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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Epilogue, if you want, Newb. I'm packing my bags and getting ready to fly back to the US tomorrow so I don't want to start a new mission yet.

If not, sit back and enjoy the free time.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Koenig808 said:
"Fuck it," Kurt whispered to Lisa, keeping his rifle trained on the door in front of him. "I'm not in position to use the flashbang. I'm gonna be exposed while the door opens and we pause to let the 'banger go off."

Really, the person blowing the lock should also be on the opposite side of the door, and should also be the one throwing the flashbang in. Tyrellius and I should be stacked to get ready to breach. Kurt thought to himself, a little annoyed that the setting up for breaching this room was not happening correctly.

Fuck it, that's what training is for. Kurt looked over to Lisa and nodded, giving her the ready.

This makes me curious.

How exactly does the Nepleslian Marine Corp teach its soldiers how to breach a room? Because in the Army, we're taught that the last man in the stack breaches (shotgun, explosives, kicking it in, etc.), while the point-man and the second man is the one who throws any grenade or other extra breaching assister. So all of this fun-house fiasco has me thinking that this stuff should probably be covered, at least briefly, to avoid people like me becoming insanely curious about these things.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yeah Cedric it is one big fiasco. I was actually confused why should Lisa be the one throwing the grenade too.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

ShotJon said:
Yeah Cedric it is one big fiasco. I was actually confused why should Lisa be the one throwing the grenade too.
Looks like Phaedra and Cedric have to teach these noobs how to breach and clear a room properly! :lol:
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I remember how they taught us how to clear a room in basic. It was ridiculous. Luckily, it doesn't take long to learn how to do it properly which I'm sure will be the case with them. 'Course I'm sure in an environment like this details are bound to get glossed over, Neplesia may not even have established tactics for breaching :lol:. Though now I'm curious if doors are designed the same way as they are nowadays as far as breaching is concerned.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Suddenly, the Heads Up Displays lit up with start up diagnostics just like the real thing. Both of them were "assigned" the signature Nepleslian Hostile, armed with the standard HPAR and ARROW calf launchers.
You're not god-moding, in fact you're using the least powerful of all three mini-missiles.

Well, I used it more as a diversionary tactic. If they are using sensors to help keep track of us it'll get them off our back for a few seconds. Long enough to switch on camo and find some cover. Plus, if I did use the Mooneye System right, it'll give us their locations. Maybe not all of them, but hopefully a few without revealing Sebastian's location. Oh, and I do apologize for my little outburst, I'm not used to forum roleplays where equipment or vital information can be pages back, and since the roleplay is over a few weeks or so, I can never remember.

Erm, is Rana replacing Sebastian or am I'm reading things wrong?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
[url=]Here[/url] said:
Suddenly, the Heads Up Displays lit up with start up diagnostics just like the real thing. Both of them were "assigned" the signature Nepleslian Hostile, armed with the standard HPAR and ARROW calf launchers.
You're not god-moding, in fact you're using the least powerful of all three mini-missiles.

DARTs are hardly least powerful Sigma. They are scramble missiles. They are against shield and they mess up with enemy scanners. But yeah otherwise they do not deal damage.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, walk up to Rana and see what she does. :D

Though Harvengure is taking a while to post.

Which reminds me, Cedric, last I heard from your brother, he was going to be coming back. But no word still.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

He's a bit busy lately.

I'm beating him about the head with various shoes until he finally manages to post.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, no point making one post and then disappearing again. Better he resolve his stuff first before coming back than pressuring him into returning prematurely.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

He's just really busy right now. The only reason I post more often is because I have more free-time than he usually does.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

ShotJon said:
DARTs are hardly least powerful Sigma. They are scramble missiles. They are against shield and they mess up with enemy scanners. But yeah otherwise they do not deal damage.
I know they're good against shields but these are ground-type Rippers that he's shooting at. No shields on those, though I did mess up their targeting.

I need to push the JP back by 30 minutes. So 6:30 PST and 9:30 EST. Again, my apologies to those who cannot make it. We'll just work around it by saying you all had shore leave or something.

Also, Koenig, ShotJon and Phaedra, please PM me when this week you're going to be free. I want to do the prisoner interrogation JP soon so we can *hopefully* get some intel from them.

Mission 4.0 planning will be posted on Monday. 3.3 update coming. Everyone is in 4.0 so the people in 3.3 can decide whether they want to finish the filler stuff I gave them or not later.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

So despite saving that PM which clearly said the date and time of the training JP...I completely forgot. :oops:

I want to apologize to all of you guys. Considering the important position Phaedra occupies in the squad, I can't hang all of you out to dry like that.

So again, sorry. Won't happen again.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Ugh... sorry, its first week of school and i'm suffering from jet lag. Please bear with me.

Aus, wait for my GM post. I know I've said its coming. Will try to get it done on Tues. Only got one class.

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, the thing is Sigma, I haven't posted since your last post. Do you want me to still wait?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I've been trying to get my characters into new plots but they're either full or I can't get into contact with the GMs. So I decided to just put Avel back in the 4th fleet plot.

After Sigma told me how unlikely that is, I came up with an interesting idea for shore leave instead.

What if Laura and Bernhard visited Avel at her new business on their shore leave, but also dragged the rest of the squad with them as well? Red carpet treatment, free food, luxury hotels and gambling ensure.

Let me repeat that this is just an idea.