Star Army

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RP (non-canon) 1st SORT: Operation Husky

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Clair's ears twitched as she heard the whistles, her eyes snapped to the source and she saw the hand signals. Their Lieutenant had made it after all. Then April and Tiff went for it, charging up the hill and crashing through windows. A grenade explosion followed, then smoke grenades and more signals and whistles.

All hell had broken lose.

"Well hell!" Clair grumbled, brought her machine gun up and took aim at a group of enemy that now were coming around the side of the small castle. She leveled her sights, steadied herself and opened fire. The thunderous bark of her weapon filled the air as Clair's Bren gun joined the party. She kept her fire to quick short bursts. She had thirty rounds in each magazine, no reason to go nuts with spraying the field.

She started a careful and controlled advance on the castle. She kept her bursts of fire up, providing cover as best she could to keep the enemy pinned down. She saw at least two Italians go down from her fire, blood splatters across the stone walls of the castle told her that her rounds had struck home
"Sod five minutes!" Cat said as she heard the whistle. It was coming from the direction of castle and she could see from where. On top of the bloody castle was a dark heaired man in american uniform. "Eh." Was all the remark, Cat could give about that. She could have ask him later how he got there without anyone noticing. The girl took a whistle she had around her neck and blew it. A short signal. It meant 'Acknowledged' pretty much. With the signal on Catherine could see her comrades rushing the castle.

April was the first there. It was time for the canadian sniper to do some sniping. Cat was prone and could see the face of the castle pretty easily. The Gate was closed shut, but in the windows above she could see Italian trooper covering the side. of course he did not notice her. After all she was across the road from him on another hill. Almost 200 yards at least. A tiny distance for her rifle.

The lines of her scope aligned on the men and for a moment, Cat was reminded of a moment in her past. Her father took her to see his old war buddy in Australia. It was years ago and then never went again, after all it was pretty expensive travel as it was. First time Cat flew a plane too. But over there, Cat finally learned what it meand to shoot accurately. Same as her father, his friend James Wade was a shooter and hunter. A very good one. On one of days he took Cat Kangaroo hunting.

She still remembered the speech that uncle Jimmy gave her. "Listen girl. Huntin' kanagroos ain't easy. They dont have a whole lotta meat on them so we need to hunt 'em in bigger numbers. Now if you shoot one they just scatter and you're buggered. There's a trick to this though. Kangaroos are normally pretty clever, but there is a trick t' make them look pretty farkin' stupid. See, they run away becaue they hear the whine of a shot kangaroo. Now if you shoot a kangaroo in the head, there's no whining - it just drops dead. No whinin', no scatterin'. You can shoot three or four of them easy before anyone bothers to notice why his mates napping in all them weird positions with 'alf of their brains missing."

It taught her well how to shoot at tall target. Human was not all that different. Still she had to do it right. Under 200 yards with no wind, this was fairly easy shot by her standarts. The cross set around the poor Mario's mouth. Normall she would shoot at chest, because her rifle was punchy enough and it was easier to hit. Mario was clever though, he was crouched down, showing as little of himself as possible. He did not anticipate a sniper on other hill though.

BLAM! The rifle went, slamming through the teeth and spinal cord of the poor Italian. Catherine cycled the bolt and aimed upwards to 2nd storey window. Another soldier was there with a bolt-action Steyr-Mannlicher rifle. He was looking out for the enemy, after he heard a shot from west direction. Catherine's shot. Cat did not gave him chance to shoot back though. BLAM! The shot went though his nose, splattering his brain into the room behind. Catherine aimed up. Last floor last window. She saw a man with a rifle aiming her way. Clever bastard waited for a muzzle flash. KAPOW! Went his rifle and Catherine could hear the distinct sound of the bullet hitting ground not further yard to her left.

BLAM! Went Catherine's rifle, the bullet soaring through the air, finding the man's chest. His left lung to be concrete. The round went through and the man toppled backwards. Cath blinked for the first time since she fired first round. She checked the lower windows. No targets. Her eyes went away from the scope and she could see smoke building up to the side of the building. She smiled and grabbed her whistle, giving a several fast blows. 'ADVANCING' was their meaning. Now the flank would now she chose to move up.

Catherine grabbed her rifle and started moving, charging down towards the road, giving quicky glance left and right to see if there are no Italian reinforcements coming up the gravel road. She needed to get under the gate and finally enter the castle. Meanwhile she was keeping and eye on the front windows to see if anyone way brave enough to look out.
As the high pitched noise hit her ear Antoinette put her hands over them to block out the sound. "Sacre blu, zees damn sings are to sensitive! Ze lieutennant should ov given us ear plugs or somezing."

Once the noise subsided she watched as April dashed off towards the castle apparently ready to win the war by her self. Tutting to herself Ant put her hands on her hips and shook her head, "Isn't it just like an American to dash off so headstrong like at the first sign of action? Silly non?" As she turned to see the reaction on her sargents face she was surprised when she noticed noone was there and that infact they were barreling down the field after the American private.

"J'ai été affecté à un peloton d'imbéciles suicidaire." She said to herself with an audiable sigh, slinging her M3 across her chest and pulling the Fusil Automatique off of her back, "Si je voulais que ce que j'aurais rejoint la légion."

Running at a full gate she sprinted her way towards about the middle of the field, cursing all the way until she found a small irrigation ditch and dove into it feet first. Slamming herself prone she shouldered her rifle and started to take pop-shots at the Italians unlucky enough to get into her sights.
At the top of the castle, Fian could hear the sounds of everything. Including that of the radio. The Italian radioman seemed to no longer be saying anything, having either gone to join the defense or perhaps having been shot through a window. However, the German radioman on the other end continued reporting. Fian could make out some of what he was saying, but not all of it, but the German kept throwing out words like 'Division' and 'Reinforcements' and 'counterattack'. From Fian's pre-action briefing, he would know there was a main road not too far from the Castelluccio, and that the German division stationed in the nearby mountains would probably use it if they moved toward the coast. it seemed like they were about to.

Castle -Inside
April blinked several times as Tiffany made her less than stellar entrance, covered in blood and peppered with bullet wounds and shrapnel. Somewhat angrily she yelled out "AH Asked fer reinforcements, Not casualties!" as she got to work dragging her fellow NECO into the corner. Luckily, the snap of several rifles firing from outside the castle began to mix with the sound of Clair's Bren gun, giving the Italian defenders plenty to worry about aside from the two young women whom had made it inside so far. The smoke from Fian's smoke bombs had started pouring in the open windows, obscuring vision within the castle itself. Regardless, the American swiftly went to work on her Comrade, checking every entry wound to see if there was a matching exit wound. The right leg was fine, as the round had passed through, the shoulder would need Immediate attention, though, as the bullet had been stopped by Tiff's shoulder blade. The shrapnel in the NECO's back was less immediate, if more painful, being mostly near the surface. April grabbed a pair of forceps and some long tweezers out of her Medical kit, and warned Tiff "Now, this might hurt a bit... Try not tah scream and make sure nobody bothers us." Immediately afterward, and with no anesthesia, April went to work digging in Tiff's shoulder for the offending bullet.

Castle- Outside
On three sides of the castle, NECOs made their way toward their target. Clair and Jane, obscured by the godsend of Fian's smoke canisters, found their way suddenly much less difficult, as sporadic, inaccurate rifle fire was all they were faced with. Their superior vision however, allowed them to see the disoriented and bewildered Italian defenders trying fruitlessly to get an aim out the windows, or covering their faces against the billowing clouds of chemical smoke. Now was their chance to infiltrate the castle, as they would go mostly unnoticed.

Catherine, however, wouldn't be so lucky. By the time she had descended her hill, and ascended the Castle's hill, a new batch of soldiers had taken up positions at the gate, both noticing the previous soldiers were dead, and that there was less smoke on this side. Cat found herself suddenly pinned against a small out-building as the Italian soldiers found a mark on her. However, cat could hear and feel something from the out building she had been forced to take cover against. It was humming, like a motor or generator was inside. The door was on the opposite side, but there was a window nearby, and she could certainly fit though, even if it was above her head.

Valerie, for her part, had a choice. She could either follow Clair and April up the hill to assault the castle, or she could follow Antoinette around to provide cover for them from a distance. However, the fact that her main weapon was a Sten gun, suited for close quarters, probably more or less made the decision about which role she could best fulfill.

South Field
Robert's constant moving only helped him so much, and out of the twenty or thirty men who had entered the field, less than half had been killed. And they were almost at Robert's end, too. then there was what Robert would think was a momentary reprieve when a rustling of grass was followed by the dull thud of a grenade going off. Except the sound was only a few yards away, almost directly between himself and the Italians. And then Riikka's shotgun went off, and all the rifle fire in the world seemingly rained directly at the Finn and the Marine. A bullet grazed Robert's left bicep, and another splintered a tree behind him, peppering him with bits of wooden shrapnel that didn't do much aside from annoy and possibly surprise him. They were starting to get close. But at least he could tell Riikka was near him now, and he was no longer alone.

As for Morgan, he had been left, completely alone, and could now see the Italians advancing near his position. And just as if matters couldn't get worse, He, Rikka, and Robert would notice the second patrol coming back up the road, and wading into the field as well.
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Hell, this has definitely become a bit of a brodie. Robert muttered as the round grazed him, hearing the grenade go off and the shotgun he realized that the crazy Finnish dame was somewhere near him and made sure to keep an eye out to make sure that he didn't actually shoot her. With that he grabbed one of his MKII grenades, pulled the pin and lobbed it into the oncoming Italians before settling back down his BAR to take any that popped up to run from the grenade and fill them with some lead.
Tiffany groaned aloud as she heard her comrade talking, letting herself be handled about as she came back to full consciousness. Blinking blearily she nodded, her eyes focusing and head not ringing so much.

"Cavalrys here cutie...UNH!" Tiffany groaned aloud as she felt the forceps dig into her shoulder, gritting her teeth with enough force to nearly crack a few as she used her good hand to aim toward the door with her pistol. She did her bestto keep her aim straight as she watched the door, but it wavered as fresh waves of pain rolled down her shoulder into her spine and chest.

"Co-come on! This hurts like shit either hurry up or at least buy me a drink afterwards!"
The Field

"BAR gunner? How the hell does she know that?" Morgan asked himself as he sat up and looked around.

First thing he saw was a bunch of obviously unfriendly soldiers with harmful intent moving towards him. Deciding that hanging around wasn't such a good idea and opening fire was probably the best way to get himself killed he yanked one his primitive, hand thrown, old-fashioned pineapple grenades out of a pocket. He didn't have many of these, but better to use and not die than die and not use.

Yanking the pin he threw it in the vague direction of the Italians and started legging it in the opposite direction, hunched forward furtively. It had been a bit of a girly throw, more of a toss really. Certainly nothing like the heroic circular motions he saw in the movies. Just a quick flick of the arm and hand, and then not even looking where it flew.
Riikka suddenly found herself looking like a very attractive target to the soldiers in the field. She could still hear the BAR going off in it's short and rapid bursts. Yet with her acute vision she couldn't see many falling in the growing light, and she knew for sure that her panicked shotgun blasts hadn't been very effective save as an annoyance to keep a few heads down, maybe. So she cast it to her back, letting it hang by its sling, and reached for her PPSh. The feel of the wood furniture was reassuring as her other hand found purchase on the cool metal of the drum magazine.

And within seconds the distinct sound of the Russian-made SMG could be heard, with a brief series of muzzle flashes. A few rounds, no more than ten or twelve, and the Finn wielding it had been sidestepping the whole time. Yet now she rolled to the ground to avoid any rounds coming her way. With that she heard the grenades going off. Familiar with weapons though she may have been, it was hard to tell who was throwing them, but it seemed they were becoming the popular thing at this party. And she had none. But she had something that could be just as good for the Italians still coming in to the field. She fished in to her satchel and retrieved one of the small wooden blocks with a fuse already set to be charged.

The "hole" was nothing more than a shallow depression ripped out by her fingers, swearing the whole time as bullets ripped over her position. The mine was placed within and that was set, with a slight angle towards the most likely avenue the Italians would approach it from if they triggered it.

Riikka then did something very stupid.

She stood up, waved her arms, and belted at the top of her lungs.

"Tavoite! Tavoite, over here!"

And she threw herself on the ground backwards, scrambling to get as far away as possible.
Valerie got off the ground and started following Antoinette. Her suppressed Sten would become useless as a suppressed weapon if she fired it on full auto. A suppressed Sten could last for hundreds of shots quietly if you shot once at a time carefully, but it'd only last for one magazine on full auto. She slung it back over her back and pulled the SMLE Mk. III off of her back. "I'll cover the others," she told Antoinette before she slid into the ditch and bought her rifle forwards.

She made some quick adjustments to the sights to account for distance and took aim. However, she put her thumb and forefinger on the bolt and her middle finger on the trigger. It was an odd looking shooting configuration, but this was what made the Mad Minute possible. KAPOW! And like that, she put her middle finger to her index finger to pull the bolt back quickly, and slammed it back forward and put her middle finger back onto the trigger - still aiming down the sights and looking for other Eye-Ties.

Like any good Englishwoman, she was giving her enemies the finger, one bullet at a time.
South Castle, Outside:

Jane was flush against the castle wall. Much of the action was on the other side, so she had a chance while the castle's fire was drawn to help Riikka. Over the gunshots she heard, then saw, the Finn attempt to draw some of the enemy toward her. What is she thinking? She raised her rifle, sighted the Italian closest to her position and snapped off one quick shot.

Then she turned away. The best thing she could do to help her and the BAR gunner was to get the damn machine and get the hell out of there.

She huffed once, twice, clutched her rifle with seven rounds left, and then brought the butt down on the window to her right.

The force of her attack smashed in the simple wooden-paned window, and smoke swelled through the hole she created. She followed it with a careful, hand-assisted leap, landing with a dull thud against the inside wall. Her eyes pierced through the smoke to the stunned and distracted Italians, and she luckily found herself with a little cover behind a cabinet.

Jane whipped her rifle back to her shoulder, poked just a little around the cabinet, took aim at the first Italian she saw and fired.

Dø, syndige fascister! she thought. Nyt helvete!
South Field
Boom. Boom. BOOOM! Grenade. Grenade, Mine. The Italians didn't know what had hit them. First one side was ripped through with shrapnel, then the other, and then one of the italians jumped toward the plausibly insane Riikka, trying to grab her, before being felled by Jane's quick shot, triggering Riikka's mine. The continued machinegun and SMG fire didn't hurt, either, as all sorts of chaos broke loose for the advancing Italians. Screams, yells, and groans were the new sound of the morning, as full half of the remaining soldiers were taken out by what could either be described as a glorious coincidence or the biggest Deus Ex machina any of the three in the field had yet encountered. Although most of the Italians whom had been hit were not dead yet, nearly all were taken out of action, and those that were still around suddenly grew cautious with the threat of a minefield in their own backyard was suddenly revealed. Rifles continued to crack, but with their owners crouching low, and no sort of coordination, it wouldn't affect much more than the three soldier's ability to stand upright for prolonged periods of time.

Castelluccio, Inside
That first Italian soldier dropped like a stone. He had just looked toward the window, suddenly distracted, as he and two other soldiers had been about to advance to the next room and check out whatever had been in there moments before. The two remaining soldiers, somewhat bewildered, swung around and began firing their rifles at the cabinet, causing splinters to fly everywhere, a few of them with enough force to put some scratches on Jane's face.

Two rooms over, April continued to try working on Tiffany. "Oh, hush, you. Ah'll get it out quicker if ya stopped fidgeting!" the medic scolded her teammate, suddenly yanking the offending piece of lead out of Tiff's shoulder and discarding it, just in time for the door directly behind her to swing open. The Italian soldier looked surprised to see two women, and hesitated, giving Tiffany the chance to do what April had asked, and keep anyone from shooting them while she performed what could loosely be described as surgery.
Jane shut her eye nearest the cabinet as she felt splinters dig into her cheek, temple, jaw and neck. They stung worse than bees, but she shot with her right eye anyway.

The soldiers didn't see her well enough, but she saw them. She fired rounds Six and Five, one after the other, right for the centers of the fascist, murdering scum!
Catherine yelped as bullets were flying by. These new soldier in the windows where certainly better then the other blokes. Better shots at least. She jumped behind a tiny building in front of the castle and hugged the wall. The canadian girl frown, this was a needless slowdown she did not need. Suddenly her ear perked as she realised she heard a humm from inside the building. Was this where generator was maybe? Cat took of scope of her rifle and put it back into its tube. She then Slinged the rifle and put it on her back, taking out her welrod. With that in hand, she climbed into the window, ready to shoot anyone inside the building, she was going to check out.
The world had gone to hell. Explosions, smoke, flames, debris and gunfire was everywhere. Clair kept her advance up, a steady march towards the castle proper. She was in no rush and needed to keep from getting too excited. She loosed the last three rounds in her Bren in a quick burst that cut down an Italian soldier, who screamed in agony for a moment, then went silent as he crumpled over and moved no more. In a smooth motion Clair removed the magazine from the top of her weapon, switched it for a new fully loaded one, that snapped into place with a satisfying metallic thunk. She pulled back on the bolt, cambering the first new .303 cartridge.

Back in business, she pressed on, thankful for the smokescreen as she advanced. Finally, a few bursts of machine gun fire later, she arrived at the castle wall, where a pair of Italian's were hunkered down, attempting to get in the window April and Tiffany had gone in. She dispatched the both of them quickly with a five round sweeping burst that blasted them to gory bits at the rather close range she had come upon them at.

She took a breath, letting her Bren hang by its shoulder strap for a moment as she got out a small mirror on a stick she kept for just this use, and poked it in the window, taking a quick look around to see if the room was packed with hostiles or the friendlies that had charged in minutes earlier. She spotted April tending to Tiffany's wounds and also an Italian soldier very close.

"Bloody hell" she hissed and brought the mirror back in. She knew where the bad guy was now, everyone was keeping relatively still. April and Tiff were down low. It seemed the bad guy had just come in was unsure what to make of the pair of catgirl invaders.

She gritted her teeth and popped up, swung the Bren up, leveling the barrel at the Italian and squeezed the trigger. He had no chance. The .303 rounds slammed into him, tracing a line up his chest and head. What was left as his body tumbled back was a gory mess.

Bad guy dispatched, "Coming in, chaps" she whispered, enough that April and Tiff would hear, but not anyone else. She then vaulted over the windowsill and landed in a crouch. Then she was off, rushing to her companions. "How bad off is she?" Clair asked April as she closed the door the Italian had come through and barred it, pushing a chunky piece of furniture against it.
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Covering her ears and keeping her mouth open, Riikka squeezed her eyes shut for good measure as the mine had gone off. That much TNT erupting at that range wasn't anything to take lightly. Even with a body sprawled out across it at first, that young boy was getting sent home in a baggie, in a box. The box was wood, which wasn't the deadliest shrapnel, but then there was the charge itself and every last rock and piece of shredded equipment the blast caught that was peppering the victims further away from the initial blast. Riikka was saved from her last minute dive to safety in anticipation of gunfire but even she was left with her highly sensitive ears ringing from the force of the blast. And then the Finn started moving again.

It was time to go in to her element. She retrieved the bayonet from her trench gun and rolled in to a proper prone position. Riikka moved fast and wasn't even giving her senses time to recover to hear the gunfire of the battle as she moved to flank the closest enemy squad. Or what was likely left of them after those three brutal explosions had rocked them. Most of the grass within a large cone had been burned, shredded, or simply blasted away to leave little concealement so she had stuck to the side. It limited her own vision, but she still wasn't as bad off as one of the Italians might have been thanks to her enhanced senses. But that didn't stop her from coming face to face with one as she had rose up in to a crouch and emerged from the grass looking for her next confirmed kill of the night.

He spared her only a brief glance. Then looked back again. His eyes went wide. Even in the fading darkness of the morning, the man was able to begin to recognize just who he was looking at.

"Ragazza intelligente . . ." She heard him barely breath the words in something between anger and fear.

She didn't speak much Italian.

With a scream the man tried to bolt up at her, and she was ready to meet him. He tried using the stock of his SMG, knocked aside with a wince and an arm-block from Riikka that threw him off-balance and further in to her. It let her bring the knife up just a little way so that his own weight would carry it in to him and beneath his ribs. She'd shift to the side, severing a lung for good measure. Partially covered by the dying man's body, she reached down and pulled the man's sidearm from his belt and fire indiscriminately in to the first figures she saw in the Italian line. When it clicked empty she tossed it aside and rolled herself back, further using the now likely thoroughly dead man to cover her body (some part of her registered how much blood might be leaking on to her arm from the shifting knife by now) and drew her Mauser to continue the fire.
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Castle, Inside
April froze for a moment when Clair's Bren suddenly went off, downing the Italian soldier she herself had not noticed, being focused on pulling the bullet from Tiffany. When Clair entered the room entirely, and asked them how they were, April responded casually.
"Aww, She's fine. Just some flesh wounds and shrapnel. Once Ah get tha' bits out she should heal up nice'n Purdy-like." And without further ado, April spun the other American around and started digging the blood-soaked bits of Grenade shrapnel out of Tiffany's back, just as 'gingerly' as she had the bullet previously.

That's when she heard the bangs from the next room over, as some sort of new scuffle broke out over there. The first Italian had been nothing, but the next two wouldn't go down as easy. As luck would have it, One of the Italians Jane shot simply dropped his rifle, stunned but otherwise unhurt. the second went down with shouts of pain, dropping his weapon and clutching his now shattered right forearm. The stunned Italian shook himself straight in a moment, and pulled out his sidearm, and continued to fire on Jane's position. She had to do something soon, because her cover was simply disintegrating, now.

Cat found the building too be deserted, but her guess had been correct. It was the electric generator that provided power to the Castelluccio, and it was running strong. alongside it were several large barrels of gasoline which, although heavy, were of a size and weight that Catherine could move easily if she had a mind to. The generator itself hummed on, blissfully unaware of what was going on, and keeping all the lights and equipment in the Castelluccio powered. Cat had a few options, most of which would make a pyromaniac's month.

She had, literally, blown her cover. She was now in easy view of the Italians, and she could see them as well. While the random firing of the dead soldier's pistol had indeed managed to drop one other soldier, it wasn't much compared to the fifteen angry Italians whom were all shooting at her now. The only reprieve she had was the dead body that she was propping up, but that only stopped so much, and she could feel the sting of slowed bullets passing through the body and hitting her with enough force to stun a normal person. Her situation was definitely not Ideal, and unless she thought of something new, That Mauser was unlikely to get her out of it before someone finally managed to peg that unprotected head of hers.
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Catherine smiled seeing what she saw. She went to the generator and turned it off as a first thing. Without power enemy had no radio and that was a good thing. If they did not have small secondary generator inside, which was likely. Cat knew she would have one in there if possible. Then she looked at the barrels and wondered what to do. Setting Outhouse on fire might not be a bad idea. Lots of smoke from that. It once again reminded Cat that she was dumb not to take a smoke grenade with her. With that she could advance to the gate.

Catherin kicked the door open and then quickly moved back. She took out her bayonet and stabbed into the barrels making sure to not get any gasoline on herself. Then she kicked them over and let them roll trought the small building as she quickly hopped back into the window. Climbing out again, she took out her Hankerchief and lit it on fire with her zippo. Waiting for a bit to burn properly, she tossed the hankie through the rook and then started sprinting for the gate from the other side of the out house. Hopefully the sudden fire would take enough attention for her to get safely under the windowst that were above the gate.
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The Field

"Perkele!!" That seemed to fit the situation.

Riikka fired another duo of Mauser rounds at the over one dozen Italians that she could see zeroed in on her. Part of her was wondering how, just how the BAR gunner and the paratrooper she had found earlier weren't able to peg anybody in this killing field the Italians had wandered in to. With what some might have described as sickening, the knife drew out from the body with an audible schlick, warm blood running over Riikka's hand as she tucked the knife before grabbing a handful of the dead man's shirt. Her feet were kicking, boots seeking purchase along with her other hand as she quickly attempted to retreat back in to the high grass to make for the cover of the trees.

She could feel the burning stings of enemy fire. Rounds that had pierced flesh and bounced around across bone and organ alike found contact with her and burned. She felt a particular burn in her right shoulder, nearly enough to make her release the body that was "shielding" her now. Another one somewhere in her stomach, but the burn at her back told her it was through. And then another in the same thigh the American had shot before, a bit lower. It was slowing her down now. Finally one in her left arm caused her to lose all support for her own weight and she fell flat on in her back with a cry for pain.

"Perkele! PERKELE!!!" It still seemed appropriate, "I'm down!" She screamed.

Riikka fought to be lift her weight and that of the body on top of her. Her hand was shaking as she brought her Mauser to bear, couching the stock under her arm. One, two shots in rapid fire. She watched a figure running through his rifle in to the air as he fell out of sight.

And she registered the sound of one round cracking past her ear just as the one right behind it caught her skull. Riikka's world went black.

She wasn't dead, but it was only luck that caused the round to ricochet off the top of her skull.

And the cruelest part? In this force-induced sleep, she dreamed of war.
As she fired several more shots at the Italians trying to engage her comrades, she noticed most of them heading into the castle though one of the windows.

"If we stay out 'ere, we will be sitting ducks," Antoinette said to Val as she pushed herself to herself up to a crouch and reloaded her rifle. As she slung it across her shoulders she readied her M3. "Our best bet zeems to be that window over zere, ze one the Sarjonn is shooting zhrou."

Hopefully Val got the plan that Ant was thinking of, with a quick "Allonz-y!" she was yet again sprinting across the field towards the window she indicated moments ago, only stopping to fire at any Italians that got in her way.
Tiffany had taken the shot just as April had told her to do, sadly the woman had taken that chance to twinge a nerve in her other shoulder, throwing her aim wide to the side of the Italian. Readjusting her aim found herself not needing to as the man went down in a shower of blood and gore. Eyes wide in shock she snapped her head over to the woman climbing into the window before she retorted to April.

"Oh yea, shot twice, shrapnel in the back, i'll be right as rain in a few hours and some fucking tea! I've been shot twice damnit not to mention got blown up and cracked my head on the damn floor!" Tiffany nearly shouted at the woman as she was uncerimoniously flipped and worked on. up and down her back her shirt was torn from the shrapnel, as well as a few spots on her ass that was seeping blood from the offending metal.

"Jesus christ be gentle back there! It fucking hurts and you don't even have any fuckin whiskey for me to at least numb some of it!" The shirt was toast, barely hanging onto her now from all the rips. When April was done she would just discard the clothing. Thankfully she had worn something underneath today...
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