Star Army

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Approved Submission USC awaiting approval

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I admire your ambition to submit a new faction fresh out of the gate, however, I think the best advice I can give you is this:

I suggest you play in the established setting for a period of time, make a character in an established faction and take some time to get to know the SARPiverse. It will give you time as a player to gain the workable knowledge to insert something new into the setting. To develop a faction I believe there is a reasonable level of knowledge and experience that is required to make sure that the faction works well with SARP and its community.

I don't want you to think I am shutting you down, because we welcome you and your ideas. I just think there needs to be some time for you to be able to provide context that works in the setting to your faction concept.

That is my suggestion anyway, @Wes or other members of the site's staff will likely chime in with their own.
To provide some context: basically this is for a crossover RP where Rascal and his dudes intend to come over and RP with us.

Unless there's any specific objections to the article, I was thinking it seems like a good starting point and I think it's approvable.

I'll give 3 days to allow everyone a chance to comment. If there's no objections that aren't address, I think we can approve this. Obviously there will need to be a lot of other articles to follow, but everything needs to start somewhere.
long as i don't get dragged into anything with neshaten, no complaints here, im a bit surprised we're having so many new factions pop up recently but long as there's no real problems with them I don't have anything to add.

That being said, from what I've heard from Jack these guys are gonna be near Nesh and grouping with the NDC, nesh aren't a diverse faction and pretty conserved but if these guys end up taking note of them then im open to diplomatic relations, no promises on the outcome.
Yeah, politically, they seem to share similar values as the Neshaten.
Im not really seeing the resemblance but thats not really a major concern, regardless @Rascaldees if you ever need to reach me my discord info is on my profile page as i am not in any of the sarp discord servers, i more or less prefer to operate in a one on one fashion so you can reach me that way or just through the site.

Best of luck with your faction
I think some tweaks are still being made, not sure honestly? But yeah things are underway and I'm trying to help him get everything setup as I can. I think a name change was also talked about, unless this article is purely in context of the group they've been separated from, but again not sure. Either case, I can help him as needed.
long as i don't get dragged into anything with neshaten, no complaints here, im a bit surprised we're having so many new factions pop up recently but long as there's no real problems with them I don't have anything to add.

That being said, from what I've heard from Jack these guys are gonna be near Nesh and grouping with the NDC, nesh aren't a diverse faction and pretty conserved but if these guys end up taking note of them then im open to diplomatic relations, no promises on the outcome.

Hell yeah dood. Let's do dis thang.
Im not NTSE man. But i can point out a few things ive noticed~

3 trillion in population is a lot. While it hasnt been updated to include some of the newer planets even Nepleslia only boasts a hefty 100 billion across all its worlds. And some, Like section 6 (NDC) dont even have a million. Im not saying kill off the population of this faction. but if its coming from somwhere else i'de reccomend them starting pretty small, And as they get new planets they can move over more or their population to these planets. Because the entire population of the entire kikyo sector im sure isnt even above a trillion or two. And if this is a fleet based faction right now, 3 trillion ships, Even if the entire population sat in cryo with ten million per ship would dwarf every single faction in the amount of ships.

I would recommend what alex said about the faction template. Its not hard to fill.

Some thing like your leaders and currency will/might need actual articles. There will have to be factional NPCs in which the rest of the sector can interact with and not just random named people that dont exist the next time. And credits is a bit vague.

I would also recommend a default language. Trade is the equivilent to english in SARP.

Military assets such as ships will have to be propperly laid out and given articles. Otherwise theres no knowing what it has armed to it and whose to say one of these battle frigates isnt somehow more advanced than a plumeria. Also for a population of 3 trillion its military is drasticly small.

Theres a lot more but it shouldnt have to be outlined. Making a faction is a grand undertaking that requires a lot of time and patience and articles. But you at least have the start of everything you need/want. I would recommend getting some people to help you like you already are to ensure you arent taking this on alone. Its a rough road and we have a lot of rules here to make sure nobody creates some all-powerful faction that trumps everyone else (because everyone loves their own faction and will always view their stuff as better than everyone elses).

My advice is to take your time. Dont rush things out in a week or even a month. Take time and do things right and ask for input whenever you can and help when others are willing to give it.

Best of luck to ye and dont give up!
I think that there are a lot of kinks to be worked out before this even is reviewed with the checklist. The biggest one is population. Are you counting the total population of the faction in its original universe, or just the portion trapped here? 3 trillion people would require 300 earths to feed and house them, even in very cramped and bad conditions.
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As I have stated before, the majority of them are guaranteed to die. Current estimates predict the population to fall well under 100 billion after the colonization efforts not including anyone lost to warfare or major catastrophes.

Also, the template I used was copied directly from the website. Is this template not up to date? If so, someone should probably fix it straight away so this doesn't happen to other new users or new faction leaders.

The leaders and currency are a WIP. I usually edit things on my computer before uploading them to the wiki. Thusly; they are not yet on the wiki but they are being built. Using a word editor is simply easier and doesn't screw me over if I lose connection.

The language they use is not present in SA. This is a plot point in the RP thread which I have linked a few times now. Through RP they will learn the trade languages here. They speak a language they call Galactic Common which is a multitude of languages crammed together primarily consisting of English, German, Russian, Chinese, Spanish and a few other minor languages (Farcy, Paashtun, etc).

As for the currency, this is a WIP. It'll probably be done today.

I am aware of the size of their military being small. This relates to the plot. They didn't intend to come to this universe. Thusly, they didn't send an entire battle group. They sent an escort fleet which isn't made to go to war. It's made to fight off pirates and raiders; whom in their universe usually can't fight an escort fleet nor a battle group unless something has gone really wrong.

As for reaching out for help I am currently receiving assistance from Jack Pine, WillLi, Madi Harper, Dragon_God, Lavalung, Leonardo and a few others as well as anyone that wants to hold a conversation about it. This faction isn't made to upset the balance or be 'all powerful' while still being lore friendly to the parent universe upon their arrival. What I mean by that is that their escort fleet simply isn't going to come to 'let's send three ships' because that isn't how they fight or group their ships. These ships are large, true, but it's due to their cultural heritage and their manufacturing capabilities back home.

I'm fully willing and able to explain these upon request. Just reach out to me over discord.
Just a heads up, English, german, and russian are already present in setting and many of those languages listed generally dont blend well with each other~

Are you trying to go like firefly with this how they blend together english and chinese? Or is it an amalgamation of cultures where everyone just kind of speaks their home speak and have some way of translating each other?
@Charmaylarg Dufrain

The way that it worked in the home universe is that everyone started to learn the more major languages (Chinese, English, Spanish) to be able to communicate with each other's militaries before they formed a more united military. Over hundreds of years since most people were trilingual these languages blended together with other languages being mixed in in the process.

Edit: kind of the concept of Spanglish but with more languages.

Edit again: Also the written languages didn't blend very well which leads me to another point that I should probably mention. The written languages are primarily English and German and Spanish. The SPOKEN languages are what blended the most.
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Rascal's ban expires on the 21st so this review can continue then. Current status is ON HOLD.
I semi-recalled making the faction template when I was reading this thread, so I checked the wip and the faction template and, if anything, @Rascaldees built upon the template with aspects of the faction's military (not a bad thing imo). None of the template's headers are missing, though the last two headers aren't filled in. I don't believe the use of the template should be in question. @Alex Hart will you be reviewing this submission?