Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [LSDF Akahar] OOC Thread

Hmm, since there is the single entrance bottleneck, is it possible for Aran'ya to go into the room via using the cieling instead of the floor (which is occupied by Glacier/Bes'Linn/Gough/Ny'za)? Do it over their heads spider-style for a moment and get Jiji out from the terminal side by grabbing her from above? She is small and light so probably should work... although wondering if the grates there got superheated by Silva fire, and if this would impede such a plan.
@paladinrpg I do believe that Ny'za pulled Jiji away before the door open mechanism was triggered, so the door isn't actually opening.

@Syaoran can you confirm this?

Edit: Ignore me.
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Just wanted to let every one of the plots I am currently in that I apologize in advance for the huge drop in my activity levels recently, but I have just started a full-time seasonal position doing landscaping at the local cemetery and it is really killing my energy adjusting to the demands of the new position and my other evening job as a doorman. I will do my best to make posting deadlines, but the writing quality will have to suffer a bit unfortunately... Thanks for your understanding. :)
You've been pretty on-point here, so don't sweat it, you know? Just uh. . . Try not to get eaten by Merril OR zombies at your cemetery.
Yeah, I don't think being a frontline soldier for the zombie invasion was in my job description... or was it? :eek:

As for Merril, I sure hope the fact she drooled on Widow means she likes her.
I hope I'm not being presumptious about tackling Keib into the pod, but this strikes me as one of those moments where the genius shuts down mentally and gets his head lopped off in the next moment.
At this rate we're going to need to build a Gordon Freeman style Hazard Suit for you.
While that would be cool, I'm no stranger to handling stuff like this. You should see some of the chemicals we used in corrosion control & painting in the USAF. Now that was like cancer in a can!

I'll be fine, as long as I don't get a call from a place called "Umbrella Corp"... :p
Brownie points, huh? Are they fudgey or cakelike brownie points?

But yeah, that lavos scream? I've been saving it since Merril first lost it.
Brownie points, huh? Are they fudgey or cakelike brownie points?

But yeah, that lavos scream? I've been saving it since Merril first lost it.
Oh you get the most fudgiest ones ever... ;) I used to play a CT based IRCRP long ago and you made me all nostalgic.
Juts wanted to mention that regardless if Keib does or does not listen to the ladies who love him, I do have a plan of action to assist our survival chances. Tell me if this is OK:

While Widow had that downtime on the bridge where I was doing the surgery on the injured crew, I was going to assume that she toook the time to program some nanomachine shots to the "reset" type, the one that repairs damage to DNA and RNA that could occur or is actively occuring. Then this was custom mixed with the type that eliminates toxins from the body. The thinking here would have been that this in some way could slow down or stymie the Structol infection if the crew came into contact with it. It would also facilitate our easier regeneration in the case of our demise. These should all be in her medical bag and go into the WIND suit injection port like I did with Bes'linn earlier.

Also in the Emergency Responder Kit there is a Nutrient Supply Pack variant that has a five day radiation dose in it. I figure Aran'ya could do her best to split up the 2 bags amongst the members and adjust drip speed to maximum so they basically get a day's worth in a very short time period. This should work synergistically with Aiesu's pills. Keib will be the first one who gets it too, especially if he keeps smoking and pisses her off!

Alternatively, Aran'ya also has that latrotoxin syringe at 10x or more natural dosage level that can act as a lethal injection to a Lorath at that strength... but let's not get suicidal just yet. ;)
Just a note, Eistheid, you can mod your post if you want to accept Aran'ya's offer of the nanomachine injection to reinforce your DNA. or assume it happened. Either way. :)
I think from here on in, there'll be less philosophy and thinking about how to attack with your frame, and attacking with your frame. Some of the posts I'm getting are the size of novellas - but what the character did with their frame was just a couple of sentences! It makes it hard for me to figure out what I have to work with for the next post!

So please, less is more, and we've already discussed the philosophies that be!
I agree with Luca here... I'm a little confused, too, with the space battle portion.

Oh and the post I just threw up for Aran'ya is probably my last one from here on out...
I've realised I'm not very good with tying things up for an ending. I don't think everything was there in my last post, but do play along.