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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Well if the mountain rebels are mainly military and they have any noble hostages I guess Akemi would be down for helping with the Doomfort assuming they he learns of the operation. I know he's not a Vekimen I'm just putting that out there. I pretty much never RP anything besides Akemi.

Also, to clarify it for people Arccos wasn't saying they'd take everything/kill everyone. They'd first patrol/scout/whatever the area and fight/liberate people.

The big mess everyone up thing would happen later.
Well not /everyone/! That would be weird, and over powered. But yes, Ama has it right. Think of it as a Black Ops with Lizard soldiers.
Actually, strike the record, the word you're looking for for the plans to Doomfort is LZ. The plan is there. Aashi asked a few good questions about Uso's team's role and where various people would be.
I just realized Zack was calling Ametheliana a Mac user and not saying he himself was one.
I am not retracting my like of her post because even if she has horrible taste in computers I like her as a person and support her independent lifestyle choices deviant and degenerate though they may be.

Instead I will attempt to pray away her comprehensively and objectively wrong opinions despite not being religious and I call upon all of you with common sense and decency to join me in this endeavor.
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So I was going to use Corgan's Reavers in the Doomfort plot, which I thought Dumont was GMing. Has that changed?
I think that stays the same, this just happens as a lead up to it. I'm not Dumont but she said in the JP I watched her do with Edto that Arccos would invite the Vekimen to mountain patrols/activities but whatever was already planned would still happen as she said too much RP had been done to just have the baddies massacred by lizards and Arccos wants to take Lewis alive I believe so he can confess to causing the 2nd palace massacre. She said Cyrus was leading things I believe. I'd have to go back and check. So yeah, whoever was originally going to lead a big assault is still leading it.

I was only trying to say with my earlier post that hadn't changed.
I'm going to put Corgan on the Queen's Slave with Uso for the SP, if anyone wants to join him
If you are a GM or Co-GM and got asked to weigh in on a Vek and Aashi OOC discussion, consider it solved!

Zahen will kill/killed the 8 pregnant Vek and will continue to do so to all others that reject their birth control implants! It won't happen in front of Aashi or on her ship, and she won't be asked about it! She assumes Zahen will come to her about the women and when she doesn't bring the pregnant Vek, Aashi will assume the issue has become a non-issue! When she finds out, she will begrudgingly continue to work with Zahen on the PA and resort as that is in USO's best interest!

Are there implants that can suppress their sex drive so they don't want to have sex?
I noticed you mentioned slapping people in Voidwalker suits to make them appear like Spacers. I wasn't sure if PA would be a problem.
Mostly you can get away with using random whatever so long as it doesn't have standardised stuff on it, or some sort of mark of rank. Key rule is 'look like a weirdo'

Alex's mech should be fine since it's visibly been busted up and stapled back together, for instance.
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