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NTSE Issues

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I don’t jump into very many conversations at All @syaroan. Typically you will see me pop up when frostjaguar tags me. Which he done with alarming rapidity.

And this isn’t reputation. It’s literal attacks. Now I’m glad it isn’t happening to you, but I don’t expect you to actually understand. So I’ll be direct, though I can’t speak for others. [edit] you can ask anybody I associate with, I’m many things but a yes man isn’t one of them. If I post something and it happens to agree with a friend, it does.

I’ve been treated abysmally, and I would like it to cease.

As for frost, we have a block function on the site for a reason. I used it. He still comments on things I post, including the ntse. I do not want to hear what he has to say even if he has a point.
Honestly Legix, if you're encouraging a whole bunch of people to simply put one member on ignore, doesn't that mean that there is something wrong with that one member's behavior? The effects go outside and beyond Asteria or the PACT's submissions, since new players do take a look at what 'all the hubbub' is about. And yes, many have complains to me about it. It's infuriating that I can't stop a troublemaker.

And I think it might be past the point of just extending an olive branch @Syaoran - as Ira has said, we've apologized before, but it's just never enough, and it just doesn't stop. I mean, look at this;

Frankly, you guys repeatedly take the intellectual hard work of others, repackage it in ways their creators don't approve of — either explicitly or implicitly — and then call it the best thing on the block. I know if Ex still gave any sort of darn for SARP that he'd have stopped this from happening, and seeing it after you've already ignored a creator who was still around tell you not to mess with their stuff doesn't inspire confidence.

It's frightening and discourages participation for a sizable portion of active creators. Seemed like everyone was over doing disrespectful things like this.

I genuinely believe these words, believe it is important for someone to say, and don't mean any of it as an insult. So please just do not if you're thinking about it lmao.

And that's when we had permission squared away as well. Yes, we forgot to post up the notice sooner, but they're just jumping on us rather than giving us the benefit of the doubt. I even said, in that same thread, just to wait for the FM to say his piece the next morning, but we got that instead. How do you think that makes me, or any of my players, feel? How do you think this makes players who are completely uninvolved in this fight feel, when they see this?

This is unacceptable.
@Ira I have seen for myself you pop up in conversations that you are not tagged in. Second I said the thing you -should- be defending is reputation. Warranted or unwarranted, attacks are pixels on a screen, if they're so bad, hit the ignore button, skip over the post, walk away form the computer for a little. Or better yet just tell a mod to handle it if they're breaking the rules. As for your last point, about Frost, this is exactly why I highlighted you for behavior of having 'enemies'. All you do is make things worse for yourself.

@CadetNewb you are never past the olive branch stage, because this is text and pixels. Doesn't matter if they ignore it or respond poorly. If you continue to offer the olive branch when things get dicey, your conduct will be free of reproach (unless you're being passive aggressive or something) and you wont get in trouble. If you're clearly being good and the other person is being as bad as you and Ira say, then it should be easy for a mod to make a decision about who to discipline. But when you go into conversations ready for a fight, or acting like things are already going to go bad, it becomes hard to figure out who really was the catalyst for the incident and who is responsible.
How do you think that makes me, or any of my players, feel? How do you think this makes players who are completely uninvolved in this fight feel, when they see this?
You never considered how it made other players feel to absorb yet another thing you didn't create into your faction, did you? I think that's what the pushback there was about. Everyone knows what Exhack consistently wanted for his faction even though he's not around just like everyone knew how Doc felt about you ever touching his Lorath.

So you do not have a monopoly on feeling bad, you guys often start it with your insensitivity.

Your conduct makes me not even want to play an Iromakuanhe ever again because now they're sullied. I am disgusted to share in a universe where the focus is constantly shifted away from what creators wanted, shifted away from the Star Army, and shifted away from the long-maintained sci-fi archetype this site has. I feel that it brings my roleplay down, and this is the only place I have ever roleplayed so I have nowhere else to go. That's why I posted what I did because your actions made me and others feel terrible.

You guys have no empathy.
Well we could discuss your treatment of Ethereal while you're here.
Go ahead since this is an NTSE discussion that a staff member has deemed necessary to the community.

We need to keep this on topic everyone. In the end of the day, the behavior of certain people, Frost in particular, has been unacceptable.
Frost STARTED this topic. How is this anything about the NTSE but him off-topic?

You are terrible to not only my self, but plenty of others. I wish you weren’t. In virtually every instance anything that has been said is in response to your actions and those around you.
I am "terrible" to people because I am a good mirror of other people's attitudes. If you're nice around me, I am nice back. If you are endlessly "terrible" to me, I will reward you with no more than you deserve, Ira.

But. You have also received apologies. I even attempted to give you the star systems you tried to steal.
It was unmarked on the map and your article was never marked as approved. Beyond that, I asked Wes what he thought about giving us a planet for OOC reasons and he did not agree that it was a good idea.

I’ve personally facilitated Gallant and Cadet write an apology letter. None of it was good enough.
People shouldn't have to apologize, they should have never gotten to that level in the first place.
You never considered how it made other players feel to absorb yet another thing you didn't create into your faction, did you? I think that's what the pushback there was about. Everyone knows what Exhack consistently wanted for his faction even though he's not around just like everyone knew how Doc felt about you ever touching his Lorath.

So you do not have a monopoly on feeling bad, you guys often start it with your insensitivity.

Your conduct makes me not even want to play an Iromakuanhe ever again because now they're sullied. I am disgusted to share in a universe where the focus is constantly shifted away from the Star Army and shifted away from the long-maintained sci-fi archetype this site has. I feel that it brings my roleplay down, and this is the only place I have ever roleplayed. That's why I posted what I did because your actions made me and others feel terrible.

You guys have no empathy.

And how can we? All you do is insult us. You keep wanting respect but you have a hard time giving it.

Start treating us how you want to be treated and you might be surprised. But if you won’t? Well that is your choice not mine. The only thing I want is for you to keep it to your self. Because I really do not seek any of you out.
Don't think a mod tag is required to voice grievances. How can issues be resolved without talking about them?

Look I didn't call Frost out, he started this thread, not sure why a few of you think this is some attempt to get Frost banned. I want all of us to be better but some people have not once apologized. Fine, maybe that isn't going to happen, but we can all be better. I don't want Frost to be banned, I want him to learn to be better. I have tried to forget the crap that annoys me and just move on but it keeps happening.

When I tried to explain it to you, you got angry. Did and brought it way further than needed. Worse still I tried to make peace with you by giving it to you and you were totally awful about it.

@Syaoran i do hit ignore. But yes I will speak on a topic if I have a thought about it. Also, I can disagree with people and still be friends with them.
I would normally agree with you @Syaoran , but things have gotten to this point precisely because the authorities have not acted appropriately at all. The poor behavior of certain people for an example, would have had anyone else banned if we acted the same way. There is something fundamentally wrong with the NTSE right now, and for the better part of the year, I've been completely powerless to do anything about it, even though I was a mod.
At the end of it, y’all have used the NTSE to prevent members of an RP Community from rping. The NTSE is not intended to be the fight room it currently is.

I won’t fight any of you on your submissions, and I don’t.

I’ll give you respect the moment you start doing the same. Hell, I’ll even promote people around me to do it. But if not, we’ll im here trying to address the problem and that is something.
@CadetNewb the authorities have not acted properly at all because quite frankly the only person in this thread who I personally havn't seen F**K up is @Bullroarer and honestly this is the first times I've seen him post (cause I stopped looking at post outside my areas). And yes that includes myself as having messed up. It's hard to pick who to punish when everyone can be traced back to being part of the problem

Start treating us how you want to be treated and you might be surprised.

THIS APPLIES TO EVERYONE HERE. If you all could just get over yoruselves and say "You know what? We've all been @$$holes, let's just throw it out and try to start over." You would all be free of your problems. But instead, you all insist that "I'm only this way because the other people" well here is a newsflash for you all. Humans aren't psychic. No one controls what you do. No matter how toxic or rude or venomous someone is, YOU are the one that decides how you respond. Take some responsibility for your actions.
Thinking it over, you're right again. No matter who started this, we have to take the high road, and I ask that everyone else do the same so the site is made better for it.
@Syaoran - We are a community in the sense that we're a bunch of suburb developments sharing a common access road (IE the forum/wiki), each development with its own set of HOA rules and people running it. The way the site is conducted and the way FM/GM rights are written shoulders don't have to be brushed against and each of these little developments pretty much putter about and do what they want within reason plot wise. Now what I do on the site only effects the community as a whole as much as they feel like letting my activities effect them. So my question is what are my activities causing in the way of issue? The glut of submissions are more or less a one time deal as I get my faction online, I mean... its not like some perverse singularity creating a warp god.
@Areig why your stuff effects people has generally been said in each submission thread that does effect people. If you don't read it that's on you. If you're honestly interested I'd suggest asking people who you feel are constantly at odds with you. "What is it I'm doing that you think is improper" and have an honest attitude towards learning and considering what they say. The issues you have can only be solved by talking to people, they wont fix if you ignore people.

However at this point we seem to have mostly gotten past that. So maybe we can talk about the problem with the action NTSE -system- and not about the short falls of the individuals involved.
Most of the how and the why has been semantics and still ended with tech being approved, end of the day it seems that its the same parties literally going down a list of issues that they can create issues with. I'm beginning to suppose that list is short considering most tech tends to sit for months.
The system was always a necessary evil since its inception, same with plot audits. It's just that the addition of bad behavior has made it a hostile place. It's why it's important that we clean up our act, but even more important that the administration actually take action when things go out of hand.
Are we done dogpiling on Frostjaeger? That's fantastic. But it's not just a one-way street.

I, for one, am interested in hearing from @FrostJaeger . In my last post, I did rebuke him, but that was in the hopes of things improving. On a fundamental level, I'm fairly certain Frost does not enjoy being disliked.

I'm not really interested in seeing any arguments being refuted. I'm much more interested in understanding how you feel and what drives you.
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