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Approved Submission S6-XM1 "Possessor"

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
Submission Type: mech
Template Used: vehicle
Submission WIP URL:
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FM Approved Yet? (Yes; me, today)
Faction requires art? (No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes)
Contains New art? (Yes)
Previously Submitted? (No)

Notes: articles for weapons systems for this unit planned. @Zack , stated the linked grenade machine gun in the weapon systems section, the USO has permission to build it and it's ammo since it is a Wazu invention.
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Let's just write a little bit of a condensed checklist before I give the proper.

Technical Issues

The W3300-AGL is a Nepleslian item. @Legix is relevant here, or you must make a unique grenade or mortar that is not a copy-paste of another faction's article. Doesn't matter if there was roleplay behind it, unless Nepleslian FMs specifically said that you could make copies of the W3300-AGL.

Ideally you would expand out the Plasma Sword capabilities (i.e. length, activation time, looks, etc. Just like a weapons article.) Please make the plasma sword a sub-article. For, you know, flavor text's sake and you can't say "MY PLASMA SWORD IS TEN MILES LONG!" Because that's, you know, what I can claim if you don't have a listed range. Please list ranges.

The Liquid Ally is a Freespacer item. @Primitive Polygon is relevant here.

Are you allowed to use the Scale Datapad in this manner?

The Key Features should also include hardpoint data.

Just write more fluff. Please. This article feels way too bare-bones. Especially try to expand the Interior.

EVE should be part of the Onboard Systems and simply linked. There is no need to describe EVE in detail; the article does the job.

Grammar Issues

The mech has multiple hard points and removable plates to allow the attachment of exterior equipment. It is also capable of using hand weapon systems in addition. (Unclosed preposition)
-Fix: The mech has multiple hard points and removable plates to allow the attachment of exterior equipment, in addition to using handheld weapon systems.

[Bad Word Flow] What's special about this unit is it's control interface, because it has no physical controls. The user has to be equipped with a neural interface to use it, which allows more precision, and a reduced reaction time for pilots. In addition to this, the Possessor features a AI co-pilot which links with the mind of the pilot to give tactical and logistics support while serving as a companion to the pilot.
-Fix: The unit also has no physical controls, instead utilizing a specialized neural interface that users must have. When linked in, the user has an assistant AI co-pilot that gives tactical and logistics support, as well as reduced reaction time and increased precision. (Read that and see how much better it feels.)

There is no interior really as there is only room for the pilot seat and a drone docking station behind it. It is cramped as no physical controls are needed. The pilot seat and docking station extends and retracts from inside the mech's chest to allow boarding and disembarking.
-Fix (Revision): The interior is cramped, only allowing enough space for the pilot and a drone docking station, which extend and retract from the mech's chest to allow boarding and disembarking.

Through the year as Section 6 completed various projects of various complexity and purpose, used what they learned from them and the U-1 to refine these designs. (Bad comma splice)
-Fix: Through YE39 and Section 6's experiences completing various projects, Section 6 used what they learned and what worked from U-1 to refine these designs.

However when the pilot has linked in they are presented with a sphere shaped space that an avatar of the AI is also represented in this space in their mind. It is all a mental manifestation when the pilot has established a neural link with the unit, with the walls of the sphere showing the outside world. (Too wordy)
-Fix: However, the pilot when linked in is presented in their mind with a spherical space that the AI's avatar manifests in, the sphere's walls showing the outside world.

Eventually it was finalized late YE39, and now are ready for testing in YE40. (Tense agreement; pronoun agreement)
-Fix: The S6-XM1 was finalized late YE39, and is now ready for testing in YE40.
The grenade launcher and the scale are both my articles, and both ICly and OOCly jack has permission to use them. Similarly the liquid ally was given to the USO so Jack has access to that as well.
@META_mahn I have done grammatical edits. Removed the sword for now and moved the AI to the onboard systems list. The scale pad is a computer system which yes for a unit like this would obviously need a computer. The liquid Ally is used in all USO vehicles, including the U-1 and has been approved to be used so. The grenade launcher was invented by wazu, the design rights belong to this character. He brought these designs over with him to the USO, and as tells me, grants us permission to build it as such.

@META_mahn edit to last post, I have added a chart to the weapons section detailing hard point locations.
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The Liquid Ally has been given so that is acceptable. Ideally I’d still like a Freespacer FM to look at it though.

I’d prefer if you made the sword quickly (think Yamatai-Level weapon sub article) because you’ll probably reuse it. Literally just take the Aether Saber-Rifle as a template and go. We’ll say it was developed alongside this mech and that’ll save you on a lot of fluff text.

Descriptions on hardpoint data are not necessary; although if you want to link to a list of what can be mounted there feel free.

Again, the grenade launcher is still subject to Faction Rights for tech exclusivity. Doesn’t matter Wazu made it.
It might be good to point out that NAM manufactures the AGL, so unless Jack spoke to @Wes or myself, I don't believe he received permission to use it regardless of Wazu helping design it. Last I checked, faction ownership normally trumps original creator rights. This is to protect factions from bitter/leaving players.

I'm only here to speak on the fact that there's a NAM weapon here, though, and I know I certainly wasn't contacted. If Wes was contacted about the use of the weapon I'd one of the like 5 items NAM sells, then I don't see a ton of issue. But I've not read the article, I've only been tagged.
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Wazu didn't help design it, Wazu designed it. NAM is using a Wazu design here. As far as faction ownership goes the faction that 'owns' this would be Wazu.

If you like we can copy/paste it to a new article and call it a copy of Wazu's design that he let NAM use but that's a waste of time and energy on everyone's part.
I am giving this submission three days after this post most likely goes up (2/5/2018). If issues are not fixed via making a grenade launcher that isn't a copy-paste of the NAM design, OR obtain approval to use the NAM design, consider this submission denied, no appeal.

Zack, Wazu is part of USO now. Why don't you just, you know, make a new weapon instead of regurgitate your old content?

Moreover, why is the grenade launcher 330 RPM, and firing Tier 9 shots? That's a little excessive. Get yourself like, a missile pod or something that does that instead. Preferably with less RPM.
One thing that stood out to me was does this thing have shields? You only have one numerical value so it is confusing.
If USO is making the Wazu's designs in the USO faction, please update the articles of the Nepleslian weapons to note that it's made by multiple manufacturers and that there's a Nepleslian and an USO version, which come from different makers but use the same specs.
Can you make the rest of the changes, Meta? Jack shouldn't have to imo and if you don't, I'll coerce Arbles to do it.