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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Oh man, we're on the knife's edge of getting everyone together at last, and I'm getting nervous. I should be able to get the majority of us in next round, but it's those that won't that I worry about. Come to it though, I'll have to go forward and get as many people in ASAP. It's not something I like though, since it feels like others are being left out.
@Centurion0507 , @ShotJon , @Syaoran

Sorry for the delay guys - internet's down right now. I'll likely get it back Saturday, but won't know for sure until then.

@Warriorx1 , @Compouds117 , @Rizzo , @viralyte

I've made an opening for your characters to come charging into the fight - right now, you're all equipped with Hostiles, the HPAR and some Arrow mini-missiles. It's just a basic loadout, with nothing fancy. As it stands, the environment is dark due to the reactor being turned off. Despite the dim backup lights, you're all resorting to night vision gear in your suits. The ship's interior is a lot like NMX - stereotypical sci-fi - but has been overgrown with organic flesh to the point that it's almost like the ship is sick. Think of the Necromorphs and what they did to environments they lived in. Every step is wet and squishy.
Ok, guys. For our entry were going to have an NPC sergeant leading the team. When we enter we'll be lined up like a firing squad so just tear into as many enemies as possible. There will be four(4) NPCs total with our characters so if one of us needs a hand you can write that the guy behind or next to you bailed you out.

Reason we're here is as follows, the IPG/Marine program lost funding due to issues with jurisdiction of troops. The NPCs accompanying us were in the same boats or those who were IPG trained, we have advanced training. Use it. I'll introduce us to the scene but after that its your thing. Just stick together and do the basics. Get your posts ready too. The intro will be different from my character post.
I knew I forgot something. Right now, Rizzo is Co-GM since he expressed interest in picking up 4th Fleet earlier guys, mainly to see how he likes it.
Okay, that cool. Means we have more guns we can throw down, and with Nepleslia more guns means more fun. :3
I think we need taller characters because I think this whole shorter than 7'6 thing is discrimination. Where are the big ID-SOLs when you need them?
Delmar is Half-SOL. He's also a martial artist. I hope he finds himself in a position to tie some tenticals in knots.
I would love to see that happen. ID-SOLs can get pretty big but I kinda feel like I went over what most people would of choosen at 7'11.
You guys do bring up a good point - there's a lot of things I want to work on, including updating a lot of Nepleslia's articles. The Hostile included of course. Considering that we once used ID-SOLs in bulk, it doesn't make sense that many of them wouldn't even fit in it. Especially since the Aggressor, which is guaranteed to fit them, isn't always as mission-capable as it should be due to its size. One of the updates to the Hostile I wanted to do was to describe it's 'standard' height, and what happened if an 'oversized' pilot got in.

I imagined that the suit's plates slid over one another and joints became less guarded to make room to some degree, with the largest ID-SOL wearing this heavy PA like it was a Medium or even Light model. In other words, the ID-SOL would be more nimble in the things at the cost of having their joints be more exposed than normal. That's just how I envisioned/interpreted it, and even if I did change the Hostile to reflect this, I'd still go about seeking the opinion on this from other Nepleslian players, not to mention sending it through the Approval process.

Seriously though, I like the image of a Bull rushing through a China Shop, and NOT knocking everything over.
Ok guys, it's that time of the year again - plot audits. To those of you who are new, it's basically our way of figuring out how things are going in the plots. You guys just need to answer a few questions, and I'll be the one to fill out all the hard paperwork. So no worries! Just PM it to me, or post it here - either way, I'll read them all.

1) How do you all feel about the 'direction' of the plot? That is, the way its story is heading in?

2) Are the themes of the plot - reoccuring ideas or motifs - appetizing to you?

3) Do you feel your character is ever left out?

4) Is there anything I can do to keep the plot fun and enjoyable?

5) Is the pace too fast, too slow or just right?

6) Do you have any questions for me at all?

7) Enjoy the treat below, courtesy of Kokuten!


Meanwhile in Nyamatai, a certain Apathetic Neko has held her own plot audit.