Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.


Hey Star Army!

I'm scouting out potential new staff members and I want to get your feedback. Who do you think would make a good staff member or moderator, and why?

Qualities I'm looking for is they're unflappably positive and respectful under pressure, they know SARP like the back of their hand, and they're able to work with everyone else in SARP (people skills are huge). Responsibilities include helping GMs create RP and helping members resolve their conflicts swiftly.

@Lijosu You make several good points, but there's one thing I want to make clear, I am not proposing 'doing nothing'. Like I said people should be asking for a shifting of power, not a removal of Ame. Staff responsibilities constitute more than just enforcing punishments. That's why in a previous post I mentioned what the site is missing is in fact an enforcer. The other jobs are covered, and Ame is actually really good at those jobs. The only thing in question really is Ame's enforcement decisions. (When it comes to her responsibilities as staff that is) So while we're under staffed it would be foolish to remove someone from everything who only does 1 thing questionably.

Now back to the 'not doing nothing'. Things will dramatically change with the installation of more staff, for one the stress on individuals of staff will go down, but also delegation of duties will be more feasible. It is possible that people's problems might never show up again. Its not certain of course, but -that- is why I say wait and see, because something -has- been put into motion, and no one is waiting to see it through.

Also this is a slightly separate point, but if people do start to leave and then don't stop because nothing is being done, that is something that actually needs to happen. I mean no offense to staff or to players, but that is how the world works. If people don't like how a place is being run, they suggest change, but if that change is refused they need to just leave, they can't impose their will on others. But by the same token if people run a commonity and members complain about something, the administration needs to make a decision as to how to handle it, and then be held responsible for their decision. People need to be accountable for their own safety and their own actions, while realizing they only have authority over themselves.

Edit* An amdenment to teh above paragraph, I shortened things too much. For memebers if change doesn't happen you have to make a judgement on if the benefits outweigh the frustration, and -then- if you can't handle it then you should leave. Sorry I skipped that step while typing.
You make several good points, but there's one thing I want to make clear, I am not proposing 'doing nothing'. Like I said people should be asking for a shifting of power, not a removal of Ame. Staff responsibilities constitute more than just enforcing punishments. That's why in a previous post I mentioned what the site is missing is in fact an enforcer. The other jobs are covered, and Ame is actually really good at those jobs. The only thing in question really is Ame's enforcement decisions. (When it comes to her responsibilities as staff that is) So while we're under staffed it would be foolish to remove someone from everything who only does 1 thing questionably.

Now back to the 'not doing nothing'. Things will dramatically change with the installation of more staff, for one the stress on individuals of staff will go down, but also delegation of duties will be more feasible. It is possible that people's problems might never show up again. Its not certain of course, but -that- is why I say wait and see, because something -has- been put into motion, and no one is waiting to see it through.


If you think it would be wise to first see the effects our new staff members have, then I don't have an issue with waiting a bit longer. Im banned from the Discord server for another three weeks anyway.

Though I would like to say that I have seen Ame do far more than one thing questionably. There is a reason I feel so strongly about her being removed as a staff member. And that reason is that there isn't just one reason. In fact many of the reasons are listed in the description of the petition and I have been put on her chopping block many times already (sometimes forcibly) and I've only been in SA for half a year. This isn't a small fault, it's many very dangerous ones. I can't even describe publically specifically what these faults are and what nasty situations Ive been in because doing so would put me into EVEN GREATER risk than I already am just talking about it on this side of the argument. And Im already at pretty great risk (or by the least feel as though I am in danger). So I'm going to have ask you to PM me if you need to know.

Also this is a slightly separate point, but if people do start to leave and then don't stop because nothing is being done, that is something that actually needs to happen. I mean no offense to staff or to players, but that is how the world works. If people don't like how a place is being run, they suggest change, but if that change is refused they need to just leave, they can't impose their will on others. But by the same token if people run a commonity and members complain about something, the administration needs to make a decision as to how to handle it, and then be held responsible for their decision. People need to be accountable for their own safety and their own actions, while realizing they only have authority over themselves.

Edit* An amdenment to teh above paragraph, I shortened things too much. For memebers if change doesn't happen you have to make a judgement on if the benefits outweigh the frustration, and -then- if you can't handle it then you should leave. Sorry I skipped that step while typing.

I agree whole heartedly. But to me its obvious that SA cant handle roleplayers leaving and thats a problem in its own right. Because people will INEVITABLY leave. People and objects alike dont last forever. Its all about sustainability. That is, unless the people running the community actually want it to die in which case... Touché. Though I do gotta ask why you don't just outright terminate it.

Anyway thats me going off the rails and straying from my original point. To go back on track: Leaving is fine. Theres a sort of "profit and loss" that goes on. Its possible to go too far on either side. If we had too many new players coming in, Id call that a problem because it would drive the community into COMPLETE CHAOS. But right now we're on the verge of having a crisis because we would be losing more players than we would be gaining, and we risk possibly even barring out new roleplayers from joining. This could be avoided. Yet for some reason many people (yourself not included) seem to be resigned in thinking that SA is already doomed. While others seem to think theres no problem at all.
I wont say there isn't more, just that I have not personally seen proof of anymore faults. So I wont deny them, I just wont cite them cause that would be me making claims I can't provide proof for. But also I think you for understanding with things being in motion. I can't make any promises for time lines, and I wont force you to stick around, but you obviously like SARP, so I can only suggest you wait. If you do have any other concerns though, even right now, you can PM me. I'll do what I can to see to it that the right people know about them, and do what I can to resolve them with the powers I'm given when that time comes.
I'm not sure you comprehend just how much a new born effects how much free time the parents have Frostjaeger <.< Usually when someone has their first child it takes like a month or more before the parents can even -try- getting back to a normal recreational scheudel (they usually still take another few months to get back to regular)
I agree with Syaoran that waiting longer is what needs to happen. But I do feel as though Wes has been particularly careless. I feel like he should had made preparations so that the community wouldnt be left in the dark but instead hes made no contingency plans and were suffering due to that oversight. He should had attempted to organise a method of the site functioning while hes away or given someone else an authority on what happens AT LEAST temporarily. Just. Literally anything.

Honestly, I'm tired of the excuse. Yes, he has a child and yes he needs to be giving that child constant attention. Its impressive hes had any time for SA at all. But it's still used as an excuse on his behalf. And frankly its only any good because it has emotional appeal. It doesn't really make sense of the raw neglect this site has been seeing and it could had been avoided but instead, here we are.

The site is most likely going to be highly inactive for just under half a year because he being him, didn't have the initiative to think ahead and prevent a potential disaster. I'm not kidding or trying to turn heads when I say I think Star Army could end over this. Theres GOING to be that certain point where literally nothing can happen anymore that Wes doesnt have to approve of and it'll be ugly if that happens.
It is correct that there was no contingency, and it has caused many problems. But at this point we all know that, and we can just hope for the realistic best from teh situation we have, and hopefully that'll be one of the things included in the changes in the future, a better distribution of managing dutites so the site can handle any problem without Wes, unless it's something where people just literally don't know the answer.
If things get so bad that there's nothing but a Wes decision to happen, then one of the staff will likely be forced to decide/act in his place. They'll just have to bear whatever happens when that does happen.

But this is silly; I know from more recent experience just how changing a child can make things and find it pathetic to harp on it being an "excuse". People need to seriously grow up; this isn't site ending. Stop acting like the sky is falling and do what the site is for: RP.

I don't know why people are always derailing these threads; read the OP and if you can't provide what was requested then get out of the thread. This is about presenting people you think would make good staff and why. It's not the "Rag on the site because the new father/owner didn't expect his life to get slammed". I prepared for it and still got absolutely slammed earlier this year. I have zero doubt Wes likely had plans but is in a similar boat. There really isn't such a thing as being prepared for a child unless you're so rich you can pay others to account for you.

So unless you have a good staffing pick + why, stop posting here. Take it to PMs if you have to.
It is an excuse, by textbook definition. There is nothing pathetic or childish about being concerned. RP in many areas is being held back as I type this. The current conversation is on topic, as it is discussing staffing. I would suspect you to know plenty about ragging on people who are doing their best. And you have no authority over this thread to be ultimately deciding what is acceptable to discuss.

If someone who does were to step in and determine that the conversation taking place is off-topic then it will be taken to PMs. Though it is my opinion that it is perfectly on-topic and that no action would be appropriate for the time being. I would like to thank you, however, for bringing your own insight into parenting and just how difficult and exhausting it can be raising a new born child.

To me, the conversation was already over. So regardless, I have no interest in continuing the discussion beyond this unless someone else were to have any new points.
I think it's been about enough time that we move @Jack Pine and @Syaoran into full-time staff positions so that they can start doing some good on the site. Currently, as far as I know, what they can do to help the site is fairly limited.
While I haven't seen much of Jack (no negative commentary, just haven't seen his posts), Syaoran has been conducting himself exactly how any reasonable person would expect a staff member to behave. Do either of them really need a banner for people to start respecting what they say?

They're doing plenty of good already, tbh.
@raz I have just been trying to avoid jumping in without full facts, or proof of any claims. Mostly I have been listening to conversations and such, but I've learned not to jump ahead of myself without trying to see both sides fully first. I have however have been active on discord and trying to be helpful to the members of our community as I can.
I'm pretty sure that Wes put them in a trial staff position a month ago. What happened to making them full staff after that? Do they actually have any powers as "Staff Apprentices" to do their job with, because if they don't, they'll be kept in limbo forever, unable to prove that they can do good.
I'm pretty sure that Wes put them in a trial staff position a month ago. What happened to making them full staff after that? Do they actually have any powers as "Staff Apprentices" to do their job with, because if they don't, they'll be kept in limbo forever, unable to prove that they can do good.
We are technically still trial Alex, the tags are so that we can exercise those powers without people who haven't seen this thread going "well you're not staff" We do have powers to enforce things though. As for us moving on to official staff, that's something up to Wes when he has time. But I believe we have potent enough powers to handle issues until that time.