Star Army

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The Gunman
Hello everyone. I know that things are still rocky in Nepleslia's corner after the last time I tried to discuss the new CO-FM. I have been worried about upsetting certain groups in Nepleslia so I have been avoiding this issue for quite some time.

However, after some deliberation. I have decided to select @Ametheliana as my new CO-FM and successor for the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.

Her energy and passion that she has brought to the site has changed it for the better, and she has offered to help me bring Nepleslia into the golden age it was always meant to be. She will be a welcome member of the Nepleslian community and I hope you all welcome her with open arms. I am so proud to have her on my team and I only see good things for the faction as a whole.

For the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia!
I'm already working on a plot for the Nepleslians, thinking about articles that could do with updating and creating, and planning for the future of the Nepleslians as well as looking to the past to gain insight.

I hope for the best of Nepleslia, as I hope for the best for the site in general!
Look, I'm willing to work with this, but I find this odd. Sure, I think Ame would do fine as a CO-FM, but of Nepleslia? Correct me if I'm wrong, but has she ever touched Nepleslia before now? I think there are better options of CO-FMs out there, who have proven their loyalty to the faction by being in its plots for years.

No offense, Ame, but anyone from the last list of GMs would work just as well, partly due to their experience with the faction. (And no, I'm not saying that just because I was on that list) Not to mention the awkwardness of a FM of another faction being a CO-FM of another. Sure, you do that as well Gunhand, but this is one that effects me more and I'm just not sure this is the best option.

Again, I'm willing to give Ametheliana the benefit of the doubt, but I'd prefer someone who's active in a Nepleslian plot to be CO-FM. I get if you stick to your decision and I'll support it, but please...think about possible consequences of this.
I won't be John, for a very very long time. But we will cross that road when we get to it.

And I understand your concerns Acewing, but I stand by my decision and I will not change it. Amethiliana has proven how she can revive a faction (Notes how Iroma are now back on the main page) and has an extensive knowledge of the wiki (Notes NTSE Mod). She is exactly what we need as a COFM
Congratulations, @Ametheliana! Looks like Nepland has a great, forward-looking team behind it for the first time in a long time. Hope you two can kickstart the second biggest faction back to its former glory with the help of your great assembly of dedicated players!
What would happen if you left though, Gunhand? I thought someone could only be FM of one faction.
There's rules, such as with Nashoba for example, where you can be put as head of others. It'd likely involve Ame either freeing herself up or finding a replacement she approves of. So worst case scenario, she'd be able to run it and pick someone who she'd at least view as a good candidate.

Congratulations, @Ametheliana! Looks like Nepland has a great, forward-looking team behind it for the first time in a long time. Hope you two can kickstart the second biggest faction back to its former glory with the help of your great assembly of dedicated players!
Can't kickstart something that has been getting dragged back to life by the billhooks of my hype war-engine.

And she is going to be active in a plot in the future. So this should resolve most of the issues brought up. TBH, I think she's a good pick even without being in Nepleslia because she respects the wikis and the themes laid out for the factions she's involved with.

Edit: @Acewing13 - I also would like to point out that the consequences of picking someone who has an extremely good track record in terms of handling arguments and approvals/wikis are... none. Unless, of course, you're meaning to imply people will act out because of a Co-FM being selected. That's just silly :O

I mean... could just be me, but why does Co-FM matter? All of the dealings go through Gunhand and Ame is more or less just an adviser to him in terms of faction management. The only thing changing is he might smell a bit better because she'll make sure he's bathing for once.
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I have been chosen to deliver this message because of my record of blunt, honest dialogue on the website. Here is the message:

After some long thought and conference, the current standing GMs of Nepleslia elect to submit a vote of No Confidence in Gunhand as FM of Nepleslia.

This decision is nothing short of offensive after he's reviewed candidates like Cadet, Legix, and a bevy of others, some of whom are just as qualified as Ametheliana and all of whom are sincerely more experienced - Cadet is also an NSTE mod with a longer and more consistent track record. None of us can fathom why Ametheliana was in the running for this position. He did not consult any of his GMs, and didn't even bother to include her in the vote that he made earlier this year. Further, he has passed up every GM in his faction to settle on someone who has no experience writing Nepleslia, and although we've talked at length privately, although we've discussed various ways of coming to agreements, after conference we cannot avoid the opinion that this is the decision of someone inexperienced who may simply not understand what he's doing, or has done.

Therefore, it is my present understanding that Acewing, Cadetnewb, and Edto, the GMs of every front page Nepleslian plot, are united with me in this declaration of No Confidence. We demand that Gunhand immediately resign FMship. In solidarity, Arieg, one of the primary artists for ship artwork and a large mover and shaker in the fleet reorganization right alongside Legix, has stated that he will stop supplying Nepleslia with his DOGA artwork, and will no longer be supplying NPCs to Nepleslia for its upcoming war plot, as a result of this decision. Further, we have conferred with the majority of our players, such that can be conferred with on short notice, and have received a majority consensus on this unfortunate course of action.

This is, as I understand it, more than just a controlling share of Nepleslia - we constitute the core of its current roleplaying community, and at present, we are uniform in our mistrust of Ametheliana and do not wish to be led, as a faction, by her. The political deafness that this decision displays is, similarly, of extreme concern, and has led us to this agreement and course of action. Frankly, this surprises me; I have not seen this sort of coup in years. But, there it is.

I apologize to Ametheliana for this, as I'm sure that she had no idea she would be walking into an immediate response such as this. However, having discussed this communally with the other GMs, we've unfortunately decided unanimously to pursue this immediate course of action. We apologize for Gunhand's lack of foresight and for your appointment stemming from it, but we cannot accept you as a Co-FM and in fact refuse to do so.

We have chosen to suggest, and accept, @CadetNewb as the new full FM, and have together agreed to pause all of our plots and withhold creative input to Nepleslia until this is accomplished. We do not feel this position is negotiable, and sincerely apologize to our players who are temporarily inconvenienced by this decision. We ask that they be patient for a little while, so that this issue can be resolved.
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I can confirm that both @Acewing13 and I agree with this, making it a full consensus in the Interregnum. It is not just me as Co-GM making this decision for the Interregnum. Acewing13 has informed me on Skype that I have permission to say he has agreed with this, and that he will come in later today after he deals with IRL stuff he needs to deal with.
I am sorry Gunhand but I have to agree. Ame is great at running the Iroma. I'm not so sure she would be good at running Nepleslia. I don't think she has the experience with Nepleslia to be co-FM over someone like Cadet.
Confirming what Edto said. Yes, I said I would be willing to work with this, but I disagree with the points you made Gunhand. Nepleslia doesn't need revival, it has multiple plots going and an active member base. What the faction needs is someone who is good with communication, won't issue fiats, and can deal with disagreement and make consensus. Cadet fits the bill, in my opinion.
Pre-planned attack.

This is the part where I teach you kids a lesson in self-preparing. I'll start first with this idea that you're the "front page plots". I do apologize to those who were asked and NOT listed among these GMs, as your opinions are valid... but this has been needing to be said.

You're not.

Cadet is the closest, due to the fact Sledge Mama is a long-standing plot, but most of your plots don't see any further attention than the 4-5 people in each of them. The Interregnum has gained flak outright and been brought up in both official hearings and just in the chat for the bad rep it brings. Gallant, I'm sorry to say this, your plot the Scythe? I didn't even think it was alive due to the fact you have unannounced hiatus because you throw tantrums and get told to stop. And, again, Cadet's plot has been moving slow due to his own situation (which I'll address seperately), but these plots aren't "main page" just because you talk about them between yourselves. Just about everyone knows about the 309th plot. Everyone who DOES knows about/is caught up on your plots is more or less part of them. You have very little to no presence in the chat FOR your plots, nor for Nepleslia. And then, again, the Interregnum has generated nothing but bad feedback from anyone who's been asked to look at it or has read it themselves.

And, again, this can be viewed as venomous but I'm here to fact check this for what it is: you guys have been threatening Gunhand with leaving the faction if you didn't get your way. Cadet is also ineligible FOR the position due to Origin, but you don't care about the rules. You're trying to back up your friend rather than be rational. Ame IS eligible (she's only the Co-FM for the Iroma, she is not THE FM), and on top of that she has had very little to no negative words from people outside of your little party of raging idiots. And I'm sorry, but that's what you're behaving like.

If Arieg is going to stop supplying models, fine. I know many people don't care if we don't have slightly different than COLPACT ships. He was doing the faction a service, he wasn't being paid to do it. Stop acting like he's been betrayed or was supposed to. The entire update was, more or less, backed and pushed by him. My update had nothing to do with ships (beyond the addition of a dropship I asked for him to make AFTER all his others were more or less done, mind you), but rather the fleet structure.

This is and can only be retaliation because you guys expect that people who have been here for years DESERVE things. You don't deserve anything. You earn it. Ame earned it by being trustworthy to Gunhand, building a reputation that proves she ISN'T greedy just for power or anything like that, and overall (again) avoids this shit on the norm. Cadet hasn't earned trust beyond your posse (as everyone involved with Nepleslia I know calls him "hungry" for the spot) and he equally doesn't have a track record for production. Whether that's due to his tests or not you can argue, but it doesn't change the facts. All those years DON'T make him qualified for the FM OR Co-FM spot. A GM? Certainly. FM? You have to actually have a productive and constant track record (I'd hope this is the case, but you guys have proven me wrong so far) to get a position of something that important.

As for whether Ame knew: I suspect she did. The entire Nepleslian playerbase knew you'd pull this shit. We've been calling it for days. I talked extensively to Gunhand (not in relation to Ame, but in relation to picking the Co-FM) that it would lead to you declaring your little "war" and trying to split. But this only shows that you don't care for the faction. If you cared, you'd not do the damn drama and just roll. Her being Co-FM doesn't change your plots. It doesn't do anything to you. You're only trying to make this scene because you guys won't have someone who can argue or slip some way into power and take the faction.

Either RP or don't, but this is outright sickening. When I discovered that Nepleslia was this rotten with old members who actually think they're entitled to positions when they don't even have the time to hop on chat but spend all day on Skype? No. You're not worthy of the role in my eyes and I hope you do carry out your strike or whatever. Your vote of No Confidence has as much value as a bias pie.

Your vote isn't in confidence or for the best of the faction. It's clearly biased and charged, as various PMs you've started and screencaps between your group's four leaders can confirm. I will be trying to forward all the evidence of this to Wes and staff, if you choose to go down this path. But I advise you to be smart. Just go back to running your slow or same-player plots. Do not start a drama war.

I question the venue chosen for this stand and feel it could have been approached more amiably and with less potential public drama. I have to side with Legix on that point: it is a pre-planned attack, and I don't care much for the politicking behind it.

I can relate with the view that Gunhand appears to have chosen Ametheliana out of the blue, and that the move could be seen in spite of all others. I will also relate with the perception that Gunhand has acted - to my knowledge - more like a steward/deciding factor for the faction rather than a constructive force for it. Again, from my point of view. If things were discussed and planned not in public, I am not privy to them.

I will admit I had reservations too about Ametheliana's appointment as FM, but it wasn't based on her competency. There was no co-FM, and having one rather than having none was better. Ametheliana's unique take on things could have meant something constructive in a new way for Nepleslia. This said, my own concerns were based on worry that Ametheliana was spreading herself too thinly across the community - I've experience seeing this kind of enthusiasm snowball into burnout and worried she was slowly setting herself up for grief that way.

This said, right now, I don't see this drama potentially heading anywhere constructive, especially with shows of Yay or Nay toward Nepleslia's current FM. So I will lock this thread until @Wes can place eyes on it. If you decide to continue discourse elsewhere, I heavily recommend to remember that the debate takes place because everyone involved cares about Nepleslia - please try to remain respectful to your fellow SARPers.
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Put simply, I think what you're trying to do Gallant is very rude and there's no grounds in our rules for you to actually try to "fire" Gunhand. I remember when Zack tried to do the same thing after he couldn't get his tech submissions approved by the Nepleslian FM, and I stuck by the FM then too. Basically Gunhand has some powers as the FM of Nepleslia, which include appointing the co-FM, and his actual use of those powers should be expected. I think Gunhand has been doing a great job as FM so far, and as good as anyone could expect under the circumstances, which is that he was handed a faction that had been destabilized by the departure of some of its old core members and had to re-find its footing in the setting.

I also think Ametheliana has been one of the brightest stars to join the community in the last couple years and I can totally see why Gunhand asked her to be a co-FM - probably for the same reasons I made her a tech mod: She's very active and she's generally very positive. It is unusual that she's been picked as FM because she's generally worked on other factions like the Iroma but I don't think that's a problem since she has already said above she is planning to start a Nepleslian plot. And perhaps Nepleslia needs a breath of fresh air so to speak.

The bottom line is that, as admin, I'm looking and the evidence that Gunhand is actually harming Nepleslia simply isn't there. He can pick the co-FM he wants.

In other words I completely stand behind the leadership of Nepleslia. Also I am not really fond of site politics or drama and I'd prefer we avoid them. SARP is a community that's been around for a long time and hopefully will be around for a long time...therefore if you want to excel in SARP, it helps if you don't create beef with fellow members you're likely going to keep running into for the next few years. So I hope we can try to do a better job of living with each other and start the healing soon.
My point when I did this is that the FM constantly trying to obstruct my plot meant I was no longer having fun with Nepleslia. Either Kokuten went or I went.

Kotuten wasn't removed, so I left. Nepleslian activity dropped off a cliff shortly after.

I don't think this is quite the same situation, since Gallant's plot isn't the majority of Nep activity.
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In this instance, the majority of Nepleslian activity - three main plots - is now shutting down. Gunhand can do as he sees fit, but, I don't think I or the others have a place in it anymore.
You have a place (I'd assume we're adults enough to know that), but you guys need to cut the shit.

And the majority isn't by much. But if you're unfortunately going to keep your plot on permanent hiatus and not ever RPing in Nepleslia, I guess we'll just have to keep on recruiting new Nepleslians.

Edit: It came out harsh, but... yeah. The backdoor plays need to stop. Could have been less blunt.
Legix, I don't appreciate our concerns and feelings being called 'shit'. In the end of the day, Nepleslia is having its last three front page plots shut down with our players coming with. If whoever is left can salvage the situation, that's fine, but don't try to belittle what's happened here.
In this instance, the majority of Nepleslian activity - three main plots - is now shutting down. Gunhand can do as he sees fit, but, I don't think I or the others have a place in it anymore.
There's honestly no need for any GMs to ruin their own fun or the fun of their players. Kind of reminds me of other departures from the site where people say "I just cannot abide, sirrah!" and then leave, when the reality of it is that nobody's messing with your plots or RP and they can continue indefinitely.

Doesn't have to be like that.
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