Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

not really the entire ship, more like just that area of the ship. I went to three years of a residential electrical course. With a ship as advanced as ours there's bound to be a circuit breaker somewhere that will isolate each component. This gives better chances at surviving combat with another ship, especially when they're using any weapon that gives off electromagnetic radiation. unlike batteries capacitors are not designed to store power for long term application. A capacitor typically only releases its charge when it has reached maximum capacity and when it releases its electricity it does so quickly. It is better suited for high energy systems like energy weapons.

in conclusion all you have to do is isolate the circuit you are working on with the circuit breaker that should be close to your work area and then proceed with the repair. Be sure not to wear any nylon clothing or steel toed boots... You'll thank me later
not really the entire ship, more like just that area of the ship. I went to three years of a residential electrical course. With a ship as advanced as ours there's bound to be a circuit breaker somewhere that will isolate each component. This gives better chances at surviving combat with another ship, especially when they're using any weapon that gives off electromagnetic radiation. unlike batteries capacitors are not designed to store power for long term application. A capacitor typically only releases its charge when it has reached maximum capacity and when it releases its electricity it does so quickly. It is better suited for high energy systems like energy weapons.

in conclusion all you have to do is isolate the circuit you are working on with the circuit breaker that should be close to your work area and then proceed with the repair. Be sure not to wear any nylon clothing or steel toed boots... You'll thank me later
Why thank ya kindly sir!
Hey, in order to work with the capacitors, we'd have to cut off all electronics onboard the ship, right? Seems pretty common sense, but I wanted to make sure in order to be technically correct.
I think this has pretty much been done already, at least partially, and it's why we had to land on the planet and why Hanako had Balckberry set up the emergency portable generators to the ship's ventral anti-gravity projectors.
I dunno if Hanako was okay with Umeshu's suggestion, it was mostly to keep everyone busy as we waited for the other half to get back... of course, she can always run around herself with the NPCs only (Lime, Mango, Cherry, Victory) and do that, if the active shipside players have other plans.
If possible, could I get a post from everyone that hasn't posted since my last one? You don't necessarily have to contribute to the plan Hanako's requesting, but I would like some activity so we maintain momentum.

Also, I feel like there's something obvious that no one has suggested yet.
...well, my money is on the science team was eaten alive. :eek:

Also the logo of the ship seems to bear some resemblance to Misshu colors (red and yellow stripes). I suppose the Rixxikor's infestation could be aided and abetted by them as a form of hidden proxy war to drain Yamatai's resources...
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Personnel updates:
  1. I really like Rattenkind, but he hasn't posted posted in over a month (last IC post Nov 14) so I'm thinking he's gone inactive.
  2. Zain Snowpaw has also gone inactive. He hasn't posted this month (last IC post Nov 27)
So I will be removing them from the crew's roster soon.

Further updates may come.

And in good news, tomorrow is the plot's 7th Anniversary!

Rattenkind likes to be liked.

I'm very sorry for my unannounced absence. I had quite some things going on in RL, a new job, a new home, the latter, unfotunately, still without any decent internet connection. Therefore SARP has been a little low on my list of priorities, I'm afraid. Still I should have left at least some note.:oops:

I may actively return to SARP within the next few days or I may not. I'm not sure yet. My RL is still so messed up right now. On the other hand forum RP is something that I can do even with the stone-age internet that I have now. :rolleyes:

We'll see. Anyways... Rattenkind's still alive.

It's been done before. Just don't advance the plot or scene before everyone has had a chance to post and your okay. Occasionally when two writers are expecting extended dialog they'll do a joint post.
May help.:)
Welcome back, Rattenkind. We would love to have you, but make sure you have all your IRL priorities in order first...

@Blizzard I set you up for a nice follow-on post, so take a stab at it. :)
Well we're in the shuttle heading back to the Eucharis on that planet, now. But it sounds like we might either be turning away to look for that crashed ship or dropping some people off and heading back out.
I finally got around bringing myself up to date and I'd really love to join in again.
Sigurd's longer absence might be explained by more severe internal injuries due to decompression from the last mission and since he is a mere human not a neko or something he might have been in longer medical treatment on Hanako's world thus not joining on the new mission when it started.
But he might gotten transport now aboard Vesper to get back to his post on Eucharis. So if @Wes agrees, I'd introduce Sigurd once again into the story.
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