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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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@Dumont feel free to add to the article. There is also an article for planet 188604 that has that kind of information on it that you may be interested in adding to.
Does arccos use the junker drones she Does have to "keep the peace" forcefully?

At times, but they're mainly used as a literal nuclear deterrant to make sure she stays the one in charge of law enforcement as opposed to letting Uso take a 'shoot all dissenters' approach to law and order planetside.
Just made a post in the Star Wasp thread: an Eethie convoy accidentally stumbled into the battle.

@Zack , Lemme know if you want me to change my post; if it's taking too many liberties. I just wanted to add a little something of my own to the fight.
There was actually three options of Guides in order of expensiveness. But in the interests of moving things along after determining how prepared Ace is for the expedition, you have received what Ace asked of the middleman merchant: An inexpensive guide.

Flea: The gross desert world, camel riding, hobo bag-lady. Sexiest NPC of all.

Had he forked out more cash he could have gotten his hands on either: Johnny Walkabout, the Dune Whisperer (read: peyote loving hippie), or Duke Devlin Blake, Gentleman Adventurer (complete with elephant gun in tiger-skin holster).
Duke Devlin sounds like an adventure hero. I wonder if there are stories of him fighting bandits and aliens in the library?
He's a now penniless nobleman who fritted away his family fortune on cards, and turned to a life of adventure to regain the family name. He has several biographies which read like adventure books (the best seller is the one where he fights the Mountain King of Barbaria in the southern reaches), and he penned several volumes of steamy erotic poetry published in the Osman Imperial Library.
He's the first living person to have swum the full length of the Algaeia sea, and is the bareknuckle champion of Osman's underground boxing scene. Although he is looked down upon by the rest of the former Osman nobility as an uneducated rough for being kicked out of the Royal College when he tried to circumvent the rule of no 'domesticated animals in the dormitories' by keeping a pissed off badger as a pet and assuring them that Sir Growly was in no way domesticated.

...Yes, I like making up random NPC's. They all have backstories. All of them.
I have this strange feeling that sooner or later legix and I will prove why mecha have a place in warfare
So I'll be handling the sand world dig thing with a few different phases. Most of the trip will be cut up between these sort of resource management sections, interspersed with specific encounters. In general it'll be how I handle anything like an expedition with a lower number of players like this.

At set points the NPCs will offer suggestions of what to do, and Ace as leader will get to choose which option to go with. His choices determine what sort of encounters you get, or what loot you find. I keep most of the stuff that's relevant in my own documentation, and so far you have this:

500 DA in Dead Kings
1500 DA in Arcmarks

2 days Algae rations.
1 Wagon with Two Horses.
1 Excavation Kit.

2 Exceptional quality Steel Knives (Catch: Acquired by Con)

Heart Points:
Scrabler: 5/5 (Can't change, NPC'd player)
Tomblyn: 5/5 (Can't change, NPC'd player)
Flea: 1/5

Heart points are just shorthand representation of how I determine loyalty of an NPC, Tomblyn and Scrabler are your bros so they'll always be at full heart points.
The NMX Advanced types here are kinda mooky, but do treat them as normal: Say what you're going to do to attack them and then wait for the GM response.

There are 12 and a gunship just outside of the hanger where everyone is right now.

A gunship and 12 more are on the 'bottom' of the craft while Ronin is on the top.

And the last 12 are in the hanger on the other side of the ship that currently isn't in use.
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