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  1. [Conclave Broadcasting Network] Monthly News Roundup

    We know that life in the Conclave can be busy between work and making your shuttle, so we at CBN work hard to round up the most important and interesting stories of the previous month and bring them in a condensed form to you so that you can be informed and up to date. NDC Population Shoots...
  2. We're All Adults Here

    Two years ago, we decided to raise the minimum age to 18 to join Star Army as a member. This was for a couple reasons, but mainly because it made the site less complicated to run if we're all adults. In order to avoid kicking out any members who had already joined, we allowed for a two-year...
  3. Star Army Reviewed on Youtube!

    Here's something really cool! Mousie from RPG-D offered to do some video reviews of people's roleplaying forums and I asked her to come take a look at Star Army and give her first impressions. She made a really nice video as she explored the site. Here it is!
  4. Mazrit Spice Coffee and Matai Makuzhar Attack!

    Iruotl System Across some channels of the television and as banners or popups on OGNEIR.net sites came an advertisement. A pair of young Iromakuanhe women that both seemed to be bouncing in place in the ad and they wore casual almost sleepwear-looking clothing and both kept their hair in top...
  5. Yamatai News (YINN) Old Tokyo's new owner plants sunflowers en masse

    Old (Furui) Tokyo- A deal has been struck where Taisa Kage Yaichiro, Commandant of the Jiyuu Fleet Depot, has obtained the old metropolis of Furui Tokyo with the intention of decontamination and rebuilding as well as the intended creation of a memorial and burial site for any dead encountered...
  6. Current Issues

    Just wanted to give you guys an update on the current situation. I got a couple technical issues I am working on: The server is having trouble talking to other servers. This caused the wiki to slow down because it was trying to do update checks from a repository. Temporarily disabled these...
  7. [Astral News Distribution] Catastrophe Close to Colony of the Commonwealth!

    "This is Astral News Distribution," said an Iromakuanhe announcer with black hair that hugged her face in a short cut that was next to a stony-faced and white haired Iromakuanhe man. The two announcers sat at a sleek, beige table with blue lines bisecting every once in a while on the edge with a...
  8. SANDRA New Mindy Models Will Offer Diversity

    9月 YE 38 Kyoto, Yamatai - Ketsurui Fleet Yards and the Star Army of Yamatai jointly announced today they are producing new specialized variants of the Ke-M2-4 series "Mindy" armor suit that accommodate the unique features of certain Yamataian species. Starting at the beginning of YE 39, the...
  9. SANDRA Planetary Fort Planned for Asura

    The Imperial government of the Yamatai Star Empire and Star Army of Yamatai jointly announced today its intention to create a "Special Control Zone" on Asura III, which will contain a Star Army of Yamatai planetary base, tentatively named Fort Asura, which will serve as the hub of Asura's...
  10. SANDRA Big Changes for Star Army Pay

    Taisho Yui announced upcoming major changes to the Star Army of Yamatai's YE 38 pay scales today. The new pay scale is in chart format, with pay calculated by pay grade (rank) and years served. You can view it on the Star Army's ranks and pay article. In a statement released by Star Army...
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