Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Resurgence of Yamatai (YSS Resurgence)

Basically, what my weekdays look like is I work, pick up my kid, and go home and it's typically 90-100 minutes before I have to start dinner, which I serve around 6:15 pm. My wife almost never cooks. After dinner she bathes with the kid, or I give the kid a bath and my wife gets a shower. Either way, I basically don't see her after that because she just gets in bed reading in her bathrobe. It is the only free time she gets. That means for that hour or so until Aurelia's bedtime, at 8pm, I am usually watching Aurelia and this is the only time I get to spend with her, though sometimes she watches TV shows while I SARP.

At 8pm I'm helping Aurelia brush teeth, and reading a book to her, and getting a sippy cup, singing, whatever to takes for her to settle down and cuddle with mommy and sleep. If all goes well, maybe I get free time from like 8:25 to 10:30pm, which is 7 hours until I have to get up to get ready for work. This is why all my JPs tend to be 8:30-10pm. I don't really have any schedule flexibility.
I wouldn't say they are mandatory, although it sometimes feels that way. I think a big reason the SPs and it feels like stuff are only happening in JP is, and this is said in love not accusation, is Wes. He's GM and well over half the crew of the Res are his NPCs. Lately, it seems like the only time Wes is able to give the Res his attention is during the Tues JPs. That has affected how a lot of the other players post. If some does an SP and they're speaking to an NPC, and that NPC doesn't respond until the next JP, well then people are kinda like, why post? I'll just wait till the JP.

I am not criticizing Wes at all. I get that real life limits how much time we get to spend on things we enjoy. But I think that if we could get more SP's from Wes, that would encourage people to do more SPs as well.
Maybe get a Co-GM to fill the void. Since the JP is mandatory if you want to keep pace with the mission. I missed one and had to make up a post to fit Thad back into the story. Not the worst thing in the world but for sure not for everyone.
I wouldn't say they are mandatory, although it sometimes feels that way. I think a big reason the SPs and it feels like stuff are only happening in JP is, and this is said in love not accusation, is Wes. He's GM and well over half the crew of the Res are his NPCs. Lately, it seems like the only time Wes is able to give the Res his attention is during the Tues JPs. That has affected how a lot of the other players post. If some does an SP and they're speaking to an NPC, and that NPC doesn't respond until the next JP, well then people are kinda like, why post? I'll just wait till the JP.

I am not criticizing Wes at all. I get that real life limits how much time we get to spend on things we enjoy. But I think that if we could get more SP's from Wes, that would encourage people to do more SPs as well.
this i feel a lot. and im not shitting on Wes or anything because he is a far busier guy than i am and has a gazillion NPCs, i feel this in particular with Del and Kini because there should have been more communication between the two that never really happened.
IMPORTANT: This post sets your Resurgence characters up to participate in the Arrival of The Norians event in Open RP:

Let's save some refugees!

Note: The Operation Fireplace thread takes place in YE 44.7 after the current main Machine Moon thread that's in YE 44.6.
I know we've been trying to figure out better ways to coordinate on missions. Why not use the OOC thread to establish basic things like who's in charge on a mission, lock in who is and isn't going on an away team, what the intended scope of the mission should be, what we're expected to know IC already/what we'd find/ etc etc
Mostly just want to make sure we're on the same page and not like unclear IC on things our characters would understand or just standing around with nothing to do because Office In Charge doesn't know they're there/what to do with them
Just a thought, but it might be an idea to have a quick vote at the end of a JP as to who posts up the thread. Sort of a "thread MVP" for players who played their characters really well during it?
I'm okay with anyone posting it who is willing to do a basic spellcheck. I typically do it because people don't volunteer or because nearly everyone has already left.
Are we doing just arrival next JP or Arrival and landing?
Because I figure we should start figuring who is going on the away team
Arrival and MAYBE landing, so yeah, it's organize.
chain of command proposal is as follows.

Yayoi, Nito Heisho- Squad lead

Cassie, Nito Heisho- Second in command

Sanda, Joto Hei- Fire team lead

Frank, Itto Hei- fireteam lead

We have 2 rangers, 3 infantry and 1 soldier. A 6 man squad that can be broken into two 3 man fire teams or three 2 man fireteams. Yayoi is lead because PC should get priority.

If you are not a infantry, soldier or a ranger your character should defer to one of those 4 characters in a combat zone and its up to one of those 4 to keep the non infantry safe.

Frank being a Itto Hei surprises me.
on that note Zan and Del generally fall outside of this chain command. But Del will defer to either Zan or the infantry lead for orders.
Suggestion, that that chain of command is for mission security/combat decisions, however depending on the mission's objectives an officer with the appropriate skills/experience should be making decisions.
Eg we're exploring an Alien world. Yayoi is running the security team, but in the end Mochi should have the final say on what does and doesn't happen as the Science Officer.
With the purpose of achieving whatever objectives are laid out by the Officer in Charge.
Like say on this mission, if Mochi says the team needs to make it to a central control hub. If combat starts Yayoi can't just take everybody off on a robot hunting expedition.
no but it would fall on her to give orders that would keep the normally non combat people IE Mochi safe while they engage the enemy and then if the prior mission can resume it would be on Mochi.
its like if for some reason a navy personnel had a skill that required him to go to shore and work with some marines he would defer to the marines when the shooting starts and it would fall on the marine commander to keep him safe. if the prior mission can be resumed the navy guy can do what he was to do.