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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Approved Submission Yamataian Calendar (YE system)


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Submission Type: Calendar
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=calendar:yamatai

Faction: Yamatai, Nepleslia
FM Approved Yet? Yes for Yamatai, Nepleslian parts need approval from @Gunhand4171
Faction requires art? Not for this type of submission

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: FINALLY, right?
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.

With that happily said, seeing Moonday makes me wistful and a little sad, but still happy because it's a good tribute.
Not that I'm in any way related to NTSE, but a few questions. Will this affect the pay scales and whatnot for service members? Would we actually start celebrating year-end traditions and move forward one year every 315 days, or for OOC reasons would year changes still coincide with January 1st? Does this function as a mini retcon for any previous mentions of Earth months/days found in the RP, and specifically with character finances since characters get paid monthly and I, as many players have, recorded 12 payments per year? Depending on the answers to these questions, would it make sense to embargo implementation of this system (1) to give players time to modify their character pages and (2) to make implementation simpler, conceptually?
In theory paychecks should be calculated based on IC stuff only, but I'm not going to penalize players by taking away the "extra" months from previous years. However, in future years of pay, we should use the IC years.

I had to go with 9 months because it was the only way to divide 315 days into "normal" size months and get whole numbers.

On the way home I was thinking how best to line this up with IRL years, and here's what I came up with: 2 IRL months per 1 YE month. So 1 IC year would be 18 months, or in other words, a year and a half. I think this would help with things like plots jumping immediately from spring to fall like mine just did! Most plots are SP these days and move at a much slower pace. If we decided to do it that way, we'd start on January 1st, 2017, for YE 39, and YE 40 would begin on July 1st, 2018. The only downside I see is that every other year, IC year-end holidays would not match IRL holidays.
Agreed on the FINALLY part, though it'll make old RPs that were stated to have taken place in October, November, or December (or 10th, 11th, 12th month, etc) seem a little funny.

Do you think you could explain what you explained above somehow on the article? I think it'd help with both legacy RP conversation and allow people to immediately grasp how to convert "real months" to Yamataian months. They might ask in the future.
Yeah. Let me get a little feedback on the year change before I put it on there though.
In theory paychecks should be calculated based on IC stuff only, but I'm not going to penalize players by taking away the "extra" months from previous years. However, in future years of pay, we should use the IC years.

What I mean by that is, currently annual pay is divided by 12 to get monthly pay, meaning that characters haven't been being paid extra, their pay is simply divided into 12 payments instead of 9 payments. My question was whether characters should be going back and reducing their payment into 9 segments instead of the 12, while then increasing the amount each payment to account for the smaller division.

I already know the answer to this question, but I'm going to ask anyways. Is there any way to put this into effect without retroactively applying it? It seems that would be the easiest method OOC, but I can't really think of an IC justification.
We can just say that the Star Army was using 12 non-monthly pay periods and switched to monthly ones. I will have to re-do the spreadsheets for the pay page so there won't be a major pay cut. I may change the numbers a bit to account for the difference in days (otherwise we'd have 365 days of pay for 315 days of work).
This is kind of a tangent, but aren't most members of the Star Army (millions of NPCs) canonically on the prestige system?

Also, are we just saying this will impact character aging going forward, or do we need to somehow recalculate our Yamataian ages?

EDIT: obviously, the YE is what it is. But characters are now "younger" than they were, in a sense.
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This is pretty nifty, but how does this affect us OOC exactly? You mentioned that it's 2 IRL months for 1 In-Character YE month? And Raz's comments regarding aging are also something I'm a little worried about too. This calendar is a good amount of days shorter than IRL years.
This is kind of a tangent, but aren't most members of the Star Army (millions of NPCs) canonically on the prestige system?

Also, are we just saying this will impact character aging going forward, or do we need to somehow recalculate our Yamataian ages?
I don't think it will have any IC effect on either of those. But it would affect things going forward. If we want, we could still stick to 1 year OOC = 1 year IC - the calendar submission isn't strictly related to how OOC and IC time line up. But I think we could use an OOC slowdown so each year has more RP time for things to happen in it.
This is pretty nifty, but how does this affect us OOC exactly? You mentioned that it's 2 IRL months for 1 In-Character YE month? And Raz's comments regarding aging are also something I'm a little worried about too. This calendar is a good amount of days shorter than IRL years.
It doesn't affect us OOCly, unless we also decide to change the OOC length of the IC year (which I'm proposing, but it's not part of the actual submission at this point). The submission clarifies the length and months of the IC year. The 315-day Yamataian year has been canon for at least a few years already.
I'm now tempted to ask how many hours long a Yamataian day is. If it's 28 hours long, then a 315 day year is actually slightly longer than a year on Earth, so no one would have to be worried about the effect on their characters' age (though it's only really a 'worry' for naturally-grown characters less than 20 years old... it would be a bit odd if a 17-year old Yamataian is the same age as a 14.5 year old Earth human, but Dr. Pan being 47 instead of 55 is just shrug-worthy.)

Does having more hours in the day sound like fun? I've heard it would be a dream come true, from a lot of people...
The article for planet Yamatai says it's a 24 hour day, and so I used that for the calendar submission too.
Hmm. Re-imagining character ages and age minimums based on this calendar a little bit might be a good idea, then. I was worried about making Sarena too old, for example, but now I'm worried about her being too young! ...I think that's the only character I have I'd want to change the number for, though, and I'd just be changing it to match the other PCs at ZHS.
Good point. I think I'll change the Star Army's minimum age to join (for humans) to 21 Yamataian Calendar years, which is about 18 in Earth years. Younger characters will of course be grandfathered (grandsonned?) in.

Edit: I've added a section on how IC and OOC time would line up. See: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=calendar:yamatai#proposed_syncronization_to_ooc_time

Edit 2: It's been pointed out that if you've been using Earth years for your character's age instead of Yamataian years, your character may be younger than you thought they were! If you have a problem with that, feel free to resubmit the character with the "corrected" age. I will allow all reasonable updates for this. I've also added this to the OOC notes on the page.

Edit 3: Here's what adjusted pay looks like @raz :

E1 Base Monthly Pay: 1250
E1 Base pay in a 12-month (~365-day) day year: 15,000 KS
E1 Pay per day is about 41 2/3 KS per day assuming 30-day months
Multiply by 35 for Yamataian months = 1458 1/3
Multiply by 9 month for Yamataian year = 13,125 KS

It looks smaller but it's the same pay per day. Yearly conversion rate is 0.875. Monthly conversion rate is 1.16666666
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Here's the corrected paycharts for the Yamataian year. Again, these give the same amount of money per day as the old ones.


I had never previously considered that pay varied per month since the monthly pay was the same, regardless of how many days were in the month. I think for simplicity's sake we should assume that, before implementation of this calendar, Earth day and Yamatai days are not 1:1, rather Earth years and Yamatai years have been 1:1. That way there would be no need to mess with the age of previously made characters. Everyone will just start aging faster OOCly than they have previously.