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Approved Submission TWF-1A/B

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm currently debating with Jack, though the name I'm leaning towards is; "Tsumi Warforges modular hybrid standard service assault rifle 30. Cal armour-busting light and heavy PA compatible weapons platform."

I might be able to fit more adjectives and adverbs in there, don't worry. I'd want the name as descriptive and helpful to anyone on the site.
Frost this rule has already been agreed upon that it should be removed. 75% of the guns on the wiki are abbreviations. I don't really agree with this, and I believe this rule should be removed. At this point the majority of the wiki would have to be overhauled to fall in line with this rule which has to my knowledge while here, never enforced. It would save a headache just to remove it. The other part of that is if we change all the weapon names to these long titles. Pages will just be exploded with all these very large links.

I also strongly disagree with the NTSE deciding how I should name the articles I create. You are essentially telling me that:
A.) I have no creative freedom to name my work.
B.) A IC culture foreign to a common naming "theme" to this sector. Is magically known and followed by outsiders.
C.) We throw out a tried and true method.
D.) We throw out rhyme and reason to weapon designations. Which would still need to be abbreviated due to the absurd length of name.

Therefore I wish to formally suggest letting ame bring up the rule's removal, since not even the SAoY follows this OOC rule. And I would appreciate actually having creative freedom over my work.
Compromise for this dumbness. (I had to really censor myself.)

We list the system it's under, and a basic of how the system works in the first sentance of the article. Heavy Assault Rifle 1, "HAR1", or Storm Rifle, for example.
Frost this rule has already been agreed upon that it should be removed. 75% of the guns on the wiki are abbreviations. I don't really agree with this, and I believe this rule should be removed. At this point the majority of the wiki would have to be overhauled to fall in line with this rule which has to my knowledge while here, never enforced. It would save a headache just to remove it. The other part of that is if we change all the weapon names to these long titles. Pages will just be exploded with all these very large links.

I also strongly disagree with the NTSE deciding how I should name the articles I create. You are essentially telling me that:
A.) I have no creative freedom to name my work.
B.) A IC culture foreign to a common naming "theme" to this sector. Is magically known and followed by outsiders.
C.) We throw out a tried and true method.
D.) We throw out rhyme and reason to weapon designations. Which would still need to be abbreviated due to the absurd length of name.

Therefore I wish to formally suggest letting ame bring up the rule's removal, since not even the SAoY follows this OOC rule. And I would appreciate actually having creative freedom over my work.

Ametheliana, as far as I can tell via her posts, never agreed that the rule should be removed - and skimming through the stararmy:weapons and faction:nepleslia:weapons namespaces on the wiki indicates that most (~80% for the former, ~50% for the latter) article URLs and titles aren't abbreviated. Articles with titles and/or URLs that don't follow the Style Guide rules also wouldn't have to be edited immediately, Jack - they'd simply be edited whenever they were next updated - and changing weapon names wouldn't cause pages to "explode," either, as one of the rules in the Style Guide states that "Titles and section headers should be concise so they don't take up more than one line."

I also disagree strongly with the points you listed, as the Style Guide - not I - does not...
  • Restrict your creative freedom regarding article titles by an undue amount - as all the Style Guide says is that "in general, abbreviations should not be used as titles."
  • Require any naming "themes" to be followed from an IC perspective, as articles on the wiki are written from OOC perspective.
  • Completely throw out a tried-and-true method of naming weapons, as you're still free to use the weapon naming system provided something else accompanies it.
  • Throw out "rhyme and reason" regarding weapon designations (for the same reasons as those mentioned in the previous bullet point).
Despite this, however, I would like to suggest a potential compromise. @Ametheliana and @Jack Pine - is changing the destination URL to "species:tsumi:guns:twf-1_warmonger" and changing the article title to "TWF-1 "Warmonger" Weapon System" acceptable?

Edit: The name "Warmonger" comes from a discussion Jack, IQ, Alex Hart, Madi, I, and several others had via Discord.
Edit #2: Noodlewerfer reminded me about the "one reviewer per thread" rule. Apologies for butting in, Ame and Jack - I'll refrain from posting in this thread from here on out.
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It's a starter compromise. Firstly, I like Warmaker way better. Thought that's semantics. Though, it doesn't capture the essence properly still. The A / B are still important, because there might be, in the future. A2 or B2 models. That being said, I appreciate the offer at a compromise regardless.

I'd say it be more along the lines of "TWF-1A / B Warmaker Assualt Rifle" - It's more specific for that general model. It's also in tune with a registery system @Jack Pine theorized.
Well. Despite being wholly misunderstood the previous time, this page has not been marked as approved on the wiki yet. As well as it still remains in a WIP namespace; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:neshaten:tsumi:guns:twf-1a:b_warmaker

First, I thought this was due to the .30 caliber of the Tsumi still being pending, but in the meantime, this also has been approved here; https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/twf-30cal.63188/ - Though the ammunition holds the approved stamp as well as it has been moved. Seeing as @Ametheliana is the one that approved this submission, can you also please move it and stamp it as approved on the wiki, like on the forums?
Thanks again for submitting an article to the wiki! Time for some final steps for the reviewer...

[ ✔️ ] 1. State clearly that the article is approved in the submission thread
[ ✔️ ] 2. Move the wiki article to its permanent (destination) location on the wiki
[ ✔️ ] 3. Move the submission thread to the Approved Submissions subforum or get a moderator to
[ ✔️ ] 4. Edit the article to add a link to the approval thread in the OOC Notes section
[ ✔️ ] 5. Link other articles to the approved article as appropriate (equipment lists, etc.)