Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

That sounds like an excellent idea to explain the absence and the return, and I think having a qualified scientist aboard would help us with the next leg of the mission.
Sigurd is too. Nervous about it I mean. And the last time he only talked to the Rixxikor because he was ordered to by Hanako in order to save Samael. Sigurd actually would have preferred frying them including Samael, who, in Sigurds eyes, endangered himself and the ship out of own stupidity. But orders were orders...
This does not surprise me. Do we keep Sam around because we need the trope "harem anime" guy character whose brains are too often in his pants? :rolleyes:
I can never tell. To be honest, when I was younger and did a bunch of one-line-post rps, Sam's behavior and dialogue reminds me of the skewed image of love and flirting me and my fellow players had. If the purpose is to make an over the top flirt, kudos, but either way it kinda gives me a creepy vibe. o_O
I can sympathsize. I often seemed to get caught up in that, too, only I was always tyig to tactfully dodge it. Sam is lucky Umeshu is a nice girl overall, if I was Hoshitomo (now XO of the Heartbreaker) he would be in a world of hurt. I actually was infamous because I caused a frendly fire incidwnt by disharging an NSP stun shot on Shin Nekki of the YSS Senbu when he got creepy ecchi on me!
This does not surprise me. Do we keep Sam around because we need the trope "harem anime" guy character whose brains are too often in his pants? :rolleyes:
Who knows, maybe we will fight the nudist amazons he's dreaming about some day and then we will sic him on them and just scare the crap out of them... :eek:
Sorry for any delays in my postings, but I have been busy preparing my wife for bariatric surgery this morning. I will be checking periodically but can't post anything for at least a day or two.
Just a quick question, but is it possible to research ICly that the Rixxikor like acidic fruits a lot or is that unknown still? I was thinking we could offer them some tantalizing foods and may perhaps encounter their grapefruit obsession accidentally.
How would your character get that knowledge?
I think the last mission of the Eucharis was the first one to encounter the Rixxikor and we didn't gather much intel there. I think not even their incredible recreation rate should be known yet. At least not for a fact.
I think the last mission of the Eucharis was the first one to encounter the Rixxikor and we didn't gather much intel there. I think not even their incredible recreation rate should be known yet. At least not for a fact.
Okay, I was just confirming that there is a solid separation between wiki knowledge and the In Character discovery of that actual knowledge taking place now.

However, I was thinking that since Umeshu does know that there were farmers present, then offering them a variety of produce would be smart to try and see what takes. Since Hanako's wardroom has some cool food around, and people generally like sweet stuff, maybe one of those things would be a nice Grapefruit and they would be all "yummy yummy we love you" :D

Alternatively, she could always offer some of her own stash of plum wine and attempt to intoxicated them with sweetness, lol.
I suggest Umeshu conducts sort a pre-mission briefing for our little diplomatic party. Sigurd would certainly share the little expertise he already acquired there. ;)
Normally, offering food to a group wouldn't be much use when you just killed hundreds of their people. However, this is the Rixxikor, so this may show how little they value life and how much they value food. Hehe.
Normally, offering food to a group wouldn't be much use when you just killed hundreds of their people. However, this is the Rixxikor, so this may show how little they value life and how much they value food. Hehe.

And yes going to do a briefing post when I m home tonight at my computer. ( Wife is doing well and out of surgery now)