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  1. RP The Black Pact

    Reservoir system/Vice/ M.E.C.H.A. apartments Lazarus sat in his black T-shirt and jeans on the couch, his armor reinforced boots kicked up on the coffee table. Watching the video screen again. Giving a quick glance around the Spartan apartment, there were still a few bullet holes he hadn't...
  2. Approved Submission [IIS] Bag of Holding

    Submission Type: Clothing Template Used: Clothing Faction: FM Approved Yet? Yes, me Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No Contains New art? No Previously Submitted? No Notes: So I wrote this in about ten minutes and it's pretty short - it's definitely...
  3. [Bulletin] Build Your Own Ship

    Good morning, afternoon or evening! We at IIS are excited to be announcing a new service we are releasing - Build Your Own Ship! For the longest time, having your own custom-built craft took months of paperwork and tedious design to accomplish, talking to a array of companies to procure each...
  4. Abandoned Submission [IIS] Build Your Own Ship

    Submission Type: Service Template Used: N/A Faction: IIS FM Approved Yet? Yes, Me Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, Eye-III Contains New art? No Previously Submitted? No Notes: Credit to @Arbitrated for the idea, @club24 and @HarperMadi for their...
  5. SYNC Post Evacuation Services in Yamataian Space

    To: forwarded to Kentari Venlyn To IIS leadership, The Frontier Service Corporation is mobilizing into Yamataian space to assist with the evacuation of citizens and provide relief. Our current financial status will not support the number of people we are projecting to need evacuations. These...
  6. Approved Submission [Species] Mudulcis

    Submission Type: Weaponised Species Template Used: Species Faction: FM Approved Yet? No? @Wes Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No Contains New art? No Previously Submitted? Yes, abandoned. https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/mudulcis.59898...
  7. RP: Section 6 [S6-IIS] Target Found

    USV-Hammer/outer region of 188604 planetary system The Hammer hung in space, Mark and Jack sat in the rather spacious captain's quarters. The IIS rep was soon to arrive and they weren't actually sure who it was exactly that was coming. A Mercian hung beside the Hammer, it's gigantic horseshoe...
  8. SYNC To: Galactic Horizon From: IIS

    Kryss & Co, First of all, I'd like to thank you so much for our last meeting, it was a shame it couldn't last longer! You guys are going to have to swing by some time so I can pay that back. Anyways, something I think you might enjoy undertaking has come up and I thought I'd pass it across the...
  9. RP [IIS] Spreading the Net

    IIS Wanderer Prior to the events of the ISS Brimstone Iemochi Yakena pouted as he swung her booted feet up onto the console she was frowing at, spinning her seat a little. The crew of the itinerant woman's ship seemed not to notice - they were paid our of her pocket to travel the universe - not...
  10. E

    RP: 188604 [OHI-IIS] The First Go

    Nath Tower The building was quite a sight, a protruding and somewhat domineering sight from it's surroundings. Nath Tower, a structure of polished glass and shined metal beams glinting in the morning sun. Nathan Dale gazed upon the impressive curves with a critical gaze as he brushed the few...
  11. RP [Horizon-IIS] Scouting for Partners

    15:00 IIS HQ Yamatai Kryss Black had gone to a lot of effort getting herself out to the IIS HQ for this meeting and was a still a little grumpy from the flight, according to what her father had said this was a very big corporation with a lot of money. They had expressed an interest in Dawn...
  12. SYNC To: Chiharu Campaign, From: IIS

    To Ketsurui Yuumi and Ketsurui Chiharu, We've heard on the grapevine a lot of support is being thrown your way towards the elections! As we have a significant number of ex-SA civilians in our employ we've been inspired by the various pictures and posters they've put up around our offices to...
  13. E

    Charity and Prosperity

    Akemi's - UX-4 Charity Event There was a low light in the expansive top level Akemi's of the core part of his station near system UX-4, an independent space port that had all the ammenities and more already installed and brought by Trinary Shipping after the port was initially built by...
  14. F

    Laz Public Network To: Kissiel Fonteia

    Recipient: Kissiel Fonteia From: [ERROR {404A}: USER_INVALID] Subject: Re: Distress Call - - - Begin Message - - - Help is on the way. Hold out for six more hours. - - - End Message - - -
  15. SYNC From: IIS, To: Elysian Senate [PRIORITY CHANNEL]

    The logo of IIS, a well-known company, flares up on the message as it loads. The image blinks into life, a young brunette Patrician with striking wings comes into view. Her chest is heaving, eyes and wings twitching in distress. "Hello?" She begins in Seraphim, "I'm- Nevermind who I am. Myself...
  16. SYNC From: IIS, To: Star Army Command [PRIORITY CHANNEL]

    A image flashes up on the message, a video attachment. When opened, the IIS logo fades in and out of the first frame of the footage, the content loading. It begins playing, an elderly man with wild eyes and a dishevelled labcoat wrapped around him. His half-moon glasses are crooked and he is...
  17. SYNC From: IIS To: Brinjor Kimya

    Brinjor and all of the crew Hang in there, our hearts are with you. Iemochi Family
  18. SYNC To: Iemochi Seinosuke, From: IIS

    Dear Iemochi Seinosuke We thank you for your kind donation of weapon and ammo plans to IIS, we will be sure they are put to good use, for the good of the company and member states. Plans in question are the infantry-carried MAW anti-power armor rifle and IRIS payload ammo. Kind Regards...
  19. SYNC To: Section 6, From: IIS

    Director Jack Pine Your order of two (2) Albion-Class Supercarriers has been completed within the IIS Avalon's shipyards. As predicted, the ships have been completed on time, the initial construction beginning the 15th of last month. The ships will be delivered on the 12th of this month. As...
  20. E

    RP: 188604 [IIS] Intelligence Pt.1, Pt.2

    IIS Liaison Office, Section 6, 188604 Brinjor Kimya opened the hard wooden door to his office with a "click", the brass handle rotating easily under his grip as the older man stepped through to the functional office, red carpet covering the floor. He was engrossed in the datapad he held...
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