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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Laura is a dominatrix! :lol: But clearly Bernhard likes it.[/quote] Laura in leather... oh dear...

I think I'll have to start reverting back to more of the shy kid personality I was thinking of back when I made her. She's becoming a bit too... arrogant and I need to control that more.

Laura and Bernhard should be fine, just so long as any romance which is developed does not harm the Marine unit.
In the main plots, it's just going to be back and forth humor. If romance is introduced into a military RP, it must be for comedic purposes otherwise players not involved will get annoyed by the side-tracking.

essential old earth style southern gentleman
Yet he acts with all the intelligence and eloquence of a hill-billy (or Tychus Findlay)? Southern gentlemen of the Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet, etc mould were very well educated. British Army observers noted that the southerners were more like the British aristocracy than the northerners. Historical disconnect here, old bean.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

He's also very young in comparison to them. He really doesn't know a whole lot other than what he's picked up from books, his family, and the military. He really doesn't have that great an education at the moment but that's also part of why he joined, so he could not only meet new people but also be able to learn new things and get way from the preconception that people from Roger Wilco were backwards hicks.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Generals Lee and Longstreet were also from reasonably prosperous lines in all, and were both long serving, professional officers, who had been in the US Army before the USCW.

There are plenty of southerners who act(ed) like hillbillies, and then they have also been known now and then to act like R. E. Lee and Old Pete Longstreet.

It's really an issue of where you go and who you deal with.

Back to the RP at hand, the romance doesn't bug me at all, so long as it isn't the focus of every little bit of the story.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
For that purpose, no minimissiles and Aggressors will take AMPs.

Blast it. Valken's just gone and ruined Naomi's whole day.

Not to mention it could make things a little too much of the wrong kind of exciting.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Now those do look nice. Your work, Wes?

I'm wondering if Naomi could just stock some missiles anyway and hope maybe Valken does not notice. *Scratches chin*


I need to wash my face. 'Scuz me.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I wonder if anyone knows the Dynamo reference.

The issue I have with mini-missiles is that I'm still getting acquainted with Nepleslian tech and how it all works in game. Too many different weapons used at once is a little confusing to start with. So if you really want mini-missiles, the best you'll get are DARTs. And only Phaedra can make the decision to allow the Marines to use them.

Also, everyone, please get to the armoury and check out your PA of choice:
Hostiles with HPARs
Aggressors with AMPs

The options listed on 4th Fleet page are not yet delivered or approved. Once everyone's PA and set up has been posted, I'll start the mission.

EDIT: Yes, I am well aware that I have used "cutest" three times to describe the Aggressor or its components. It was preferable to using "adorable."
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Will post the mission start tomorrow (friday). If you haven't said which PA you're taking, do so there.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

In case anybody was wondering the discharge was going to be off screen so what happened could be left to the imagination. But lately me and sigma have been talking about playing it out in joint posting, which is pretty much a go at this point.

Did I just break some serious rules by posting?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

It's really questionable there C-Man and honestly if it goes too far it will definitely be way out of bounds. There's a reason I'm following you with a 3 foot long wrench, it's much simpler to take someone down by knocking them unconscious and doesn't risk blowing them to oblivion.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Maybe we should stop then and ask the GM before we get into serious trouble.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Probably advisable, I'm just playing my normal paranoid self so it may not even matter. I mean hell we could even RP it out to make it not quite so borderline bad.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yeah let's do that. I say we also delete those replies just to be on the safe side. Because that probably is against the rules and I can't afford to get into any more trouble with the admins.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I'd say hold up deleting stuff and wait until Sigma comes back. He should be posting tonight at some point I think.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Wait, before we do anything, let's ask one of the admins. I couldn't find a rule against this but one of them does come close.

What the guy above said.
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