until he rewrote the code to trick the computer/security program that he was part of the ship as well which means that there is absolutely no way that Sienna didnt know there was someone else on board that wasnt supposed to be there as Crash would have been detected hacking the ships computer and knowing Sienna she would have searched the ship top to bottom to find out who or what was hacking her ship in the middle of space when it was supposed to be only the three of them in the ship.

I think I haven't been clear in my last two posts, even though I said this twice already. Ergo, I'm gonna try to be abundantly clear and direct here and point it out for the third time:

He is the computer.

This is a stated fact, as opposed to an assumption, which is when you say:

The range of his search would be (if acceptable to you)15- 20 feet ignoring visual barriers but can't tell what they are only that they are there. Further time to examine the units would be needed to tell what they are which he won't get without private time (sleep time/toilet/relaxing ect.)

So, what you are assuming here is that, even though your character doesn't possess the skills necessary to do so, it's fair and square that he suddenly can magically detect every single device and synthetic beings in the ship, and after some examination he discerns what they are, like an expert? Cool.

Lastly my very first paragraph was the assumptions that i was speaking about.

NightWolfe, first of all, please don't tell me what my own character would or would not have done. I give the same respect to all players here regarding their PCs, regardless of how insignificant an assumption might be.

Second of all, the "assumptions" you're referring to from previous posts were all cleared behind the scenes between myself and the other players in the plot. Anytime Yoshi wanted to do something with Crash, he either asked me directly in the IRC or sent me a PM outlining what he wanted to do, and asked if it was something viable. If my decision wasn't logical to them, they were free to present an argument as to why not, but at the end of the day, they understood that I as the GM have the final say. Nothing has been posted in this plot that was not cleared with affected players or the GM if it was in any way necessary, and that is the way it will remain.

I truly have no desire to say this, and I've been trying to be very reasonable so far. But as is the case with any other plot on Star Army, the GM has the last word in any conflict, and my last word here remains unchanged. You are free to disagree with my reasoning, and are welcome to appeal any decision made directly to me. But if you cannot change my mind after one appeal, then repeated attempts to do so will only become a nuisance. Accept the decision and move on with the game.

Also, from an in-character perspective, Vel's behavior thus far in the RP has not been particularly conducive to fostering a positive image in the eyes of the ship's crew. If this was your intention, then that's perfectly fine; don't think I'm telling you how to RP your character. However, part of roleplaying is accepting the in-world consequences of your character's actions. For instance, you cannot reasonably expect a peasant character in any well-written book or screenplay to waltz into a royal audience chamber, throw a plateful of rotten meat at the ruling queen, and not expect to be caught, beaten, imprisoned, and likely executed, depending on local laws, no matter how in-character such an action might be.

I'm going to (politely) ask that you drop this matter and accept the decision I have made, so that we can move on with the game. I ask that you respect your fellow players as well as your GM, and remember that the reason we are here is to enjoy ourselves. Forum roleplay is not a competitive sport, it's a collaborative activity, and it's only enjoyable when everyone involved is working towards the same goal.
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First of all, I was not trying to tell you what you would or would not do i was stating my observation of her behavior and what i would thought she would do given that observation.

Secondly, i am not trying to repeatedly make an appeal of your decision i am trying to understand things which have not been explained completely or properly or that i am just not understanding about how things in the setting of the RP work and how to handle some things in an OOC situation such as when to discuss if something is possible or how it would work. Now if im going about it in the wrong way please tell me and i will go which ever way i need to so that i can understand what i need to understand in the RP.

Finally, I am willing to accept the consequences of my characters actions and your decision on the matter but to work well with everyone i need to know the pieces instead of just getting a scrap here and there as we go along because that is just going to cause more problems the longer this goes on.
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What you think Sienna would do is not necessarily in line with what she *would* do. In fact, if she surprises you from time to time, that means I'm successfully roleplaying the character I created. I intentionally wrote her in such a way that she's supposed to be a bit unpredictable without being completely erratic. I leave out a lot of what goes on in Sienna's head on purpose. I don't want the player base to always know what she's thinking or planning. That's part of the fun in this plot. :) However, if it ever becomes a burden or a bother to the majority of the players, I will gladly adjust what I divulge and what I do not.

If you are ever unclear on the way something works, then by all means, please ask. I want to help, and I'm sure the other players in this RP want to do so as well, because not only does it help a fellow player, but it improves their own RP experience when everyone understands what's going on and is working within the same IC environment. The problem, I think, is that the way you are presenting yourself makes it seem like you're upset that things aren't going your way. I apologize if that isn't your intent, but because of the nature of text-based communication, those sorts of misunderstandings are very easy. The words you say (or in this case, type) are heavily influenced by your tone of voice, body language, facial expression, and so on. Because none of those things are conveyed on a forum post, it's very, very important that you choose your phrasing very carefully so as not to send the wrong message.

I'm not telling you this to pick a fight or to be cruel; I want you to know that we are all trying very hard to accommodate you. However, you have to be willing to work with us just as much, or this isn't going to work. As I said, we are here to enjoy ourselves and have fun. We are writing a collaborative story here, not pitting characters against one another, nor is anyone keeping score. While it's fun to be the central character and/or the hero in a plot once in a while (and if I'm doing my job right as the GM, Vel will have his spectacular moments), not everyone in the story is going to be totally in control every single moment, nor is everything always going to work out the way you'd necessarily prefer it to. That's the fun of playing these games with other people.

[Floodwaters puts on her MEAN face]

As a final note in response to your final sentence, NightWolfe (which I have deleted), as well as to ALL players here, I will not tolerate hostility between players in my plot. If you have a problem with something another player is doing, you are perfectly capable of working it out like adults. Any refutation you give to another player's actions will be phrased in such a way that the specific issue you have is addressed specifically and in a mature manner, WITHOUT resorting to sarcasm, name-calling, or antagonistic wording. This thread, and any other under my control, will not be permitted to devolve into a flame war. I will not hesitate to remove any player from this plot who cannot treat their fellow players with the respect they deserve.

Consider this your one and only warning.

[/Stern scolding]

Now, if there are any other things that need to be cleared up, please ask me in the IRC or via PM. I am more than happy to set the record straight on anything else that needs to be explained, as long as it is not an attempt to change my mind on the current topic at hand. This goes for now as well as for any point in the future when you are confused or unclear on something that is going on.

However, if everyone has the information that they need, then we can let this matter drop and continue on with this story happily enjoying the experience for what it is.
The plot's wiki page as well as the article for the Concordia Veil have been updated!

If anyone sees anything I possibly overlooked, please let me know so I can get that information on there. As such, it may be beneficial for all players invovled to have a look at their own character's wiki article and make any necessary updates. I also know that several of you are talented artists, so I would absolutely LOVE to see some artwork for your characters, even if it's just a sketch!
@Riko, if you could give me a list of the medical items that Six Four brought with her, I can update the ship's page to reflect what's in the makeshift medbay.
Reading through Six Four gave the plasma torch to Oreza, it currently has had a large kitchen knife
@Yoerik : First, I might not have been very clear when I PMed you earlier this week, so I'll take the blame for you posting prematurely. :p

I took the liberty of correcting a few grammatical errors in your post, as well as some discrepancies in the setup we discussed some time ago. A human couldn't possibly survive for six days without food or water, so that number (and the supplies topic) has been edited as well.

Also, be sure to put any OOC material in this thread, not in the RP thread!

Yoerik said:
[[OOC:Hey guys and girls(no sexism here now hey:D), so this is my first post. With your permission, I'm looking forward to long adventures with you, and I'm very excited about this plot]]

Anyway, welcome to The Fringe. I'll ask you to sit tight for just a little bit longer until one of the teams makes it to you, but it isn't far off, so don't fret. :)
I understand, madam. Just to exiting, really. I will just hang in there a little longer.

Anyway, hello guys and girls. I'm Yoerik, I'm from Holland(that's in Europe). And from now on I guess I will be roleplaying as Dylan Bjarkmar. Any questions about the character, go to the page.
@Yoerik - holding your breath in a vacuum is a bad idea. The pressure differential between the vacuum outside your body and the air pressure inside your expanded lungs would permanently damage your chest cavity, respiratory system, and possibly your inner ears as well. ;)


As for the rest of Dylan's suggested plan, just FYI, that sounds pretty risky. The isolation chamber in question isn't built to function like an airlock or as an air pump, and the medbay is running on minimal emergency backup power. There is no guarantee that there is enough power remaining to operate the isolation chamber, or to return air to the room once it's opened. And that's assuming that Oreza and Six Four don't have to force the door.
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Perhaps, we could pressurize the isolation chamber. Then, when Dylan's inside there, Oreza and Six Four can enter. Actually, there's a medicine called hydrochlorothiazide which can stop certain body functions for a limited amount of time, which can give Dylan time to escape.

I don't know any other solution, perhaps someone knows a good idea to get poor Dylan out of there?
Again, the isolation chamber isn't built to function like an airlock. It lacks the double doors that would be necessary to prevent the air left inside from venting out once they're opened.

The medicine you suggested is a viable solution, and while it's still risky, it's infinitely better than holding your breath. ;)

Remember that there is also a de-powered space suit (not a Dusk Suit) inside that room. It would not provide ideal protection, but it would offer anywhere from a few mintues to a half an hour of survivability, enough time to get him aboard the Veil. That is, assuming the away team can make it back to the ship and the captain will let them in... *wicked grin*
I apologize for my lack of posting this week if yoj didn't know I'm in Alabama till Sunday then Georgia (the state not the country) till wendsday when. I start to journey back home. I will try to get a post up later tonight .aye if I don't get my butt whuped at round 1 of hockey tryouts today.

There is another goalie here with the name of I. Chernov, outlook looks grim.