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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Don't worry about the initial entry. Worry about the blast doors on the interior. Those won't need anything bigger than armor scale charges.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Before you ask then yes, I am going to have Lisa talk in "-desu" way all mission long
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

@Mini-skirt thing:


Anyway, I should have alerted you earlier, but on the 10th of June I'm going to be away for about 10 days in Malaysia. Internet access may or may not be possible, so I figure that I might as well plan for the worst case scenario.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hook up with Fian if you're near him.

EDIT: I will be very slow this week with posts. I have multiple papers and presentations due this week since it is the last week of classes. Think I only have one exam the week after but it's also the week prior to graduation soo... don't count on terribly quick GM updates.

On the other hand, I expect you all to be able to keep your own conversations between characters without my help. If things suddenly die down while I'm busy, don't expect me to give you any breaks during combat. :twisted:
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Firstly, ouch and good luck with finals.

Secondly, I think at this point before the mission we should be able to keep the conversations and downtime going.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Good luck!

Also, it turns out it's Singapore, not Malaysia... whoops. :?

And if cyborgakadjmoose's last post in the training mission is any indication of how she usually behaves, I think Phaedra's pretty awesome. =P
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

What a pity that you'll miss me by a week or two.

Also, everyone who is participating in the next mission should get a post in with their load out by next Wednesday. The only exception is for a newbie who is still working on her character for 4th Fleet and maybe Frown-chan.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Brett M said:
Good luck!

Also, it turns out it's Singapore, not Malaysia... whoops. :?

And if cyborgakadjmoose's last post in the training mission is any indication of how she usually behaves, I think Phaedra's pretty awesome. =P
She looks out for her Marines.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Right, a couple things.

1) Wirebobbin has dropped out. He says that its not his cup of tea.

2) I have made some updates to the Fleet store. Pricing is still not fully settled but I'm looking for product suggestions. Non-standard items (which the military doesn't provide) you may want to buy or rent. A PX or NAFTI (depending on your side of the pond), plus gun store.

I won't be making a GM post until a sufficient number of you have posted. I have no clue whether Davidizer13 and Brett M will be joining us. David has read my PMs but no reply; Brett still hasn't so he may still be traveling (and pigging out on the best food in the world). However, if they don't get a post in by my GM post, I will assume they have no intention of being part of this mission.

I'm rather happy to see Frownie back in action. I kinda missed the bluster.

And I've finished all of my college work. Now all I need to do is wait for the graduation ceremony on Saturday.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hey Sigma, Since Rita's been gone for a while, do you think we could say that she personally acquired a VBCS Longsword for use as a main melee weapon? Her style of gung-ho, in-your-face, reflex and adrenaline-fueled combat would benefit greatly from a melee weapon with slightly increased range. If it's not in the ship's stores, she could buy it with her own money, and I could retroactively deduct the expense from her wallet.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

There is no such thing as a VBCS long sword. Only a short sword that's 2.5' length and you've already used it before from Fleet stores.

I know what I want for my birthday. This
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
There is no such thing as a VBCS long sword. Only a short sword that's 2.5' length and you've already used it before from Fleet stores.

I know what I want for my birthday. This

Actually, that's not true. There is a VBCS Long Sword, but it is technically an optional equipment item for an old PA. However, presumably, something like that would have been common at one time (sort of like how the short-barrel Mosin-Nagant was common during WW2), and could probably be found IC on whatever Nepleslia's equivalent of E-Bay or Craigslist is or something.

Source: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=water_pa

"(1): NAM VBCS Chainsword-Long VCL-01a. this rather wicked 4.5ft weapon is mainly composed out of tough Durandium. It consists of a Vibroblade tip and chainsaw edges. It makes a high pitched whirring when turned on. "
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

If you want one, then I do suggest you pay for it from Rita's pocket. It's not a secondary weapon for any 4th Fleet units so we wouldn't have any to issue. 2000 DA for a used chainsword seems reasonable to me. However, I want to make this clear. This is not a primary weapon to be used against NMX PA. They have aether/zesu blades which will cut through the durandium like a knife through hot butter.

In about 14 hours, I will have a GM post up and combat will start. This is the last warning to everyone - wrap up your conversations and get ready. DJMoose, I highly suggest you speak to the pilot waiting for you.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, I've been prepped for a while, we just had to hash out how much in the way of demo I was taking with me, but I'm suited up and waiting for everyone else.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
In about 14 hours, I will have a GM post up and combat will start. This is the last warning to everyone - wrap up your conversations and get ready. DJMoose, I highly suggest you speak to the pilot waiting for you.
Sorry. I have been working a ton this week. I'll get that post in as soon as I can.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I am now terrified that we have Dee Dee in a Hostile that's armed to the teeth.
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