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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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This plot last week; "I should probably stop being so harsh to my character..."

This plot now; "Gotta find a way to make my character loose more limbs, pronto!"

Why can't you all be purrrr-fect like a Neko? Just kidding just kidding! Quit giving me the mechanical evil eye. It ain't working.

@Ametheliana :: wondering if my character has heard of Aashi Nath- Former Space Pirate Captain icly.... oh well... let me know how you want to work this out.
Arccos' present plans involve her rigging holo projectors to provide everyone's volleyball moves with stupid anime VFX in real time.

Get that authentic Freespacer E-Sports vibe.
@Ace I would but Corgan has other things he wants to do. And he is not really fond of Ace ever since he fought with Cyrus and Uso the one time. Now maybe Aaron could be convinced to send some men with him, but he would want to keep any tech you find or records from the planet's history.

@Primitive Polygon What do you think about putting some mindware in Corgan? Is Truffleclub skillet enough to not accidentally kill Corgan in surgery?

I meant SKILLED not SKILLET lol.
@Ace Yeah, I kind of spaced on that, I will have 8-Ball and Alastair respond next post when I get home!

@Alex Yes, 8-Ball had dubbed you new boots in his head because he hasn't met you.
@ArsenicJohn ; Club is plenty skillet enough. 110% frying pan. An't yee seen the shape of 'is head?

Cybermedical implant stuff they can do, yeah, since it was part of their job with the old crew (Cloudy actually mentions in their original thread that they knew that what the Junkers were doing was wrong). That huge box on their left hip is for dispensing medical stuff, just nobody has been brave enough to use it so far!
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