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Approved Submission [ONI] Indigo-class Guided Missile Frigate


DEFCON Everybody Dies
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Honestly, I don't think it's the DPS as much as the Damage AND the DPS.

But I'm honestly just tired of guns and ships pushing balance's sake or having intent to "set the tone" of the site. Especially since this one in particular HAS to match a Plumeria. it's good to know we're basing a ship's strength on trying to match it with the strongest faction's most iconic and quite likely best ship.
Honestly, I don't think it's the DPS as much as the Damage AND the DPS.

But I'm honestly just tired of guns and ships pushing balance's sake or having intent to "set the tone" of the site. Especially since this one in particular HAS to match a Plumeria. it's good to know we're basing a ship's strength on trying to match it with the strongest faction's most iconic and quite likely best ship.
Plumeria beats this ship in max damage capacity too, with the Plumeria having guns that are -at least- Tier 13. The best on the Indigo is Tier 12
So watching this, it does look like you're applying personal and highly subjective restrictions for no good reason because that is exactly what you're doing in a sense of an actual guideline.
Zack, you'll notice, I'm currently an NTSE mod. I'm also one known for not idly taking crap from anyone.

So, I'll say this once, because I'm not at all inclined to just sit here and read you once more twist the truth.

DRv3 is nomenclature. Way back then, Cadetnewb, as a NTSE mod, requested I figure out something in order to standardize what ship could have what. Using the Plumeria and her sister KFY ships as a baseline, I made one at his request. I'd like to think it was serviceable - I know Frost used it successfully multiple times.

The problem, though, was that it was in the DRv3 article. It was the nomenclature article overstepping its bounds. So, everytime a weapon discourse like this one would come up, the weapon payload of a ship not sitting ideally would end up with DRv3 being finger pointed as what was flawed. But the bulk of DRv3 wasn't at fault, just what Cadetnewb asked me to create.

So, I retired the point of contention. Frost tried create an equivalent in a separate article. Granted, I won't say his attempt is what I would've called inviting, but fundamentally, it was kind of the same. Even you seemed optimistic about it, when we opened up the avenue for 'known exceptions' to grant more flexibility.

But Wes shut us down.

And THAT, is that.

You're giving me the impression I'm misunderstanding the article. I thought the problem was both having a massive amount of launchers with a dubious reason as to why they could not all fire at the same time, along with a highly elevated amount of missile stores.

Perhaps I was not as thorough as I should have been in my last readthrough or something changed since. Let me reread, and I'll get back to you.
Plumeria beats this ship in max damage capacity too, wi th the Plumeria having guns that are -at least- Tier 13. The best on the Indigo is Tier 12
Its main weapon array is the only one capable of out-ranging the Indigo. The Indigo boasts multiple missile systems (T10 and T11) that can fire at ranges far outweighing the main gun of the Plumeria. Its main gun has 1 AU range and can fire 12 shots per minute with 2 shot bursts. Again, this outranges the Plumeria save for its main array.

The Indigo could constantly fire and run from the Plumeria until missiles start to arrive and hopefully overwhelm it. If the Plumeria rushes in, it might have a chance. But it also opens itself up to more likely missile barrages and more accurate firing from the T12 gun.

T12 compared to the Plumeria is enough. It's considered "quite lethal" with recommended damage comparative to instantly depleting the shield and then hitting it again would likely cause "quite lethal" damage that would rock a Plumeria hard.

Assuming the Plumeria can score its main array's shot, it would instantly win. It could also damage the Indigo with its AT LEAST T13 barrages.

Unless the Plumeria is given greater than T13 weaponry, it would end up being outsniped or forced into a risky position of a duel with the Indigo. This would, quite easily, put this as a ship capable of "matching" the Plumeria.
Zack, you'll notice, I'm currently an NTSE mod. I'm also one known for not idly taking crap from anyone.

You're giving me the impression I'm misunderstanding the article. I thought the problem was both having a massive amount of launchers with a dubious reason as to why they could not all fire at the same time, along with a highly elevated amount of missile stores.

Perhaps I was not as thorough as I should have been in my last rethrough or something changed since. Let me reread, and I'll get back to you.
People are reading the 2000 laucnh cells are seperate weapons, but those cells are arranged in 3 arrays, and each array can only fire 2 shots every 2 seconds. So even though it has lots of bullets 'loaded' it can't actually fire them all at once. Or are any 'special' speed. It's a kinda fast rate for missiles, but for the damage each array isn't actually firing that fast if they were energy weapons. Which while yes energy weapons can't 'dodge' they also have 'unlimited ammo' in this setting for most purposes. And missiles can't dodge well enough to really escape point defense anyway, they need saturation to get through.
I don't see how that changes anything that I've said, you removed the guideline regarding acceptable amounts of weapons, and as such we have this exact problem of not being able to agree on what is acceptable. We saw this coming, pointed it out, and were dismissed.

I don't think it is unreasonable to call you out on making a bad call.

Right now we are stuck having to be arbitrary in regards to this submission, and I don't think it is reasonable to reject a submission because someone has an iffy feeling about it that isn't backed up with some metric.
Its main weapon array is the only one capable of out-ranging the Indigo. The Indigo boasts multiple missile systems (T10 and T11) that can fire at ranges far outweighing the main gun of the Plumeria. Its main gun has 1 AU range and can fire 12 shots per minute with 2 shot bursts. Again, this outranges the Plumeria save for its main array.

The Indigo could constantly fire and run from the Plumeria until missiles start to arrive and hopefully overwhelm it. If the Plumeria rushes in, it might have a chance. But it also opens itself up to more likely missile barrages and more accurate firing from the T12 gun.

T12 compared to the Plumeria is enough. It's considered "quite lethal" with recommended damage comparative to instantly depleting the shield and then hitting it again would likely cause "quite lethal" damage that would rock a Plumeria hard.

Assuming the Plumeria can score its main array's shot, it would instantly win. It could also damage the Indigo with its AT LEAST T13 barrages.

Unless the Plumeria is given greater than T13 weaponry, it would end up being outsniped or forced into a risky position of a duel with the Indigo. This would, quite easily, put this as a ship capable of "matching" the Plumeria.
But that's -range- not damage or fire rate. If the range is too high complain about the range. I haven't bothered to actually look at the numbers on that. But don't sit here and say "The problem is the DPS and max damage" when that is false. If you have a problem with the range state the problem with the range. Don't waste people's time with false claims. Though realistically, missiles from 1 AU away are probably never going to hit honestly. And an AU is 1.5million KM....PLumeria's main gun shoots 300Million. So Their best range attacks...Plumeria -still- wins. It's got more range.
But that's -range- not damage or fire rate. If the range is too high complain about the range. I haven't bothered to actually look at the numbers on that. But don't sit here and say "The problem is the DPS and max damage" when that is false. If you have a problem with the range state the problem with the range. Don't waste people's time with false claims. Though realistically, missiles from 1 AU away are probably never going to hit honestly. And an AU is 1.5million KM....PLumeria's main gun shoots 300Million. So Their best range attacks...Plumeria -still- wins. It's got more range.

Last I checked, an AU is NOT 1.5 million. 1 AU in KM = 149,598,000 kilometers. Looks a lot more like 150 million.

The issue is that the range of his T11 missiles COMBINED with the rate of fire makes it lethal/dangerous. Precisely because of the fact that the fire rate and this range allows the Plumeria to suddenly get swarmed with missiles from well outside its response range. And even at T11, they're only 1 tier below, which makes a few of them more than enough to put the Plumeria in bad shape. This means that the damage from the Indigo is starting before the Plumeria even fires.

It does more damage because it's firing first and doing so from immense range. It doesn't matter that it's one tier lower than its main gun. Those missiles spell death for anything that isn't a Plumeria and, again barring the fact the GMs ignore these entirely, the ship will be able to more than easily give a Plumeria a rough time. Its main guns can match or surpass the range of most of the Plumeria's armament. Its missiles can outrange or match.

It is a match. Denying it is factually just ignoring reality.
150 million, that's my mistake as a typo. But that doesn't change that the Plumeria can literally sit outside the range of all weapons of the Indigo, and just fire on it with it's main gun. So the Plumeria wins the sniping contest.
Except its main gun's range is 300 million km, which is 2 AU. The missiles the Indigo fires at T11 are 3 AU. It can't "snipe" the Indigo. The Indigo can run and snipe it.

Apologies. The T10 missiles have 3 AU range. Which still work effectively against the Plumeria as a T12.

Though I did find out the max range of the T11 ones can be up to 5 AU?

I am honestly starting to suspect people don't even know how missiles work.

Even assuming the Indigo can do a Macross Missile Massacre - which it explicitly can't - the Plumeria can very literally just turn around and let the missiles fizzle out. Figther planes IRL can do the same exact thing, because missiles take time to reach their target. The only instance where this isn't possible, is if the missiles are fired within their NOZ, their No Escape Zone. Even then, the Plumeria can turn around and fly away, increasing the time it'll take for the missiles to reach it, and during that whole time, be shooting them all down using point defenses. Considering how all the missiles are going to converge on one point - the Plumeria - it'll be a turkeyshoot.

In the end of the day though, we know the Indigo can't just fire everything. The missiles are going to come in a trickle, which its point defenses can swat down.
You're confusing the actual flight range with it's actual targeting range. It's guidance systems cap out at 1.5 AU. So while the bullet can 'reach' we're talking about firing a projectile that has a 1 use FLT light minutes away....yeah that's really gonna take someone by surprise.
Just as a note: I've read the thread up to this point and not found it violating any bounds of debate.

That said, keep it civil and topical, ladies and gents.
I'm trying to decipher the article's weaponry. I feel the table and language used isn't doing it any favors - but that's just a pet peeve of mine.

From what I gathered, this thing has:
- 4 torpedo launchers that seem to fire heavy anti-starship torpedoes. Each tube is supplies with 10 torpedoes, 40 total. Not too shabby. I feel those four launchers from the getgo already greatly favor it in terms of potency; I know Miharu had 2 launchers with half that amount of torpedoes and multiple victories hinged on those torpedoes.
- A positron railgun. About half of what the Plumeria has for ship-to-ship.
- Turreted guns? Seem like at least half of what the Plumeria has. I get a sense that the ship might be more vulnerable close-up... would it not be of its missiles, which are probably handy at point defense.
- Yeah, the missiles. Packing a total of 4000 of those, which is just... wow. You've got one pile of ammo meant for... I don't know. They seem pretty close, one stack tier 11, the other tier 12. The Tier 12 is much bigger (2.5m versus 4m) and makes a bigger explosion? The potency seems equal with the torpedoes, which makes me wonder why they bother - they're all pretty long range so far as I can see. So, the missile array can fire up to 6x Tier 12 missiles per two seconds.

By the way: damage values in the missile article don't match the values on the ship article. I base myself on the missile article which I assume are approved, and therefore correct.

I don't see how this outguns the Plumeria. Sure, missiles have delay-to-impact and could get shot down, but 6 per two seconds, plus the four torpedoes and the positron cannon look quite capable of dishing out an impressive spike. That's eleven sources of Tier 12 damage, which is one step up from the frigate's own tier 11.

Firing the most powerful ammo possible, it's take 400 seconds of constant fire to deplete the torpedo launchers; by that 400 seconds, 2400 missiles will have been fired - emptying the Tier 12 and shooting out 800ish Tier 11. 284 seconds later, the entire missile stores will be depleted.

So, for six minutes and forty-ish second, this thing is spewing all hell. And it's a frigate.

There's also the matter of the number of missiles involved her. Counting just the missiles, 4000 sounds like a lot of volume taken up on a frigate. Not to mention it afterwards has enough room to have a cavernuous cargo space area. I don't read anything that hints that there's somesort of consequence to carrying so much payload.

1500 x 4m x 0.3m x 0.3m = 540 cubic meters.
2500 x 2.5m x 0.3m x 0.3m = 562.5 cubic meters.

So, roughly 1100 cubic meters of internal space taken up.

A T7 Raccoon shuttle takes about 175 cubic meters. So, carrying 1100 worth of missiles is like carrying about 6 Raccoon Shuttles. If the Plumeria didn't have its main gun, I could probably sandwich those inbetween the two dagger blades.

And suddenly, 4000 missiles actually seems feasible for a warship titled as "Guided Missile Frigate" with rather puny primary armament without those torpedoes and missiles.

I still consider it pretty scary on full load, I don't think those missiles are that easily shot down when there's simply this relentless torrent of them coming in. Were it not of its aether shock array, the Plumeria would be at a heavy disadvantage if it meant to engage at a range where its weapon would be at their optimal accuracy. Farther than that, and it's not impossible for the Indigo to dodge the Aether Shock Array. The Indigo seems better suited at prolongued brawls whereas the Plumeria shines more as a hit-and-run warship. The Indigo also feels like it would perform much better in a target-rich environment.

I still feel this is more dangerous than a Plumeria, but I'll admit it's a kind of a apples and oranges deal. Syaoran and Cadetnewb have tried to downplay the actual potency of the missiles themselves, but I'm not biting to that. Aside from numerous number inconsistencies in SARP between sensor ranges, ship speed, missile speeds and how they end up portrayed ICly... this thing sounds like it'd be pretty effective. What's more, I think Arieg has enough self-respect to spend so much time detailing this and not desiring, once used, to see it downplayed. He hasn't created something that was an ineffective weapon.

@FrostJaeger I believe our previous stance is debunked. The missiles seem to fit inside, I'm fuzzy on the launcher/loading description, but the end result is firing 6 at once, not hundreds (though hundreds may end up in transit before the minute is over). Thus, it's not grossly overpowered like it previously was, but rather only slightly so. The slightly being a matter of perspective, I'm willing to drop my objection. I won't say I want to approve this, but if another NTSE mod wants to approve it ( @CadetNewb seems to), I won't get in the way anymore.

@Syaoran thanks for calling me out on that.

If I have one bit of critique to offer, it's that I think this should be a Destroyer, not a Frigate. I see it as too big to be a spacy frigate.
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To be frank, I'm only focusing on the weaknesses of missiles since everyone else seems to be focusing on their strengths. Though, even then, they have misconceptions on just what missiles are actually good for. You are correct about how this ship is best in large engagements however; in scouting roles and direct versus, it's pretty crummy. This ship is meant to provide support for larger vessels.
If I have one bit of critique to offer, it's that I think this should be a Destroyer, not a Frigate. I see it as too big to be a spacy frigate.
I'm not going to break your arm over the issue, Arieg, but I'd at least appreciate a response.
I'm not going to break your arm over the issue, Arieg, but I'd at least appreciate a response.
Oh sorry, effectively its the role my head canon places it in. Its not a frigate in the Yamataian sense but in my own since I like to operate on different scales and capabilities, you tend to see this in the Pact aka their mainline destroyer is 404m long.
We need to get the sub-articles approved first anyway so why don't we get those approved first one by one? There seems to be a lot of them.
We need to get the sub-articles approved first anyway so why don't we get those approved first one by one? There seems to be a lot of them.
They where approved the first time the Indigo went through as the issues that got the ship pulled back where with the ship the articles concerning the sub systems should be good to go. @Wes