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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Ugh. Sorry for my lack of posting. I have been getting my ass kicked by work this week. I should have a post up tomorrow, depending what Sigma posts.
I'm in the same boat as Moose. But it should settle down now. The company I work for just got the contract we've been waiting on for months. But now that we've got it, everything should settle down.
Post is up. Responses to main thread are not necessary.

I will convert the JP over the weekend, probably as I watch the Superbowl since I have tutoring on Sat. afternoon. I will also make some changes so that it's a Lewis Pasco celebration.

That way, Potato-chan can also join. Epic Sequence is no longer the newest guy!

Regarding the contraband, you can come up with or choose one product that a Nepleslian could physically carry by himself. Be it a Lorath pistol or a chrome egg or a few books you've been wanting.

I'd also like a couple volunteers to sit down and help me with the plans for the military exercise. If you're interested, PM me. I'll take the first two.

Finally, any volunteers to act as back-up GM in case anything happens to me? No requirements, just send me a PM if you're willing.
New guy status gone! Oh the accomplishment! The elite status is time with the unit I take it, which I sadly fall short of. I will take that nice promotion though.
Okay... this level of inactivity has me worried. First I only get six respondents to the survey. Now this. Are people still active or do I have to consider shutting this down?
Well I haven't posted recently mainly due to work overload,which is my fault for not saying anything. But the last part I added in the JP basically had Phaedra ready for whatever happens next. And while I liked the ending to the 6.1 mission, I guess I am unsure as to where we're supposed to be posting next.
I don't know how to reintroduce Sawyer to be honest. I've been gone for such a time so I'm not sure what's been going on since then.
In terms of 6.1, I have to admit it's skittishness - I was kind of hoping someone else would show "how it's done" in regards to the autoing, since I feel nervous about making a gaffe. Silly, perhaps, but I feel that OOC the friendly fire incidents involving Stan occured due to me being too cavalier.

Reading through the JP, I'm in a similar position to DJ Moose.
Sorry about my lack of posts. I was kind of lost after the minuteman's last thread and have been getting overloaded at work. I should be able to return to a normal level of activity now that things are finally slowing down. For good this time. I hope. Now to my stupid question. Where should I be posting now?
Same boat as them. Work overload and I've just been wanting to relax before and after work. As for the JP, I don't think my character should be the one to initiate the battle.
GM Post is up, please start shooting. I don't mind if you write out the results of your actions as long as it is reasonable but if you rather I did it, please let me know here or via PM.

My plan is to basically make it a short firefight where the gangers take some casualties and then scram when they realize they've bitten off more than they can chew this time. DB is not here to play Talbain so I'll auto the Corporal but those characters with Talbain are free to take matters into their own hands. Have fun.
Alright, awesome!

I'll try writing up a post tomorrow or Monday; I think I might feel more comfortable with you providing the results, Sigma. At least if that's okay with you.
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