Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Oh, and dibs on the YSS Asamoya once you guys move to the Himiko! I want to use it for a YSS Miharu exhibit in the Star Army Museum.
Attempting to determine that now. I think we're at a pretty good stopping point; maybe it just needs a closure statement.
@Nyton @Khasidel
Okay, so, do you have a plan of action to reconvene and put the finishing touches on this?

@Doshii Jun
Just a reminder: I'm not sure you'll have your St. Yukari thread finished by the time we become active again, so, I want you to make sure to at least build up a bullet-list skeleton of the things you mean to have had Yukari experience during that time.
Also, that training takes 20 weeks or so, right?
I figure that Yukari did not immediately go the moment she left the Asamoya as well.
And I remember that you had "Kari" participate - it looked like she was a full-fledged agent by then - in some other thread.
Given that, if she's re-involved in our roleplay (contact with Tom or whatever) how much times needs to have been covered in that span of time?

Because I figure that the IRC and the Xudathi treaty did not take quite as long, and I need to picture what the characters did in the meantime.
Yeah, we're done, there just needs a final line to wrap it up with a fade to black. Just waiting on Khas (sorry dude not trying shift wrath of pc eater onto you) to give his finish and we should be straight.
@Doshii Jun
Just a reminder: I'm not sure you'll have your St. Yukari thread finished by the time we become active again, so, I want you to make sure to at least build up a bullet-list skeleton of the things you mean to have had Yukari experience during that time.
Also, that training takes 20 weeks or so, right?
I figure that Yukari did not immediately go the moment she left the Asamoya as well.
And I remember that you had "Kari" participate - it looked like she was a full-fledged agent by then - in some other thread.
Given that, if she's re-involved in our roleplay (contact with Tom or whatever) how much times needs to have been covered in that span of time?

Because I figure that the IRC and the Xudathi treaty did not take quite as long, and I need to picture what the characters did in the meantime.
I won't finish St. Yukari by the time you need Yukari, no. We can pull her out early and she'll remain as she is, with her SPP status and partial training. I don't know how many weeks need to pass for what you're doing, but let me know and I'll adjust accordingly.
In OoC time, maybe you won't have time. But I've been thinking on it, and I'm feeling that it might be better to actually let a significant amount of IC time also pass. It seems to make more sense to reinvite people in for something happening later than try to stretch things out until then.

Asamoya probably returned to dock and the crew was dismissed as they returned to day-to-day stuff. Kotori has no leads on her enemies.

@Doshii Jun
So, for Yukari, she'd complete her SAINT training and do that thing you did with her as "Kari"
Kotori's likely back doing work with Yuumi, meaning they'd probably see each other at an appartment Reika rents. We could consider that when thread 2.x starts that reika's officer training was completed in that span of time too.
Nyton would probably go back home to Funky City to resume being an enterprising businessman. He has Reika for penpal now too.
Without being able to be with Yukari, Tom could either actually tag along Kotori as advisor/assistant/office clerk. "I'm a engineer, not a bureaucrat!"
Getting some alone time or training in the meantime is also possible - Kotori won't saddle Tom to be at her side more than he has to.
The Miharus won't have Tom work on their ships. That's near completion and they want to unveil that as a surprise (they're not telling, but it's kind of the elephant in the room when the topic crops up)
Okay, so, we've got 3 JP posts up.

The first is a Reika/Nyton one where they chat, flirt and do other shenanigans.

The second is close in timeframe, with Kotori dragging Tom downplanet with her - making him do the driving - and they try to snipe at each other with a degree of civility. Though they're supposed to take care of business downplanet, the JP doesn't cover that, just the trip over there.

The third is a training session, supposedly one of many, with Kotori tutoring Reika's fighting skills to better compete, especially in context of facing more rogue Ketsurui Samurai in the future.

I'm going to end thread 1.9 with a narrative blurb covering the things that happened, but that feels like a chore to roleplay. With that settled, I'll see to organizing the start of thread 2.x
During that break in time between threads while Nyton is home, one project he would be working on is anti-Umbral weaponry. Would there be any way to properly reflect development of such? I was planning on writing a short series of mini episodes with Nyton, his family, cybernetics, science, and business prat falls about the joys of paper work.
It's hard for me to say without really knowing what facet you want to broach.

I do know that Nimura is working on a few things, some that Nyton and Reika have actually discussed too.
  • Using nodal material (think Arethusa/NH-19) to fulfill the base function of a power armor insert on top of helping repair/generate weaponry;
  • Reliably deploy anti-phasing on a power armor-based unit, either to prevent changing phase states, unphase something, or harm that phased something, or deal with something phased inside a person;
  • Develop more reliable psionic signal controler measures against Umbral, especially seeding. What Nimura wants is the plans for that NIWS Signaler that was Kotori's predecessor, and pack some of its feature inside an helmet. Unfortunately, while documented, she hasn't found any plans for it
Yeah those were the same ideas I was thinking, some way to defeat the phasing abilities, a block to seeding and psionic dominance, weapons capable of poisoning or negating regeneration, nets or capture fields that allow for safe capture to better study. That stuff. Can he pen pal Hinoto?
Hinoto is the Clan Mistress. Nyton can send messages to her, but she's an administrator, not a developper.

Nimura's probably the one Nyton ought to penpal. She's the brutally pragmatic one after all. Does that remind you of anybody else? *cough**hack*Nyton*cough**cough*
True but I thought he'd need permission from Hino first. But yeah, Nimu would be the go to in the end. Protocol, yeah, not me mixing Hino and Nimu up.
Nimura: *chopping carrots* "Is he also going to ask Hinoto her permission to marry me?"
Haya: *peeling potatoes* "Well, it'd be cute!"
Nimura: *chops more carrots* "..."
Haya: *grins at her potato* "So is Nimu!"
Nimura: *stops chopping carrots and glares at Haya, knifeblade hovering as if she wonders if she ought to repurpose it and skewer someone else*
Haya: *lightly* "No you won't. I'm one of the few sisters you have that actually make sense."
Nimura: *grudgingly goes back to cutting carrots* "True."
Haya: *smiles and after a pause...* "Nimu Nimu."


Cho: "Who's the ninny that cut the carrots all different sizes from chunky to finely sliced?"
Nimura: *deathglare*
Cho: *blanches* "They're lovely carrots! Omnomnom!"