Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Ten: Takaramono

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Briefing room

Respect the temple? Spiritual sites?
Yoshida frowned a little and thought. Those were the kind of things that would get you laughed at and called childish in most of Yamatai. Did Hoshi really believe in those things? Or was it something else? At least as far as she knew, most every Yamataian citizen and soldier thought alike in that respect. Those that didn't probably kept it to themselves, or were chided for their childish beliefs. The black haired neko thought on this matter, as well as the rest of the short briefing before raising her hand. She supposed the questions of beliefs could wait, maybe forever.

"Chusa if we want to look like an archaeologist crew why do we have our guns? Did the crew before us have them to? I'd probably look at us and think it was a bunch of soldiers in the wrong uniforms." she said as she gestured to the NSP and survival knives at their waists, gear typically exclusive to actively serving soldiers short of black market sales, then to the survival kit on her back. "It doesn't help half of us are neko on top of that." as if to emphasize the point, she waved her tail at Hoshi as if in greeting.
Mark Oaklen had been one of the last to exit the shuttle, the jacket of his cold uniform was unzipped and his black hair albeit not long, fluttered in the frigid wind slightly. He was carrying the provided gear as well some of his personal gear. A Edjia Battle Rifle was clipped to his pack, his USO-P1's holstered at his hips with the NSP and diamond knife on his tactical strap rigging which was visible on the chest of his Revenant under suit. His Sheshka was sheathed across the small of his back, his utility knife sheathed vertically in a shoulder sheath, and a segmented appearing hand of his suit oh the hilt of his new heat blade. A heat Katana partially of his own design, metal segments running down the sheath were apparent, the hand guard of a ring attached to the main body of the blade by black wings that acted as pinions stood out.

The cold did not bother him as the under suit he wore was temperature controlled making the cold negligible, with only the part of his face not covered by his hood feeling the effects of the cold. He was new to the crew and still a stranger for the most part, as he had only really talked to a couple of the crew during his short time there. He hoped to change that some on this trip.

Mark slid down the sides of the ladder to land with a dull thump as his boots hit the ice below. He accepted one of the flashlights and stowed it in his jacket before continuing. He looked over the group with blue eyes to gauge just how friendly the rest seemed, and thought about how best to greet them later, but the only people he recognized were the medic he now knew as Sacre, Captain Hoshi, Eden, and Kasumi.

After entering, with Mark being one of the last to enter, moved to stand near the wall to his right. He shrugged off his pack setting it next to him against the wall, and placed his jacket atop the pack before leaning against the wall itself. His suit was now fully visible from the waste up, the lights integrated into the segmented spine of the suit giving a faint red glow against the wall behind his back, and it was apparent that it was a full body suite that covered him under his gear from head to toe. The cold had made the long scar that ran over his right eye feel stiff, which he wiped at with his hand, across his eyebrows, and the double helix tattoo that curved around his left eye to remove the frozen particles that had collected on his face.

His eyes wandered again and noticed another Nepleslian in the room which surprised him. It took a moment, but he recognized him as the injured young man from the shuttle on the mission he had been recovered on. He was distracted though as the captain asked her questioned. Mark did not consider himself a religious man, which he really didn't know a lot about himself in truth, so he was currently acting on just what he felt was right.

"This place is clearly one of reverence, and I will do so to show the utmost respect captain." Mark gave simply with a nod.
Briefing Room

Hoshi seemed to truly appreciate the respect everyone had shown for this temple and she nodded to them each with a stern expression on her pink lips until Mark had spoken. It was at that point that she looked to Eden and nodded, then the Captain turned to the group with a lighter expression. The XO said and did nothing save for excuse herself from the room by bowing and going though the doorway opposite the one that they had entered from in this small room.

Hoshi said to Yoshida with a warm smile, "All good questions for command! Our Second Officer raises a question I have the answer to. We will be testing a new stealth suit. Minimal weaponry as this isn't a cut and slash job. Jôtô Hei Kokoro will be excited to know it has slots for shoulder mounts if the user can handle the weight, but those will not be utilized today. It can deal with temperatures such as these, heat, radiation, has an HUD and well..."

"It has a few great things going for it, actually. Prepare for incoming," she said to those gathered and everyone with any kind of digital or telepathic brain would receive the schematics for a powered suit named Shibui. To all others, she passed out datapads with the same information.

"There you go," Hoshi said while Eden came into the room with two large, filled black duffel bags with the Hinomaru on their sides. "The Shibui, everyone."

Eden said, "SAoY only," as she keyed in commands to the first zippered duffel's locking mechanism.

"If you're not enlisted in the Star Army, you're going in with what you're wearing," Hoshi said as her eyes moved to the zipper of the unopened duffel. "Any questions?"
Briefing Room
Chlorate eyed the bin of coats, not currently wearing anything. She wasn't sure whether she should be wearing a jacket or not because she pretty obviously wasn't going to fool anyone into thinking she wasn't a robot- and also because she didn't technically need it, even though it might make her a little less cold to the touch.
"Affirm...ative?" Chlorate beeped. She was confused about this whole respect concept, partially because she didn't know what respect was, and partially because she wasn't sure how she could have it in her heart- mostly because she didn't have one. But she supposed it meant she should act more carefully than normal.
The robot didn't move towards the duffel bags and looked down at what she was, or more accurately, wasn't wearing. She waited there for everyone to get a suit.
Temple of the Stars
Crevice >>> Briefing Room

Darwin is among one of the last individuals to enter the Briefing Room, having tripped on a pile of snow on the way towards the ladder and losing his orientation for a brief moment. His heart plummeted to the bottom of the abyss the moment he saw its depths, and the potential for error that would lead to certain death or grievous injury becoming immediately apparent. He couldn't even tell if he was shivering from fear or from the frigid temps. Upon reaching the floor, a quivering hand meets the flashlight and pockets it, a nod being given in exchange.

Once within the briefing room, he would not hesitate to step over towards one of the generators just to feel a tint of heat as though it were the first time in ages.There's a satisfied smile across his face, almost childish until he hears what job the team has in store. Exploration into a sacred temple? The use of Experimental technology? He saw the pile of jackets, and hesitated, already getting used to the comforts of his own combined with the generator. But, if the mission calls for it, so be it. He tosses it in before clasping his body in his arms, hunched over slightly to keep all of the temperature in his core at some semblance of homeostasis.

"If this place truly is what you say it is. I know it gets my respect." He manages to say. if there's one thing he learned growing up, it's the importance of history. True, he fell asleep in that class once, twice, maybe twelve times, but in this case where it's an important artifact he's looking dead in the face, surely he must recognize the absolute importance of this place. Though he can't help wondering where all of this ties together. The very thought putting his mind at full speed in an attempt to sort all of these puzzle pieces together, the mission objective and nature becoming tantalizing to the point where he would be sitting on mere millimeters of his seat should he have been sitting on one. As desolate as this place is, a sense of wonder would provide a spark of warmth to the human.
Briefing Room

William listened intently as they were briefed, however when the info was sent to everyone he was passed over. He knew that he wouldn't be allowed to see such information and that didn't bother him. He instead took a few steps back from the duffels and pulled out his hand cannons. He cracked the barrels and made sure they were loaded, then placed them back into their holsters.

This might be for testing the new suits, but it was also a chance for William to test out his own clothes. The clothing he found at Akemi's was very high tech. The clothes were made of ballistic fibers and the jacket had a shield generator, but he knew he was only scratching the surface. He smirked to himself as he patted his swords as well. He also got to test his augmentations...

He toggled his strength augmentation on and flexed his fingers carefully. Once he was satisfied, he pulled his hood up once more and clipped the collar back together.

Using his mindware, he spoke to Eden. "Where to, Shosa Eden?" He asked looking over to her. As he finished his question, he gave a soft smile.
Briefing Room

"Alright, you have my attention with this new toy we will be calling a Shibui. Good name for it." Alastair commented as he walked over to one of the duffel bags and popped it open. He pulled one of the suits out of it and then looked around it at Hoshi and Eden. "Ahhh snap, these come with a freaking cape. Forget it keeping us from dying from the cold, I am all about this cape." Alastair was smiling from ear to ear as he looked it over.

He ran down the checklist of features of the suit. Was impressive how much stuff they put into this model. Fact it has stealth makes it even better.

"So we have a changing room around here or we just going to strip here in the briefing room?" Alastair said in a flirty serious voice.
Briefing Room

Kasumi blinked as she processed the schematics and technical details of the suit, paying special attention to the stealth, propulsion, and fighting capabilities of the suit. When Kasumi read that the suit lacked a strength augmentation system, she reasoned that the Shibui was not meant to be a frontline power armor, but rather a powered stealth suit for reconnaissance and scouting duties.

The white-haired Nekovalkyrja turned towards Eden when she arrived in the briefing room with the duffel bags. She decided that now was the best time to stow her cold weather jacket in the nearby bin. After doing so, Kasumi floated to her previous position and raised her hand. Once she was called upon, Kasumi stated her question in a dry tone.

"What handheld weapon systems are ideal for utilization with the suit?"
Planet Yamatai
Temple of the Stars

The bespectacled Azai-hei had been quietly bringing up the rear of the large group as they exited the shuttle into the frigid environs of the Ralt region, having a slightly more ardous charge of her own to deal with. She gave the pilot at the cockpit a smile and a thumbs up as the Raccoon's ramp slid upwards once she had rolled a cart off off of it very carefully that was similar to the universally recognized Star Army Cleaning Kit. This had been assigned in her logs to one 'Mark Oaklen', which gave the logistics soldier a little pang of worry for just what kind of duties the Chusa had in mind for her cabin-mate's probationary period... though everyone in Star Army had to start somewhere, right? She also noticed the android Chlorate trudging along, seemingly nonplussed by the chill -- hopefully the icy conditions here wouldn't affect her systems too negatively as to need field repairs.

Covered by a snow-colored protective all-weather tarp and secure cargo straps, the nondescript supply cart also served to conceal neatly stacked sheets of Camouflage fabric and accompanying control systems, along with an obsolete and hard to find UNSAFE unit that the higher ups had requested underneath. Kaede wasn't one to question very much the veracity of an officer's request, but it was not a mystery that whatever the rumored Project Star Princess involved, it was something that needed to be carefully concealed, and involved in-depth forensic analysis of some kind to be performed.

The orange-paneled Joto Hei was left to ponder these mysteries beneath the snug experimental suit she wore over her duty uniform, the breaths of her exertions making a little cloud of condensation into the cold air that brought to mind the distant tundras of Tange IV she had trained in as a Peacekeeper once long ago, back in the heydays of the United Outer Colonies. Slowly and carefully, the former Jiyuuian then lead her important charge down into the darkness of the crevice using both her Minkan strength to the fullest and a little bit of gravity manipulation to get it safely to its final destination...

Briefing Room

Once in the warmth of the room, Kaede took a moment to catch her breath as the supply cart was deposited at the back of the chamber along with the gear she had been borrowing. More questions than answers soon sprung into being with Hoshi and Eden's serious request concerning their faith and respectfulness of an ancient place. The elven-eared woman took a moment to straighten her half-rimmed glasses, and spoke a proverb in Yamataigo in response, a lesson of endurance.

"Gukou yama o utsusu," (Faith moves mountains). "You have my promise of respect, by Chiharu's graces."
Mark did not receive these schematics and did not take a suit, so he remained put. Though at Alastair's last sentence cleared his throat, "Well if that is the case I'll wear my own gear. Since stealth seams to be a theme." Mark said hoping none would notice the additional red in his cheeks as others began undressing. He thankful for the distraction removed a warped bundle at the bottom of his pack. In it was the chest armor of the rest of his armor. The pieces magnetically stuck to the under suit before the clamps locked the two halves together. The light non-reflecting off of the matte black composite armor's convex chest.

"Yeah feels good to be suited up again." Mark said with a smile and a light tapping to his armored chest.
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The given uniform clung to Care's figure, the fabric often being pinched by the smaller aspects of her joints as she moved. It was nothing that hindered movement, but it was enough for her to note the odd sensation. Standing above the hole, the automaton looked about the icy structure around them. Apart from the thick clothing around her figure that, quite simply didn't need the protection, her face was slightly covered, a balaclava covering everything below her nose, and a matching beanie covering her head. She would look organic, if not for the gray, silicon flesh around her eyes and the soft blue glow of her silver eyes. Her reasoning behind it was quite simple, she wanted to fit in. Star Army or not, it didn't take a genius to figure out when a robot was some off-standard Freespacer design. Progressive in accepting others or not, Freespacer and Yamatai history wasn't the best.

Being one of the last down the ladder, her heavy footsteps would hit each rail of the ladder through padded boots, gloved hands assisting her descent as the glacial walls began to encompass all that she could see. Wounds associated with glaciers are the same kind that occur with two aquatic vessels that are next to each other, or more accurately, stone avalanches. The injuries tend to be the same among them, scrapes, bruises, and more dangerously, the crushing of limbs between two or more unstoppable forces. Rocks and ice weigh a great deal, collapses or shifts in the structure could result in extreme damage to any form of life, if not outright death.

Following the group into the extended hallway, her eyes wandered the mix of natural and artificial structures, their depth and distance from the outside world not lost on her. It can take a great many years for just a few meters, or even centimeters of ice to build up. When you dig this deep, how long has it been since such layers were last exposed to air? The air itself felt ancient, as if the place itself had become lost in time, and wasn't meant to be found.

Briefing Room

Care listened closely to the briefing, the matter itself seeming strange to her. They were to pose as archaeologists, remnants of a larger group that was dwindling in numbers, as if the project had been shut down. An odd thing, after all considering their origin it didn't seem like the standard mission. Further instructions were given, when suddenly images began to appear in her head, schematics and details, instructions and figures. A prototype stealth suit, skin tight and concealing, two things Care would hardly put together. But regardless she would choose to wear it along with the others.

Though as she inspected its details from the information she had, she found herself averse to it, in the same way she was averse to other suits of powered armor such as the Mindy. There was no individuality in the suit, once it was on, and the helmet attached there was little defining about your appearance. Furthermore suits never felt like tools to her, powered armor often felt confining and made her ache to be released from the small space. She dared not speak such thoughts, finding only the reasoning that she was the one who was wrong, and therefore she was the one who must adjust. While she did not speak, her facial plates adjusted briefly, showing an emotion of brief but clear displeasure. It was gone as soon as it appeared, and she fell in line with the acts expected of her.
Briefing Room

Katsu stood still in the room and looked at Hoshi, listening to her talk. He couldn't help but notice though that more and more of the people around him were undressing, and it soon became obvious that he would have to do so as well. This realisation caused him to gulp, his ears turning to point backwards, while his tail moved around his body and he instinctively grabbed the tip of it with his left hand, holding it. At Alistar's question about changing rooms, he looked at Hoshi with hope in his eyes, really hoping that there was some kind of seperate area to have some privacy.

Nevertheless, since it was the time to ask questions and noone else has asked that question yet, Katsu raised his right hand to show that he wanted to talk. Once he was given opportunity to do so, he said "Chusa Hoshi, I have a question. Are we expecting hostile contact?" Never hurt to ask, right?
The suit's schematics seemed simple enough, if a bit out of left field for what Miyako was used to dealing with. To be honest it seemed like the sort of thing a SOFT group would be using instead of the crew of a more conventional Star Army vessel. But if the Empress had decided it was on them to test it then the chocolate-skinned neko wasn't about to protest against her duties and she set to work stripping out of her standard uniform with little form or ceremony even in the relative warmth of the briefing room.

The skin-tight suit was pulled on and almost immediately Miyako set to testing her range of motion: bending and flexing and moving to see if she could find where the suit might pinch or grab her. But it seemed that the clothblade-inspired technology was doing its job well and it felt as if the suit was adapting to her movements before she'd even fully committed to making them. And it literally took nothing more than a thought to have the suit's shawl-like cape wrapped around her neck like a lazy scarf just beneath the helmet.

Satisfied, she turned to her commanding officer, "Chusa Hoshi: Santo Hei Maki Miyako is ready~!" She offered a crisp little bow before standing at-ease and awaiting further instructions.
Yoshida tilted her head at Hoshi's reply, alawys feeling like she was awnsering a question a few steps behind the one she just asked. Oh well. She supposed it would do to just let her awnser the questions of others like inquiries about 'hostile contact'. As she checked the abilities of the suit, she nodded slowly, apreciateively. It almost seemed to have the most basic abilities of a mindy, that being built in weaponry, full mobility of a power armor, and stealth. The entire combined field system capability in a single suit was interesting most of all! How did they have such tiny reactors in the effectively skin tight suit?

The only things that worried her were the potentials for failure, and litte information. The cloth blades and beta teleport system for one. The cloth blade sounded like it was doomed to fail for somone at just the wrong moment, and even if the suit was capable of teleporting, that little tag- beta, made it sound excessively dangerous. Or just prone to exploding in a wide blast of anti matter and radiation.

Before she knew it, several others had already put on their suits. She certainly couldn't be the last one! Forgetting her own, typical resignations, she practically threw the suit on after discarding her old clothes- sending a shiver throughout her whole body. It may have been relitively warm here, but the lack of protection was sure to chill one to the bone in an instant. Without a word, she zipped up the suit, and with the helmet and scarf finally wrapped around her, got her first good look at the HUD, an all important part of any soldier's first impressions of a suit. Then she stopped, and looked back to make doubley sure that the cloth had covered her tail as well, that was always a problem she felt unique in having compared to many others. Luckily, this was a suit that actively wrapped around you.

"Well, at least its... adaptive!" It was immedeately clear, with her body language and semi-unique shape, that it would not be hard to pick her out of a crowd of similarly dressed soldiers. Bfore everythign was said and done, she picked up her gear, including the NSP, survival knife, survival PACK, and te power armor level plasma blade. She was glad to have that one on hand now.
Briefing Room

The information on the new suit was a pleasant surprise to Ume. She was always eager to try out new things. There were several interesting points in the schematics and even some technologies she had never experienced before, but it was all reliables technologies, just on a new form factor by the looks of it. It was like a vehicle that brought together technologies that never before met.

The joy was clear on her face, but for a while, Ume was lost in thought. She had to analyze every aspect of the suit and how it would affect her in combat and what would be the most efficient way to use it. She could only tell so much before she put it on, but it was an important step to prepare her mind from the start. However that was not why she hesitated to put it on, she was told to respect the place, and so she was not sure if getting naked in there was respectful or not. Others had stripped down to change, but it wasn't until Yoshida got started that Ume decided that maybe it was okay.

Almost eagerly the plum neko stripped down and then put on the new combat suit named Shibui. The name was fitting, it was just a shame that it would only be for Star Army personnel. Once it was zipped up it automatically conformed to her body, which surprised her but also excited her a little. She gave herself a pat down and did a few stretches to make sure everything was snug and supported, as well as get a hold of her range of movement.

"This is so cool." Ume smiled as she picked up her weapons and put them on the new suit in the same fashion as before. "It's warmer too."
Yamatai - Temple of the Stars

To the left of the large group of personnel were the other two separa'shan who came along on this trip, gleefuly huddling around one of the generators inside. they held on to their environmental suits for a bit longer, knowing very well the perils of not getting enough heat in these circumstances.

Abart'huse and Nerai'tha took a brief moment to rest after the huge acrobatical task of going down a thin and freezing cold metallic stepladder with a giant snake's tail instead of legs. Needless to say it was a rather akward maneuver, one that the two weren't keen on repeating anytime soon.

Upon Hoshi's inquiry, the two broke off their tight clutch on the precious heater to give a quick but stern bow. Separa'shan culture was closely knit to their religion, and even if some had gone different ways in the recent, modernized years, these two still had a strong sense of belief in them. As such the concept of a temple was far from unknown to them, and the two would naturally treat it with the dignity it deserved.

"Still....." Nerai muttered to her scaly cousin. "Don't those suits look awfully.... thin?" an uncomfortable look creeped across her face, whincing at how drafty the suit looked as first glance. Despite being the oldest, oldest crewmember within this room, as well as one of the highest ranking people here, the snakelady could get quite squeamish when it came to discomort, not unlike a spoiled child. "Those look super coldddd, i dun wannaaa......"

As an infantryman, Abart was used to being pushed into things he wasn't fond of. While ne shared Nerai's concern, he figured it would be best to get it over with. surely all the fancy names and diagrams weren't for show. ".....Oh come on, it's not gonna be that bad......surely. just roll with it, ya s'hich'se."

Prying her Loose from the generator's warm plates, Abart dragged a pouty Nerai over to one of the duffelbags that read "SBu-Sp", which was most likely an indicator of the Separa variant of this new powered suit. Changing was going to take a little while, having to pry their long tails out of the other suit's confines, like taking off a really really really long and tight fitting stocking. Thankfully the former cold weather suit had many metallic teeth for extra grip on the ice, like one would normally find under a climber's shoes.

Halfway through changing the two did come across the heating functions of the skintight powersuit, which was quite the relief. Not coming unprepared, Abart had taken along his trusty KZ Type 29 Armor Service Pistol with additional folding stock and reddot sights with him, after hearing of only smaller arms being required. Though his concept of "light arms" probably wasn't quite along the lines of the others, as the recoil on this "handgun" was enough to break even an unprepared neko's wrists. Good thing he found out about the possible stock addition. Meanwhile Narai stuck to her usual NSP with YB-28A triple power magazine.
Briefing Room

Sacre slid into her suit, pleased at the heating function. As Abart and his aunt were changing, Sacre slid up to the other Separa'Shan. She visually checked the two, making sure that they had put on the suit correctly and had found their heating elements. "It looks like neither of you are incompetent enough to freeze to death while changing clothes, I had my doubts." Sacre said, pausing to move her knives from the cold weather gear to the skinsuit. It seemed like every time that it seemed like she might be done, she reached in and grabbed another. "Because we have to keep ourselves warmer and don't generate our own heat, we'll run out of power faster. I don't know how much faster, but I'd rather not risk it." She reached into her pack and pulled out two extra batteries for the suits and handed one of them to each of the to the other two Separa'Shan. She liked Abart, his suggestion about making handles for knives had already brought her a lot of happy hours carving. If it had just been the stranger, she might have waited, but she didn't want Abart to freeze unexpectedly. So she masked her caring for him as a friend under doing her job as a medic.
Briefing Room

Eden had been busy getting suited up, but looked to Hoshi after Kasumi's question, who nodded and Eden said, "I prefer a lighter loadout, myself, and we don't have an armory behind one of these ice walls. You can take with you what you brought. Telling you to disarm is not something I want to get in the habit of," Eden said, looking to Kokoro-hei's PA-tier weaponry. "So be careful with one another and with your weapons."

Hoshi said to everyone while giving a curt nod to Katsu, "Santo Hei Katsu asked us if there will be hostile contact, everyone. We have made every preparation possible to avoid unfriendlies. That answer should also tell you that we should not stop doing so now."

"Jôtô Hei Azai," Hoshi said, "and I will set up a central command post in the middle of the temple, where will we come in from. Then we will obtain sensor data from the UNSAFE and relay it to team comms. This is a good time to get dressed, get synced up with comms if you need to, and then follow Eden through the room she just came from."

Helmet and all, Eden was fully suited, though, she lacked a Shosa rank pin on her Shibui suit, likely because it would only be something to get stuck or lost. She wordlessly went through the doorway and brought them through a small hallway of footlockers, then took a left turn down a twenty foot hallway and took the only other option, another left. At no slow pace, she made her way another twenty feet, took a right turn and trotted eighty feet before slowing and stopping.

Underneath the Center of the Temple

It was apparent where she had stopped had been a hub of activity for some time. Footprints dotted the white ground and chairs were carved into the ice. Above Eden there was a large opening in the ice that had been diligently carved into a cylindrical hole.

"For anyone counting steps, we are now two hundred feet West of the crevice we came in from, which is the center of this temple. We have no schematics for the temple as the sensors have not been able to penetrate the floor of the temple," Eden said into comms, then pointed up above her to the hole cut in the ice.
Briefing Room

He nodded at the answer to his question, having expected something like this already, and then looked at the information about that suit on the datapad. He actually read through it all twice, not because he had trouble understanding it, but because... well.. He swallowed hard as he saw that there were no changing rooms and that he had to do it right here. So after getting his suit, he moved as far away from the others as possible and turned so that he was facing the wall and stood with his back to the others. There he took off his weapons and what little gear he had and set them down on the ground, before he undid his thermo suit and used a hand to cover his crotch. The others may be used to seeing each other naked all the time, but he surely wasn't, which was not only given away by how he behaved, but also by his tail wrapping itself around his body and his ears laying flat against his head.
In order to get his digitigrade legs into the suit, he had to sit down on the ground, but it surely was quite a hassle. The next problem was getting his tail in as well. But once that was done, he quickly closed the zip and stood up, flexing a bit. The skintight suit hugged his athletic body quite nicely, and as he stretched and turned, he didn't feel any limitations, and as such he put his weapons back on again and slided the helmet on, checking the built-in radio once to see if it was working. Then he stepped back to the others again, placing his previous cold weather gear into the bin with the others and then turned on the heathers of the suit to make sure he'd stay nicely warm.

Underneath the Center of the Temple

Katsu moved after Eden, trying not to think about if others had just seen him and focus back on the mission. He looked around at all the signs of activity and then looked around in the room, basically scanning his surroundings, not with sensors or such but with his own eyes.
Briefing Room/Underneath the Center of the Temple

"Thank you Teien-Shosa.", Kasumi said after Eden spoke to her. With her question answered to satisfaction, Kasumi walked to the duffel bag and took her designated Shibui suit. Seeing that many people in the room had already changed into the suits, Kasumi was able to obtain a better idea of how the suit would fit. It was a skin-tight garment, light and highly experimental in nature.

The diminutive white-haired Nekovalkyrja began to methodically strip off her clothes, unashamed of being naked in front of her crew mates. She then folded her old clothes and placed them on a nearby surface before beginning the process of entering the suit.

The process of donning the suit on was much like putting on a pair a tights. After putting her legs inside, she zipped the suit up and placed her arms in the upper half of the material, one arm at a time. The last thing that went on was the helmet, which clamped and sealed itself automatically over her head. With a deep breath, Kasumi closed her eyes and established a SPINE link with the sensor suite of the suit itself. The a panoramic and sensor assisted view provided Kasumi with nearly omniscient senses. The act of opening her eyes would only serve to distract her from the information that the robust sensor suite fed into her digital mind.

After linking up with the suit, Kasumi followed Eden out of the room. As she walked, Kasumi downloaded and recorded the route the Shosa took, in case of contingency. When the Shosa stopped just below the hole, Kasumi examined it briefly before moving onward.
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