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Foreman tromped into the lab in her usual ponderous method. Armoured treads clanking against the floor, followed by the hiss of hydraulics. The two Junkers perching on the chassis' right shoulder as she did her best not to disturb anything. She got to a point then paused. Raising the volume on...
Submission Type: Weapon Technology
Submission URL:Link
FM Approved Yet? Yes, by me
Faction requires art? Yes, Pending
@Ametheliana, this one could really use your attention to detail, it's going to be a little crazy. This is technically 12 weapons.
@CadetNewb, I want to make sure...
Time for the roast to begin...
I'd like some feedback on an idea I've been fiddling with in my mind. The DETOUR program would be an IC starting point from which I plan on creating tech for an automated turret system for use on SAoY starships. I understand that these are all things that we...
I was reading about the SmAR/Fatboy and noticed that there was not info about the sound it makes when firing. That got me wondering, a device that is powered by precharged capacitors to project light which is focused through lenses would theoretically be fairly quiet, maybe even silent.
So my...
The booster here lists it's price as top engine speed (CC) x 20. But that can't be right, because CC isn't a measure of even horse power or such, it's a measure of cubic centimeters of the pistons, it's related to the power of...