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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Certainly, but I need you to tee that up for me so that I can mention it in a post. Have him talk or request something so I can have my characters respond!
My Kouken-class Escort could survive hey repair bay for the fighters. FSCorp has the equipment to repair stuff and the hangar bay is huge.

I'm still reading up so just let me know where they should be
White wolf is looking to play a were creature and I'm not sure what the best way of going about that would be. anyone have an idea?
@Alex Hart, I know GMing is something new to you so please take this as a tip to save valuable time. When you see an issue that is an obvious error that realistically would never be the case tag the player and request a retcon. Otherwise two people have to edit rather than just one.

I see the issue now but so easily you could have just treated their rifles as appropriately sized so that when I correct my post no edits are needed to yours.

Also, they weren't targeting the large mecha, they were after the smaller stuff the cupcakes were having issues with.

Furthermore, I already said this:
I read the situation as best I could. If the post is inacurrate I'll fix
I don't like your GM post for the above reasons, but since you're GM style is so extreme I'll just be retconning myself out.

Thank you for your time. :)
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I haven't been around all weekend. This was my first take on what happened, and I feel like retconning will make unnecessary work for others. We have to live with the consequences of our choices. Also, I never said who they were targeting.
@Alex Hart it's already done.
BTW, basically wiping out a player's entire presence in one post on their first post is cruel.

When I GM posted the destruction of the Caliburn I gave you three chances to change your mind, and I ensured that you understood the situation accurately.
You did not even tag me when you a Zack were talking about it in chat. I thought the allied forces were on the ground.

Whatever. There is no post putting Phoenix or mecha there so your GM post will need to be edited anyway.
Guuuuys play nice.

I was totally going to blow up the ship, but the mecha are on the ground and will be a bit harder to hit. How about we edit the thing about the rifles being too big out and take it from there?

Or we could hop in chat/pm and talk?
Oh, now we want to include me in chat. Was the tagging system in chat not working when you said my name like 3 times? It's amazing what difference the @ makes
I figured you'd write you way out of things rather than just writing your way out. I'll be home in a few hours and we can talk then, or we can PM and I'll respond when I can.
That was me being clever! I thought Raz was going to have his guys do something (write his way out of the problem) rather than leave (Write himself out of the story entirely)

Okay, I do think that just leaving because Alex didn't immediately take some advice about GMing is a bit rude. You even said yourself he's new, so you should try to help work through things that are screwed up to hopefully improve his quality. After all, if you leave at an early problem, then the problem may be identified but future issues might not be. I cannot verify the claims of you letting Alex know about the Caliborn's destruction, nor can I say Alex's GMing is not in need of improvement. In fact, I think sometimes Alex does miss things like that.

I'm not going to hunt you around the site. I'm not going to try to avoid you whenever possible. All I am trying to do is figure out why you want to leave a new GM who has made a mistake in a poor position.
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