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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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I literally don't know what we're going to find.

Good Luck.

You should probably bring power armor.
To be honest I thought it was cooler without it, but it's still neat.

A-Also, is Akemi really not allowed in the White Lament clubhouse? Is a ceasefire possible? I just have to ask as he'd try to timidly get on it somehow.
He'll only be allowed on if he removes all voidsuits, and stays in the subdeck where we keep the depleted reactor rods.

Enjoy your Neko Cancer.
SO! I think I will need @Gunhand4171 for this here. I think... You do play Cyrus right Gunhand?

Regardless, Arccos has given Zahen her blessing to assist with the capture of the Rebel leaders and the rescue of their hostages. Sssssoooooooooooooooooo

I was wondering if anyone would mind giving Zahen the opportunity to show the Vekimen can be controlled and professional. Mostly... I also want a chance to traumatize /actual/ enemies. It's difficult traumatizing all my friends.

If people say yes, then I would like to ask if I could GM with help. I would like to use this as an opportunity to try GMing a Vekimen focused plot. While I won't tell people what they can and cannot play, if y'all are cool with it, I would like it if people tried playing the Vekimen. If there is no dice on that, it's cool, I'm just hoping for the opportunity to do something small scale before starting up a plot ship which is around the corning given I almost have /everything/ I need to make the Vekimen a playable race by other people.

I have plans for a few firsts on the Vekimen scene, but I feel this would be the best start for me. At least on this site. I will accept all cues and expectations those who have been working on the plot for some time in regards to the Rebels. Let me know.
I had no idea we had a new SP thread until now. -w- I forget to check one post in this thread and SARP gets all huffy with me and stops sending alerts.
I don't really see much point in getting involved so far. Bringing the I'ee fleet is just extra baggage. Sammy would spend the journey either riding piggyback on someone's shoulders or freaking out when drama happens, and Gutty would be pissed off because she can't stab anything.

I might want to see about having more I'ee workers get transported to 188604 at some point, though: There's no reason for them to be all alone there when a long-term deal is happening. The JTE will need more wasp-power for bricklaying. owo
Well sure, but he's never spoken to him and he doesn't know that he killed a ton of dudes and should be worried about not addressing him.
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