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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Atmosphere of Komorebi
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay
30日 7月 YE 39
1400 Hours

Suited up, Teien Eden felt a cold chill run up her thighs and to her core before it spread through her arms. She spread her fingers and then gripped them into a fist before spreading them again. She let her hands fall and looked over the power armor bay. Another shiver ran through her body as she looked at the open door of the starboard side power armor bay. This time the cold feeling ran from the top of her spine downwards and she shook her head as she looked at her armored feet.

She had heard that the last time she had worn a Mindy, she had died. The crew as a whole had gotten STs in the morning and would be able to retain most of their memories if they were killed off today. Including her. She looked at Kikyō in her shiny and new Mindy armor and Eden's face was blank as if emotionless behind her helmet while she looked at her daughter stretch it out to begin her first mission.


Hoshi sat in the captain's chair, looking at the back of Misaki's warm brown hair as she sat in the XO's chair. Hoshi wondered what was going through the other Neko's mind as she saw her wife off to battle. She knew from the pair's service records that Eden had never been sent off on a mission by Saki; all of the times Eden had faced combat while she was with Saki had been unexpected.

The captain sent a message to the ship. "If you are on the away team, be ready to deploy in one minute."

To the bridge, she spoke out, "Shan-hei, weapons ready for anything. Kiseki-hei, maneuver into position. Kawazoe-hei, alert command we are commencing our mission at this time. Kikoru-juni, if you would, relay to me the members' armor statuses as they become active and allow me to know their condition reports as they come in. Deio-hei?"

Asuka swiveled in her chair, "Hai! There are several power outputs on the surface but there is some sort of grav-electric interference from the planet that's coming through. It's making it difficult to pinpoint them."

Hoshi nodded and sat back in her chair and spoke to the once-captain. "At your mark, Teien-shosa."

Power Armor Bay

"Everyone suited up?" Eden asked over comms and speakers. She was ready to see everyone in their armor so she could turn on her CFS and get going. "Remember, we'll be conducting an aerial drop to the cabin's location. From there, Mochi-juni and Amanozako will scout for a location for the Kaiyō II to land and deposit the tankettes and be ready to distribute backup power. We will conduct an infiltration on the cabin. Rixxikor, Kuvexians, L'Kor, Elefirn—it doesn't matter which we encounter, they're all to be treated as hostiles and to be killed on sight.
Power Armor Bay

Meissa requested from the engineers her standard PA loadout the day before. It was a good loadout for the trusty Mindy she used throughout the ascent from Santo Hei all the way up to Joto Hei, across many light-years of the galaxy, battling hostiles alongside her, and even braving the breach across time and space itself.

"Check and clear." Meissa spoke, back to Eden. "What is my role this mission? I assume secondary tactical command?"

"And how are our new recruits doing?" Meissa asked, as a general question, patting little Kikyo on the head.


Kyoi stretched her fingers and cracked her knuckles, her ears swiveling back and moving into their normal state, her tail stretching out straight and back to normal. She placed her hands on the controls. Array online, all movement clear...

"Maneuvering into position to drop our units and intercept incoming craft!" the fox responded, the craft perpendicular to the ground, PA bay facing down and the turrets cleared for their friendly bullet angel to shoot down just about anything that warped into the area in front of them.

Hoshi had a right to wonder, it was evident it was in her head as she kept rubbing at her wedding ring with her left thumb. The past month she had been effectively silent towards the new Captain, only speaking when absolutely necessary and usually very quickly and curtly. At the end of the day, her hand was forced by her position and service. Whenever she stepped onto the new bridge, she swallowed her pent up anger and became nearly mindless.

That was except for her worries about the power armor team. Both her wife and daughter were walking into the face of death. She trusted the ST systems, but could she deal with either of them dying? She felt a chill run up her spine and a slight, quiet gasp coming from her mouth. She swallowed that up and bottled it as well.

Though her wife's encrypted mind link, Misaki sent a message. "Don't let her die, I already thought I lost you once and I don't want to deal with either of them again."

Power Armor Bay

Kikyo handled the armor just as any fresh Neko would, with grace. Kikyo had been born with Misaki's experience with the Mindy and its weapons, which was basic but far from nothing. She cradled an Aether submachine gun in her hands like one would cradle a small puppy, with the fear of dropping it.

The newly matured Neko looked to Eden, slightly blushing from receiving a pat on her head from her sister, spoke in a giddy tone. "I'm ready Momm- Teien-Shosa."

She quietly blushed from behind her helmet, embarrassed. She wasn't yet used to the ranks, even though she knew them by heart. She was just hoping she wasn't going to screw something up.
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Power Armor Bay

Eden looked to Meissa, seeing the face of Misaki in the armored helmet of her wife's adoptive daughter. She hadn't talked to Meissa about what had happened on the IYS Kaiyō, but she knew that Nashira-hei had been there when she had died. She had the footage of what had happened, but didn't recount the feelings of trust in Meissa that she had during the mission to the alternate universe's ship. That made the gradual relationship that the two of them had built up fall apart. The trust Eden had put in Meissa on the last mission was almost completely dissolved when her memories had been taken from her through her death.

"You are the demolitions expert, Nashira-hei," Eden told her over comms.

Eden then turned to Kikyō, "Make sure everyone else is ready, too..." She paused and her heart jumped into her throat as she said, "Teien-hei."
Observation Deck:

William stood silently in the observation deck, looking out at the view. 'The operation should be starting soon.' He thought in the silence of the room. His hands move to hold the hilt of his blade... finding air. He felt naked without the blades there on his side. Naked and defenseless...

He looked down, straightening the purple Kikyo flower that Aiko had given him at the festival, smiling softly at the memory before his stoic features returned and he stepped out into the hallways of the Kaiyo II.

VIP Rooms:

William walked down the halls of the Kaiyo II, finding his way to Aiko and Rei's room. He stood there for a moment and made sure he was presentable, again grimacing at the lack of weapons. He sighed once more and he knocked.
Power Armor Bay

Right...Soul Transfer. No memories.

Meissa took the moment to mentally bang her head against the wall. She was pretty sure she'd prove herself more than competent to Eden, however. And she was also thinking about learning a bit of tactics. Namely, against Sora, who seemed to be a decent opponent.

Totally not because she could claim she beat a Patrician. Why would anyone think that?

"Alright, let's hit it then." Meissa said, edging close to her roommmates, consisting of Mat, Sora, and Kikyo. Two Santo Heis, but Kikyo and Sora were both more than competent. Although from little Kikyo's current loadout, Meissa could tell that Kikyo simply picked her own to ensure she could not mess up the mission.
YSS Kaiyo

Arbitrated Iemochi, the child-bearing Elysian woman who was the shortest single person in the room, responded cooly, "Hai. Weapons priming, ready to fire in thirty seconds." The Fuji class had more and in some cases, bigger guns than the old Plumeria; Arbles had yet to properly group them all together on her console.

Power Armor Bay

Sora had to smile as she saw Yoshida picking up her catling gun, the Archangel already standing proud and relaxed in her own armor, in what she referred to as the "Flare" configuration. Her own Aetheric Gatling was drawing power from her mindy via the connecting cable. "Shosha, would you like me to take the lead position during our descent?
YSS Kaiyo
Power Armor Bay

Walter Hyde eyes at the Mindy armor, reluctant to don the equipment. He knew what he was going to have to do as one of the team's three engineer tech-heads; he knew ever since Basic Training, in fact. This is his first mission, and from what he heard about some of the exploits of the Star Army, he knew that he could either go with the infantry, or .... Go with the infantry. I am loving the choices at my disposal right now., Walter Hyde remarked in his head.

Calmly, the Minkan puts on his Mindy armor, going with Meissa's "standard power armor loadout", more so because his mind kept coming up with nothing. I suppose that should I be required to have my own loadout, I wouldn't have so many explosives on my person..., Walter thought to himself.

For the first time since the beginning of Basic Training, this soldier had no peace in his soul, but a sick, churning sensation in his heart.
YSS Kaiyo
Power Armor Bay

Ume stood in the bay in her power armor, a Mindy4 that had obviously seen considerable use, of course it had been repaired and was structurally sound for combat, but there were plenty of superficial scratches to the plates, the suit had just recently seen some combat. That was not all that was odd about it though, Ume had decided to use her standard load out, which included a sword that was over a meter long that hung from a mount on her left shoulder.

The bubbly energetic neko did not seem to have any kind of tension as she looked around at everyone present. Oh it's been so long since I had a space mission...but I'm going on a does that count as space?" She thought for a moment and nearly asked someone, but she noticed everyone's serious demeanor, so she decided it was best to leave it at that, and then check the report when she got back to see what it counted as.

Of interest though was who would lead the decent, she wanted to do it herself, but Kazue never liked her doing those sort of things, and she was one of the new people to the squad, it was not time to mess with the dynamic, rather she offered some input as she spoke to Eden. "We could drop in pairs, in case we have to deal with anti-air fire."
Power Armor Bay

"You're used to being in the back, Arinori-hei, aren't you?" Eden said with a lightness to her voice as she looked away from the tallest winged one. Eden was very used to Elysians. Patricians, though? Not quite.

To the team's comms, she said, "We'll be maneuvering in via a vic formation. Arinori-hei will take point with me as her left side's wingman and Nashira-hei will be her right wingman. If all goes well and we make it to the cabin, Arinori-hei will open the door, stack up with the rest of you, and I will breach. Behind me immediately following entrance to the cabin will be Jôtô Hei Hatoyama and Nashira. I hope that you understand why I don't want to drop down in pairs, Hatoyama-hei. There is no room for apprehension." Eden added tersely, "This is going to be a shake and bake job."

"Hyde-hei!" Eden said to Minkan as she turned to face him. "You need a fabrication module dorsally located if you're going into the field."

To her young daughter, she said, "I want you in the middle. Use the point and the rearguard to your advantage to stay safe out there."
Power Armor Bay

"Orders acknowledged, Eden." Meissa said. It was a pretty good idea for Meissa to be rear guard with her versatile drones and Aether Saber -- although Ume would be a better one. Her sword had more flexibility in use if she was in the back and her Neko reflexes would for sure alert Meissa, who could also then join the fight.

"Kikyo, stay safe out there, alright?" Meissa told her little sister. "If you ever find yourself in a bad spot, Sora should be able to protect you, if mom or I can't. And always trust your best judgement. Let big sis help you get your nice and big first promotion!"
Atmosphere of Komorebi
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Janna Madsen stood next to her batch sister as the away team prepared to drop planetside onto Komorebi. Although she was not infantry, she had been ordered to deploy with the away team on this mission. After listening to the briefing, Janna lined up next to her batch sister in preparation for the drop. Realizing that her sister preferred to brood before deployment, Janna stayed silent.

As the only cook on the Kaiyō, Janna's Mindy was loaded with cooking supplies in her armor's utility section. Hopefully, the teams would not be staying planetside overnight. However, contingency demanded that the team be prepared for any situation that may come to bear.

Turning her head towards her sister, Janna sent Hanna a telepathic message, wishing her safety and good fortune.

"Stay safe, sister."
Power Armor Bay

Mochi flexed his fingers one at a time, he had only piloted the mech a handful of times in his career so far and it was still an exciting event for him. Bending his knees slightly, his flamer pack made a metallic "tink" as it swayed into his back. The main reason he'd gone for the less common weapon was that he recalled the foliage being thick, so this would be a way to clear not only the tight interiors but also making paths through the forests - or landing zones.

It had been a toss-up for him between the dorsal leader or fabrication module but ultimately he had opted for the former, being the second highest rank in the team and that he would begin the mission away from the rest of the squad. Hopefully he wouldn't have to use it but he thought it safer to have two such units than one.

Making his way to Amanozako for the formation, Mochi silently thanked the fates for Arbles being safe on the Bridge rather than being assigned to the team like last time they were here. Suited wings twitching in anticipation, he readied himself.
Power Armor Bay

Ume had a look of surprise under her helmet, Eden's words surprised her. Ume had not expected such a straight forward approach to the mission, however straight forward was what Ume did best. She smiled wide and her excitement could be heard in her voice. "Shosa, I really like that idea." She moved back from the group now to check the condition of the sword on her shoulder. It was her first mission on the ship, but she would get to do it in her style, she didn't have to worry about all the complicated things Kazue taught her that made her head feel heavy.

After she was sure that her blade was in good condition, she stepped forward to get back with the group, ready to drop at a moment's notice.
Power Armor Bay

Sora thought for a moment in regards to Eden's question. Her tongue slipped from trade into perfectly fluent Yamataian, something the oversized birb never could break the habit of, as she spoke, "Sometimes, Teien-Shosha." She had considered mentioning how her barrier module would also allow her to be a much stronger target, and thus would make it seem like the entire force was nearly invulnerable if she was unflinchingly in front of them all, but her tongue had been stilled.

Seinosuke felt the little song of Arbles's voice in the back of his mind, mixed with both an attempt at cheerfulness and some concern, Be careful out there, Seino... I love you.

The young wife quietly sighed to herself up on the bridge, at least glad that their memories were backed up...
Yoshida balanced on the balls of her feet- or rather, the power armor's equivalent, as she looked around the room. And listened. And Thought. She had been doing a lot of that lately, it helped when you had very few members of the crew you actively spent your free time with. When all your free time went to 'how can i beat this impossible scenario?' in the sim room. She made extra sure to stand in a spot where her tail would not bump into somone as it swished around, curled in on itself, and stretched into all sorts of shapes.

The best way to get down to the surface... She didn't know much about formations, what worked and what didn't- but she did know another trick- one that would be made much easier as much of the group like her, had presumably swapped out there usual dorsal pack for an emergency fusion reactor. "E-" She stopped herself. This was a new, more... professional work environment. She couldn't be setting a bad example for the rest of the crew! "Shusa! What if we go in without our reactors on- I've heard there are things that can detect aether generators and, since even if we don't have fusion reactors to fall back on we have built in capacitors untill we land at least... It might help us avoid detection in the first place!" And all that said with the excited, chipper attitude as if she was suggesting they go out for ice cream.

As she spoke, she ensured both her gattling rifle in her hand, and her type 33 launcher on her shoulder- complete with a grenade belt trailing all th eway into her butt back, were in working order and firmly secured in their rightful spots.
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Power Armor Bay
"Hyde-hei!" Eden said to Minkan as she turned to face him. "You need a fabrication module dorsally located if you're going into the field."

The Minkan stood, silent for a moment, and responded with a flat "Understood." Unlike the majority of the crew, Walter didn't feel like he is in the Shosa's good graces; maybe he shouldn't be drifting around, copying what others are doing? Maybe he should have stayed on the ship, in preparation for the worst case scenario?

Walter pushed the thoughs aside, as he calmly removed the wings and setted them to the side. He examined the fabrication module, otherwise known specifically as a Ke-M2-G2902 Nodal Fabrication Module, and added it to his dorsal section. It made a satisfying click, as the module fitted into place, snug as a glove.

It's all fine, I'm just a little slow and a little new, thought the semi-blushing Walter. He connected the sabre-rifle to his Mindy 4 armor, and gripped the weapon tightly around one hand. For quite a few reasons, he hoped to the stars above that he's ready.
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Power Armor Bay

Eden spoke out to Hoshi, "Going down now."

To her team she said, "Alright, Arinori-hei take us in. Form up behind her." She jumped out of the bay after the winged wonder had and started feeling the slight drag of wind around her shoulders that slipped down her body to the tips of her toes while she said, "If I didn't give you a position, drop when there's an opening."

She clenched her wrists close to her thighs as she watched the planet's surface become closer and closer. She hoped she didn't have to tell her crew how easy it was to stop their Mindy 4 power armors as the suits had the ability to ignore gravity and inertial forces and could instantly stop. She watched Sora poof out of view as she entered a cloud and soon, Eden was in the same cloud bank and had popped out on the other side of it in no time at all. It was then that the bright cornflower blue cabin with its white beams and grayish solar paneled roof came into view.

"Hostiles spotted, Arinori-hei?" Eden asked Sora over open comms as they grew nearer.
YSS Kaiyo II
Cargo Bay, Vehicle Storage

Anastasia Barlow was on reserve at the moment, sitting in the Cargo Bay. The Elysian was wearing a red Type 22 bodysuit, with all the proper gear, as well as a Submachine Gun swung on a strap over her shoulder. Things has gotten messy last time they went to Komorebi, and she was prepared for things to get messy again.

The technician did yet another pre-flight check of the Tankette she was assigned, while listening to the away team chatter. She was more than excited to get to use something with wheels- or treads for once. Since she stepped aboard, her expertise had been shifting towards starship repair, and a ground vehicle was a sight for sore eyes. She gave a brief message over the comms to the ready infantry team. "Everything is running smoothly on my end. Good luck everyone, we'll be waiting for your signal to drop."

The Elysian technician looked over the top of the Tankette, gazing across the room at the other engineer.

"Jintel-Hei, how are things on your side?" She said to Royce.
Power Armor Bay


Meissa began her silent dive downwards to the sphere of Komorebi, the large, imposing sphere of the planet first captured in her view, before it grew larger, slowly, taking up her entire helmet's viewing surface. Slowly, the silence of space was replaced with rushing air, gracing their suits.

As the three heralds of the platoon of soldiers approached a cloud, and punctured its layer, Meissa's CFS pushed away the cloud around her, puncturing it and forming a hole behind her. Meissa took the chance to draw her Aether Saber and position drones so that if there were hostiles on the ground, she could immediately begin firing.

The light of the nearby star shone through the hole, illuminating shadows of the three on the ground and capturing them in a beam of light from the heavens -- two angels, and one commander. With a soft fwump as the three landed, they were in position to bring the apocalypse down on the possible enemies stationed on Komorebi.
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