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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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If your mysterious pasts are going to come up and play a part in the plot, please run it past the GM's first.
Well my character was abducted, mind wiped, enchanted and sold so does that fit with your characters background?
My character was a volunteer for a company that enhanced people to become mercenaries. He was one of the first so it could be the same company
Regarding transitional Usotzan currency: Since the locals' gold coins are still minted with the Osman King's head, I'm having the locals calling them Dead Kings. Exchange rate is about 5 Dead Kings per 1 DA. The coins generally come in large denominations, but are cut into segments, Pieces of Eight style to get smaller sums of money.

I totally pulled this out of thin air and will Retcon if the other GMs dislike it.
Then they decided it would be easier to kidnap and sell kids. If you can clear it with zack that's ok with me ace.
It is ok that they share the same enhancement company, but be sure you clear anything you do with said company with your friendly neighborhood GM first.
To start I was just gonna have Ace 'investigate' Alex's enhancements then explain to him who did it to him.
I can write an article for the Brigadiers, and add some detailing on how Arccos handles law and order. Maybe something on how life on the planet works post-invasion?
Ace could be in charge of planet excavation its the only reason he is still there and not causing trouble
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