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RP [2nd IRC] A New Understanding

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"Relations with the United Outer Colonies is an important issue to the soldiers and citizens of the extended Bard Cluster and the Empire at whole, and I am pleased to assist the Empress in any capacity to see these deliberations bare fruit." Akina noted while she had the space to, it was after all a large part of the reason for her attendance, and the perfect time to signal to Himiko she intended to be involved and supportive if at all possible. She felt if everyone in the room knew she could be met with as well it might aid the process in the coming days.

With that, the woman smiled across to Davis and then the UOC delegation. She felt the sudden tone of the conference riding on the next words of her Empress.


That's what I would have said, though I think a little less prickly. Good enough. Ayumi thought, turning to give an approving nod to the other member of the UOC Assembly. She and Romani didn't exactly get along, but she was happy to find they seemed to have at least some points of caution in common. Alert eyes studied Himiko's face, waiting with full interest in what she would tell them.
The Sky Marshall cleared his throat from his seat.

"Excuse me. Do we have a set schedule of points to address for this diplomatic meeting, or are we going to address whatever comes to mind? I would like to keep my senators informed of the proceedings and be able to receive any input on the issues from their communicators."
There was a long pause as the Yamataian Empress was deep in thought.

"Let us begin with the Lorath matter and free trade," Himiko finally told the UOC representative.

"Remember, the Lorath's treaty that allowed them to become a protectorate said that they should not produce weapons of mass destruction, and therefore they are constantly breaking it by making battleships. It is our opinion that the Lorath are a detriment to the UOC as a whole. We ask that the UOC simply enforce its constitution. Yamatai is willing to support the UOC government in this matter, militarily, if necessary." After a short pause she continued. "Yamatai also wishes to help support the UOC economically by opening trade, and invites the UOC to do the same."
Alexander arched an eyebrow at the Empress' knowledge of internal politics of the UOC. He nodded politely as the girl spoke, smiled faintly, and waited for her to finish.

"Forgive me Empress, but, your knowledge of our internal politics, industrial complex, and military is surprising, considering our borders have been closed." He pointed out quietly, his fingers steepled. "The Lorath, have been allowed to maintain their Self Defense Force as any species has the right to Self-Defense, as a Protectorate and have not made weapons of mass destruction, they share some freedoms, but adhere to our constitution and laws while we respect their customs and laws as well in a mutually beneficial and harmonious way. Respectfully, Empress, I would disagree on the term 'detriment'. And while your offer is much appreciated, I humbly decline, Yamataian Military Vessels within our borders I am afraid it would simply cause more harm then good amongst the citizenry and military."

The man paused a moment, took his glasses off, and blinked his soft green eyes as he drew out a handkerchief.

"Battleships, are an unfortunate necessity now. Recently we have staved off an attack by a pirate fleet. One of which had several different types of Ketsurui Fleet Yards vessels, namely the, Chiharu, Arashi, Yuumi, and Arashi class. To have been on proper footing, vessels of a similar tonnage, and classifications are required, and cuts the casualties by half if we had used just ships of smaller classifications." He began to wipe at his glasses meticulously with the handkerchief now as he spoke.

"However, the number of ships currently the LSDF has is minimal, being unable to support more due to resource issues. The LSDF and UOCPF have been working together in peaceful relations to maintain equality, and peace throughout the colonies. The High Priest, and Xiaah have expressed their pleasure to continue assisting us in better safeguarding our nation, to promote peace, and prosperity as well as equality. They, have not been a detriment, but a boon, Highness." Alexander breathed on the glasses, then wiped, making them shine. The man smiled faintly still as he placed a loose black strand of hair over an ear before continuing.

Alexander placed the glasses on the tip of his nose as he continued.

"Trade, Empress, would be much appreciated to both of our markets. However, I would like to put forward due to the smaller industrial capacity of our nation, a nine percent tariff be in place upon Yamataian goods. To protect our smaller volume markets, and ensure our civilian businesses continue to grow, and expand. The tariffs collected by the United Outer Colonies will be utilized as appropriated by United Outer Colonies Assembly to further overall national growth, and quality of life for our citizenry."

The man pushed the glasses up his nose, and back in place.

"Two stipulations for our trade of goods, would, have to include Patent Respect of any goods we trade as well as no trade of technologies deemed off limits, and military in nature. Any and all trade goods we ship to the Yamataian Star Empire would remain United Outer Colonies Produced, as some of our people have placed their hearts, and souls into their inventions, research, and work. It would be a dishonor to them should their work be compromised. We pride ourselves on the achievements of our citizens, Highness, as I am sure, you are of the citizens of your great nation." Alexander smiled more openly as he spoke of both nation's citizenry.

"Would the Yamataian Star Empire agree to these stipulations? I of course, understand if you are hesitant Empress, and of course leave this open to negotiation between our two great peoples." He paused, and looked about the room, frowning slightly. "I had thought the Lorath representive, Aegis would be here. Forgive me for asking Sky Marshall Davis, Your Highness, but, has she yet arrived?"
"I do not know if the representative has arrived or not, I'm afraid," Davis said. "However, I do believe that trade relations between each of our nations would be quite beneficial. Now, Nepleslia has little need for high tariffs, as our markets are quite ubiquitous, and I do believe that each of you will find the liquidity of our markets quite advantageous to your economies."

The Sky Marshall smiled.

"There's a market for nearly everything in Nepleslia."
"As I understand we're looking at a voting body of the UOC? That seems to show us the leadership in a more than adequate way without being too much? Though on to the more important matter: that was an impressive demand, I must say." Akina said warmly. "However unless you are also planning on blaming the smugglers you would create with an outrageously high nine percent tariff on our goods, I think we should pretend that number wasn't uttered and save us all several headaches in the interests of peace? I suggest one point five percent, if we're going to take that seriously at all like you wish. And of course we're going to require proof of major ship classes present in these raids as a matter of protocol. I'll back the Empress offer with ships of my own fleet in fact. You can be well assured after doing some background checking that it could be very plausible." The Princess hesitated to see if her Empress would add her piece to it, then went on.

"I would also suggest that either way that we have a permanent international trade commission set up somewhere if it pleases the Empress, and all parties concerned. The mission would be to regulate and promote free trade with member nations, and to be a meeting place for international efforts to help keep black market runners and violence under control." Her smile went to the Legate, then the UOC table, and finally to the gentleman. "Indeed, Sky Marshall Davis. I admit I'm sure the extended Bard Cluster would benefit from all of this, but what seems the most interesting are the goods I haven't even heard of yet but will need as soon as I do.

She left the explanations of intelligence to the Empress, that is if she wished to divulge it or not. It was a fine line the Taisho walked, adding enough but leaving the largest chunk for Himiko to determine at her will was where she had to be in the conversation. She didn't have even a single edge in her voice, and hoped, while waiting on the next person to speak that she had not riled up the man with glasses. After that thoughts drifted back to the admiralty staff, and what they were up to. These tripped into a few about Tio, amidst the most important leaders in known space Shimizu felt a pang of hard emotion while thinking about him. Where is my son?


Ayumi's cheeks heated red, she didn't remember any briefing about that! There were some things to sort out when she got home, she did not like some of the dangerous things her counterpart said save the way it seemed to get to the Empress. The part that struck her as most annoying was his pretending they were unified at all on the Lorath's status as a protectorate state. Her systems were irate with her after that vote, it had been really, really ugly. You know as well as I do those shipyards might as well be weapons of mass destruction. The Assemblywoman thought, biting her lip hard to keep from uttering something a statesmen would not at the slick speech. She felt completely ashamed on one hand. On the other? It wasn't anything Yamatai didn't probably deserve and more to her, she hoped at least he had one of the Yammies sweating.

"They are a Protectorate State and thus are a non-voting ward of the United Outer Colonies, to be more precise. I'm going to take a page from my old Star Army days and guess the way they go their intel has to do with short, pointy eared women who like to run around in black ships and jumpsuits that us regulars weren't supposed to talk about?" Ayumi finally forced one of her coy, attractive grins while turning her pink eyes on the Ketsurui Empress.

Think neutral, neutral Ayu...just breathe, everyone can see you flushed. That's better. Concentrate. Gone. Okay. Let's try this again.
"In all fairness,Lady, I directed my offer to the Empress, with respect, I must inform you, Yamataian companies have a overall stronger economy then our own. Considering our borders have been closed meaning, profit has not been made by the Empire from us as of yet, as well as your quite easily being able to afford such a small tariff of nine percent, which is entirely fair, and equitable considering the enormity of the Yamataian economy, and markets. One point five percent would not be nearly enough to ensure our markets are not flooded, businesses collapse, and dependence comes to the fore." He replied quietly as he re-adjusted his glasses and coughed politely before continuing. He withdrew a small circular device from his coat pocket, and placed it on the table.

"This, is as you know a volumetric projection and data storage system. On it, is the information as per...protocol the Lady has requested." Alexander said quite plainly, having tried to cover all his bases. "Clips from our news broadcasts, ships that have documented the raids, some of the battle footage, including testimony from several officers. I had planned something of this nature would arise, and gathered information, as well as the permission of my government t divulge it." He returned Akina's seemingly warm smile with one of his own. "You can of course request more information pertaining to the incidents." He tapped the case of the device thoughtfully before smoothing an invisible wrinkle on his chest before moving on to the next point.

"I will of course, re-iterate...while we are humbled, and appreciate the concern of our friends, and neighbors of the Empire, Yamataian ships within our space would cause much unrest amongst the citizenry and military. Which, while we do appreciate the gesture is not needed at this time. The Iori Star fortress so close to our North West border for example." He pointed out, eying the handkerchief.

Alexander moved on once more, holding the handkerchief he'd cleaned his glasses with in his hands.

"Nepleslia is our friend, and comrade, Sky Marshall Davis, we would of course consider trade between us, to further our growth, and friendship." The man had begun to fold the handkerchief intricately as he listened to one of his fellow assembly members, Ayumi, speak. He placed a hand on one of her own, giving a very slight squeeze after replacing the handkerchief.

"Now, now my dear, I am sure that there is a perfectly logical explanation and reason for the information and for the Lorath to handle their own affairs in regards to their voting status. And of course assurance our two great nations will be a little more trusting,friendly and open in such regards."
"It is good that we are on the same page then," Davis replied to the warm overtures from Alexander and the princess. "I was thinking about something along those lines myself."

The Sky Marshall then checked his datapad, which started buzzing at his side. He blinked a couple of times and chuckled to himself heartily as the information regarding Nepleslia's tariff rates appeared on the screen.

"I must say I fibbed a moment ago," Davis said. "It seems Nepleslia has recently placed a 10 percent tariff on goods. Please forgive me. I suppose in my age a man is bound to forget one thing or two. But with tariffs flying left and right, we will need to meet some common ground lest the flow of trade be hindered unnecessarily."

He gently sat back in his chair, returning the pad to his side and placing his palms on his lap.

"I encourage caution regarding discussions about the possible expulsion of the Lorath from the UOC. It would be best to hear their side of things than to elicit the image of a plotting military cartel at what is supposed to be a international relations conference."
"Don't be so glib to think you can have a private conversation here with the Empress during our deliberations, and I am not your dear. I would point out that such tariffs do lead to smugglers, and other more hostile problems that can put lives in danger. If the UOC has trouble now what happens when there is such a high price on our goods? At the very least the document should include the right to renegotiate the rate. It would not be good to be caught when the gap of production closes down the line. Ask for fairness, and give fairness in return. That's the point of being here isn't it?" Akina felt herself smiling again. Why couldn't she stop? Well at least it was natural.

"Pardon, but did you mean the same page as far as a commission went, Marshall? Or some fluidity to the matter at hand?" At least he did not drip with a condescending aura like the rep from the UOC. She sure didn't remember someone like that around back at the Taiie colony. "And it is highness, not Lady. Just as Empress would be majesty." So it did not seem like a snub, Akina inclined her head towards the room a moment and reviewed some of the footage. "From the news? The footage and testimony could help but I was thinking something more along the lines of sensor data, forgive me." Tapping the pad on the table before her, the Princess Taisho sat a moment on the comment of her Iori. "I have a responsibility to my people, my Empress, and my commanding officer all the same. Shirakawa is there so we have no similar problem of unrest. Until recently the UOC had little to no communication with us, and that included intent to attack or not and that group of ships that flew across the border were not our vessel class but pirates anyway." She reminded the room, wishing there was water in reach. One of the girls kicked her out of that train of thought.

"However, I appreciate the anxiety but we are not the only nation with bases just across our borders. That is common sense. That's enough policy talk from me, the Empress can attest to the authenticity of their placement for the good of Yamatai since you seem so focused on her Mr..." Akina looked up his name, "Romani. I doubt it is needed though. Now where were we? Yes...so would you be kind enough to give us the background on that tariff vote, Sky Marshall? And if we are agreed on a commission I should hope we can better regulate terms of tariffs and their rates through it?" The real difference, Akina felt, was that she actually meant her diplomatic warmth towards the others and the condescending was coming from someone whom probably wished her nation didn't exist anymore.

She did not feel that tariffs were non-negotiable when you were at a conference designed to work through compromises. It amused her the man seemed so touchy about Shirakawa, the base she could not move. It protected some of the most remote systems in the Empire outside of the KMS and all the (mostly) former soldiers taking up the colonies there. However, trying to talk over her to the Empress when she chose to stay silent in deliberation seemed telling to her. The representative nation touting their peaceful, democratic ways the most wanted to rob her of voice? If I was being any nicer I would be making him riceballs for lunch. "I think ten is a little much to punish us on, production reasons aside gentlemen. I'm sure we can do better than ten percent? Though I'm eager to hear her Majesty the Empress' deliberation on this, if she would grace us with it?" Akina's eyes went to Himiko, whom she had thinking towards until specifically told to. She valued the chance to speak to the people whose borders she sat across from but did not want to overstep the Imperial mandate so Akina was careful with what she said, and continued to defer to her as much as possible.


"I'm sorry? No no, that's not what I was suggesting at all Sky Marshall. We at least had our vote on that." Ayumi drew in a breath and let it out as silently as possible to mask her pulling away from the sudden upset or possible entry to the physical response. She wanted to think at Alexander but did not trust the station to not try and lift intercepted thoughts back to the Yammies. "I apoligise for the confusion, everyone. I have to agree though one point five won't be near enough to open the trade lanes. If you want to stimulate sales in the UOC it will help the people to know the tariff is coming through on top of it." A commission? That sounded like another headache in waiting for Ayumi. For all she knew one of her systems could be the gateway to the new south and they would have to pull officials they didn't have to cover everything they bargained for.
Alexander coughed politely at Akina's words, supressing a smirk. He was enjoying this a tad too much.

"You will forgive me, Lady, but, the title of Lady is also equivalent of Highness. But, more direct in reminding one of not nobility of their lower station without being overly condescending considering we as nations are meeting here as equals." He steepled his fingers together, tapping his index fingers together as he continue.

"Private conversation, no Lady, mutual respect, openness, a discussion between representatives of our two peoples in the company of our friends. There is nothing private about this as it is a discussion between national leaders and representatives." The Nepleslian man in Jiyuuian flesh put his hands down on the table.

"Would logic not dictate that both sides of the proposed trade routes enforce safety if we were to open trade? As you have stated your concerns regarding smugglers, I would've thought that both nations would have been patrolling the trade routes to ensure mutual safety of goods, and to promote trust and comradere between them." He smiled at saying this and continued on ward.

"The pad before you indeed has sensor data. Contained within the footage is several extensive files. I organized them in an orderly fashion, so as not to have whom ever examines them would have to search all over he data stores." He tapped the device and indeed some of the data came up.

Alexander then turned to the Sky Marshall nodding.

"If we could draw up a list of restricted goods, and allowables, it would help matters in the long run. Currently the UOC has a surplus of Medical Supplies thanks to several of our corporate entities making great strides in that area."
"May we speak privately for a moment?" Himiko suddenly, calmly, yet strongly asked Akina.
The constant back and forth between Akina and Romani led to the Sky Marshall sitting quietly and glancing towards the new Empress who had been very silent and dignified this whole time.

It was quickly becoming impossible to settle anything with the rate the conversation was going. The disjointed feeling brought back images of the first day of the first international relations conference. There was an obvious dislike bubbling beneath the surface between the UOC representative and the princess, the thought passing in his mind as he lifted a gloved finger to order a mug of liquored coffee from one of the silent wait staff.

Ayumi's reassurances were met with a polite nod, and a copy of the documentation requested by Akina was immediately sent to her communications device for her eyes.

Otherwise, he remained silent and cordial, awaiting the moment when the Empress would reel in her subordinate, as one would a fish caught flailing on the hook. Princess, lady, madame, woman... really... what did it matter? Even harlot would be an appropriate appellation given the correct environment and preceded with civility, such as my 'fine harlot' or 'my dear, lovable whore.'

...maybe not quite to that extreme, the Sky Marshall admitted to himself, but the point still stood.

And this Mr. Romani, an alpha male, a fish without a hook it seemed, had both baited and been baited by the princess into this wasteful tit-for-tat argument over semantics, economics and his personal vision of openness. Although it did not slight the Sky Marshall one bit--he had seen so many battlefields in his time--he did wish that he sought the opinion of either the Empress, who really held the power at this conference, or himself, when it came to tariff negotiations.

"May we speak privately for a moment?" Himiko suddenly, calmly, yet strongly asked Akina.
His cup of coffee, pipping hot, had just arrived, and the Sky Marshall sipped it with satisfaction. That was quite fast.
"Lovely." Akina inclined her head towards the others and moved closer to the Empress, bowing as low as she could manage so bloated. Politicians with no military background were sometimes a bit odd she noticed, and guessed if her son had been there she could have expected him to either silence the oddly aloof man or hit on him for doing a good job. That's what she heard anyway, though trusting the reports that he'd hit on anything that moved reminded her more and more of who he probably got that part from.

"Would you prefer to link, or use one of the antechambers, majesty? I am happily at your service as always." The woman murmured warmly. She wondered why her sovereign had been so silent perhaps she was about to find out?
"In the side office, please," Himiko quietly replied, leading Akina out of the room.

"We had them in a good position and your comments have worked against that by igniting their anger," the Empress began.
Davis put his mug down gently on the table and discreetly wiped the cream off his mustache with a handkerchief.
"I promise you I'm not attempting to make that gentleman angry at all, Empress. I was only trying to get us a slightly better rate by going lower, even if we would accept it. I wasn't aware negotiating was..frowned upon when they make demands." The Princess sighed, and bowed in apology.

"I have made it a point not to set any policy, and be polite while not being condescending." She felt for some reason the urge to smile even with Himiko upset with her, and did not repress it. "The UOC is a large concern of people in the extended cluster, but I am here to create bridges not embitter them further." Akina bowed again, as much as she could for the other Nekovalkryja. She wanted to contribute and be helpful, and in fact really meant what she was saying. There was almost nothing more she wanted to be doing in that moment. "Majesty, let me help you. I did not anticipate they would send someone so..irascible. It was my own failing. It will not happen again."

While waiting for the sovereign's reply, the redhead wondered if she would be asked to sit with her or go back to her table when they returned. It certainly would make below the table signals easier, for an option. A one tap for no, two for yes was crude but a system that wouldn't hurt. More complicated ones filtered together strand after strand, but her main focus was all on the crimson-eyed woman before her. I did not think they would look so...
Alexander had quietly asked for a cup of Mint Tea as Akina, and the Empress spoke privately. The man exhaled a small sigh as it was promptly brought to him on a saucer, placed before him.

"I must apologize Sky Marshal if I have offended you in any way." The man said in a quiet voice as he held the cup up, swirled the tea slightly, inhaling the minty aroma before sipping. Finding it acceptable, he placed it back on to the saucer.

"I was sent along by Crown Prince Tio Motoyoshi to ensure the negotiations proceeded smoothly, but, it would appear we have hit a rough patch. I had not been aware the Lady would be here for these proceedings, and was not notified before hand sadly."
Alexander's datapad had an incoming text message on it:

Tange-Katsura Ayana said:
Mr. Romani,

How are you and the others doing? How'd they take the tariff idea?

~ Tange-Katsura Ayana
Alexander blinked as the datapad he carried notified him of a message. Mumbling an apology to the Sky Marshal for the interruption, he wrote a message in return.

The Sky Marshall waved his hand once.

"Oh no, I was simply thirsty, is all," he said. "The Crown Prince is a patient, diplomatic and honorable man, and one who helped pave the way to the non-hostilities we share today."

He brought the cup back to his lip and took another sip of his coffee.

"It is a shame that he could not be here today."

His last words hung in the air a moment as Davis cleared his throat.

"The princess," Davis emphasized that word with the lightest touch of emotion, acknowledging to Romani his awareness of the frivolity from earlier, "seems to share a quality of forthrightness with you. Diplomacy is a form of business, after all."

Another brief pause occurred.

"It is good to save our energy when we can. There will be topics that may... inflame our sensibilities during these discussions."
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