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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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I forgot to note in the post but the rifle has the operational brace and visor along with the autoloader
I don't want to be that guy but when I asked Zack if it was safe to assume Uso had left some weapons on the ship he said "They probably only have zen arms SMGs and other small hand weapons. Uso intentionally didn't bring anything that could hurt power armor."

But whatevs. It's no biggy. That's why my mewser said he only saw baby stuff. I decided to write Akemi finding a plasma pistol as it was only PDR 3-4 and not 5 which would be the equivalent of 1 point of damage in the next damage category.

If Uso will trust him with it you could say he had arranged for there to be an Impulse for him too on the ship as that's what I asked Zack if I could say and he said it was fine as there were password protected Impulses lying around on the surface before they went up. Just throwing another option your way.
The tank-junkers are about 7ft tall / 9-10ft long, carbon fiber and boron mesh armor plating. Power armor weapons would be needed to punch through the frames, but personnel weapons would be okay against the eyes, joints, and exhausts. Speaking of eyes, they mostly only have forward-facing sensors, so you can sneak around them. They are slow and stupid, but can turn on a dime and climb like nobodies business.

Just informing some decisions. ;I
Ace, It is implied (but I guess not elaborated on well) that there is a wealth of targeting data that Vier is sharing with the group. Ace could ask for help finding things to shoot and I could have Vier respond as helpfully as possible.
Speaking of which, Would you mind PMing me the ~damage output of the spacer-suicide craft and such so I can respond with the drones taking the appropriate amount of damage?
Reeeee, after reading some of the Doc Hardbody and Arccos stuff I feel compelled to point out Akemi took no part in a big anti-Spacer war as he's only 4 or 5 years old and the genocide happened 8 years ago.

Just saying.
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Dumont and me have actually talked about being sick of mentioning the genocide. There are ideas in play to make them move on a little... But between them and the Yammies, it's never going to be, like, normal... Even if the war was over 8 years ago, the Star Army was basically still officially persecuting them until five months ago. Yamatai national pride could be construed as them still being 'in the right', which is why a Spacer who has finally gotten away from all that wouldn't tolerate it so easily. After all, this is one of the very few situations where they don't have to take it.

And, I mean, yeah, we both have nekos in other threads too! Sometimes better RP can even come from arguments, so long as we all remember that these are just characters, doing what those characters would do. ;I
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