Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 Ultimate Representation

Errowyn looked at them both. Nodding to Uso to at least acknowledging her. She turned her attention to Mr. Candon. "My entire fighter wing I belonged to died. I gotten lucky by the fate of Karma on my last mission. And then whomever I've hired out to. So I could continue my travels. Be careful with your words out here, Mr. Candon. For you may end up perm dead without ST Back up."

Letting him know she was pretty much on her own out here, living by her wits, skill and her craft. And the friends and comrades gained through the test of battle whether it was by leathal means or through words of negotiation and merit.

She turned to Uso, yet kept Candon within her peripheral vision. She smiled, looking the scowl, warming up her expression a bit. "I'd love that, Uso. Everyone needs a break from the grind of dealing with..." Letting the sentence fade and the insult unspoken. "Place has improved a lot. since the last time you've been out there."
Candon shrugged, he really didn't care how offensive sh- fighter wing? The 21st squadron, 'Fighting Diamonds' was supposedly wiped out, all KIA as the YSS Heiten reported. Apparently they were wrong. His mind jogged through the endless hours spent in the PA Bay of Eucharis, just sitting in his racked Mindy sifting through the seas of data that made the empire work. He'd organized his own brain thoroughly for that day he wouldn't have PANTHEON access and would need data.
"You know, not everyone has it out as easy as you. Did you know they cloned you?" he asked rhetorically before beginning an examination, "the only thing I don't understand is why you'd stay away so long. I mean, it's not like Yamatai is hiding. One could guess you took the opportunity to disappear but if you're a deserter then why keep the jacket?..

"Your offense was to my 'coward' comment, I presume, but that was directed at the people in this room, not to a mercenary standing in the hallway, and certainly not to you personally since I only just figured out your alive, Ms. Errowyn," Candon finished speaking with a smile, as if it were silly to ignore such a fact. The rest he would continue telepathically and privately, "But regardless you applied it to yourself, so I can only imagine that if you feel that way you're either afraid or ashamed.

He would wait to see her reaction as it was always said more than word could speak.
Errowyn visibly froze at Candon words. She had been reported dead by her mother ship. Then cloned. Would her clone have the 'ghost sisters' she was plagued with? Her mind raced through the possibilities. When she spun to face Candon as the rest of his words sunk in.

"Deserter... Not by a long shot. It just takes time to travel vast distances without FTL. And had to find work to pay for transport for my '5' and myself. Plus a few modifications for my craft. Way out here on the fringe, in Freespacer territory, I seriously don't think that they would send a ship just for a 'dead person', when they could easily Clone them." She looked thoughtful after recovering from the shock. "Even a Yamataian Soldier, Pilot or officer would not break a contract once given. Its a matter of honor."

She paused for a few moment to give thought. She was about to speak again, but hesitated again. "We need to talk in private, Mr. Candon." With a faint trace of respect as she still had to keep up appearance of a tough fighter pilot, even though rogue at the moment.
"I do hope we won't be having a problem here." Uso said, crossing her arms as she waited for the two of them to talk it out.
Candon nodded. "Me too. So for our strategy, I thought we'd keep it simple," he changed subjects, "my sources claim that the enemy fleet is tiny, two corvettes escorting a super freighter. They're trying to keep a low profile so their route is going to bring them through a dense nebula, which will require them to STL through. As we know, ships can blend in with nebulae pretty well when they're shut down and floating in the thick of it and this route is a known junction for piracy. So I find it quite interesting that multiple contacts in the criminal underground with no relation to the other, all in groups that like this spot are claiming that they've been paid to do jobs elsewhere at the same time. More interesting is that each job will guarantee that around thirty six hours remain open in this hotspot.

"My plan is simple. Your forces lead the attack head on to get their attention, then three of my Caravan freighters loaded to the brim with EMP rockets drop in and broadside the corvettes, at which point you guys hit them with everything you got.

"Now the enemy freighter is naturally going to try getting away from the fight. My other three Caravan's will intercept and disable it so my FTL tug can drag it off.

"What are you able to hit with?"
"Who we're fighting this time, Uso?" Errowyn moved farther away from Candon as she looked at Uso with a bit of curiosity in her voice, even her expression was a bland neutral. Her eyes would dart occasionally towards Candon.
"Candon wants us to steal some stuff from 'kuvexians'," Uso said, putting a weird emphasis on the name she had only just recently heard, "Apparently Yamatai wants a fight with them and we have an opportunity to steal a production facility."

"And some of us have a disagreement with how Mr. Candon wants to carry out the attack." Vier added, her arms crossed infront of her chest, "Not all of us accept the no prisoners approach."
"Less hassle with the 'No Prisoner' Policy. Save money and time on expenses that could be put to better use." Errowyn displayed that Yamataian arrogance in her body posture as she took Candon's side of the debate. "Like more money in my pocket to cover ammunition cost as my.." A brief glance at Candon while pausing, "..'5' takes specialized precision munitions which isn't cheep out here. I'm barely breaking even."

"These Kuvexian are behind these Rixxikor attacks?" She looked at Candon, remembering her run with *Flynn.

footnote: hope I got Blizzard character name correct.
"Less hassle with the 'No Prisoner' Policy. Save money and time on expenses that could be put to better use." Errowyn displayed that Yamataian arrogance in her body posture as she took Candon's side of the debate. "Like more money in my pocket to cover ammunition cost as my.." A brief glance at Candon while pausing, "..'5' takes specialized precision munitions which isn't cheep out here. I'm barely breaking even."

"These Kuvexian are behind these Rixxikor attacks?" She looked at Candon, remembering her run with Flynn.

"Yes, they are," Candon answered, "and I guarantee that anyone 'taking prisoners' is going to be taking a lot of trouble with them."

Candon would speak directly to Vier.
"Have you ever done anything like this?" he asked firmly, almost like a stern father, "Let me ask, how do you intend to take prisoners? What if their surrender is merely a ruse, a trap to lead a boarding operation, what will you do then? And what about the people who die trying to 'save' their enemies? What are you going to tell their families, Vier? 'Sorry your daddy died, but he helped saved the people who killed him, so its all good'? Have you ever had to tell a person that someone they love isn't coming home?"
"Why don't you start getting your munitions locally? We've got a nice little home grown weapons industry starting up here..." Uso said, her words getting quickly spoken over by Vier.

"We do not require people in front line combat roles. Void combat strategy is entirely automated. Ship to ship actions can be handled through a surrender request and voluntary rendition to an automated transport under my control or through individual Junker Drones being tasked to prisoner recovery. "
Candon's self control wasn't legendary, he wasn't that kind of Saint. Vier wouldn't learn the life lessons he'd experienced overnight. The plan was different now but Candon had his ways of returning to the original purpose of his plans.
"And then what? We bring them back to '604? Where do we put them? What use could we possibly have for them? Would you just have them live their lives in a cage? If that's the case you're more cruel than I am." Candon was done with the conversation. Turning for the door again he paused, "I thank you for the recommendation, Uso. I would prefer to buy local products first."

Returning to Vier his demeanor became cautious as he issued a warning that bordered on a threat.
"As for you, Vier, do what you wish, but if they kill someone that blood will be on your hands. I'll ensure it."

It was with a vague threat that he left, leaving only telepathic invitation for Errowyn to join him at the landing pad where his ship was landed. Of course, the telepathic message carried the feeling of an optional invitation as it lacked the insistence of a request.
"And if by inaction I allow others to come to harm I am responsible for their deaths as well." Vier responded, "Though there is merit in long term containment..."

Uso's attention quickly focused on Vier, then she slumped back and pulled out her datapad, "Damnit Candon.... you're giving her.."

Uso was cut off by Vier continuing her thought. "A policy of containment would certainly help curtail's Uso's abuse of my instructions regarding helping her and maintaining ethical conduct. A similar system spread over the..."

It was Uso's turn to cut Vier off,

"You fucking try it and I'll blow everyone up."

"Such an action would.."

"Be totally unethical for you," Uso again interrupted, "Just try and fucking square getting everyone killed with your rules of conduct."
Errowyn seeing the meeting was deteriorating into an argument, she turned to leave as she received Candon Telepathic message.

Her eyes narrowed briefly as she walked out leaving Uso and Vier arguing over Prisoner Management.

~~ "How about taking a break from your ship and come out to my Island?" ~~ She sent back.

Errowyn headed down the corridor in the opposite direction than Candon took. ~~ "Bring your swimsuit." ~~