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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

They seem overpriced, to be honest. You'd think the ship would give them out for free.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Here, adapted to the fact of realism, and also the fact that P4Cs get no income.

This would leave him with 140 DA, and I can dig it.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

  1. Hand Cannon (damaged) (S Lor, TC: 70-63, IC: 4467-6735-125) - 350 DA, damage is repairable with the proper parts but currently unusable
  2. Hand Cannon Ammunition (S Lor, TC: 94-65, IC: 6167-1097-148) - 120 DA for 30 rounds
  3. Meat grinder and sausage making kit (S Veritas, TC: 98-77, IC: 7603-4446-164) - 50 DA
  4. Mini Fridge (S Halna, TC: 18-89, IC: 1659-48918-105) - 350 DA
  5. Rolling chair, cushioned (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 45-56, IC: 2577-18481-96) - 200 DA

    Total = 1,070 DA

There, I removed the most expensive parts and kept the parts that were more reasonably priced. I'll probably have the hand cannon repaired by someone else, since Rita isn't a gunsmith. I can afford that. Updated my sheet.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I'll pass on the carpeting. Used carpet has no resale value unless it has never, ever been walked upon. Besides, it sounds like it could be useful for the refugees for insulation, wall coverings, etc.

And now that I think about it, I don't see Bridget needing a choke pear for anything (what?), so ixnay to the random torture device, too.

Passing on the men's work clothes as well. Also a useful item for refugees.

So that brings the total down to 800 DA. As far as I know, Bridget hasn't spent any of her salary yet,* so she has enough.

*When I joined the Army, I was advanced something like $300 at the start of Basic Training and it was put on a special pay card. Then they periodically sent us to the convenience store for toiletries, personal supplies, and eventually haircuts (optional, and toward the latter part of Basic). No clue if the NSMC has taken any of Bridget's money in a similar manner or if she had personal travel expenses or whatnot before joining the 4th.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Wes said:
They seem overpriced, to be honest. You'd think the ship would give them out for free.
These aren't SMDIoN property. These are the personal property of Grand Admiral Dominic Valken & Captain Valencia Ironside. All proceeds go to benefit the Jiyuuian refugees and other good causes (such as NAM R&D). A 25% discount was given on all items valued above 10,000 DA with the exception of the condoms (2 DA per condom).

Items bought or rented from the Fleet Store (excluding the Salvage) go into a communal pot which can be loaned out to PCs if they need the extra cash. There is currently about 12000 DA in it.

Edits will be made some time this week.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I dislike double posting but this deserves it. Kampfer/Koenig808 has decided to kill off Ran Rui because he feels that the character has had a long, distinguished career and that he, as a player, has been feeling uninspired for a while. I have reluctantly agreed to this and this is reflected in the current GM post. Ran Rui is dead. Not even Laura Romero, Most Brilliant Medic in the Universe, and Suku the Terrible combined can bring him back. That pairing may actually cause him to want to stay wherever he's gone.

As a compensation to the players, especially those whose character I had to auto to make Ran's death scene work, you are free to describe (A) the room you are breaching and write out the kills yourself or (B) do whatever you want to the "helpless" NMX Nekos. Any weapons fired in the next turn will not be counted.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Maybe at some point, it could make good RP to have a funeral scene where some guys that knew him would speak about him. In an age of mind backups, it's become a rarity.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I'd like a chance for Kokuten to tune in on such a thing, if he weren't so far away.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Fair thee well Corporal. I knew you for but a short while but your angry rants were amusing and will be missed.

Dibs on his watch.

But this got me thinking, does Nepleslia have something like a Chaplain Corps? I would think so but I haven't seen anything to confirm or deny it.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Religion in role play is ignored on SARP by most factions. It's touched on, especially by newer, smaller factions as a means of differentiating themselves but for the purposes of 4th Fleet RP, your religion is your business. Not the military's. I believe the Iroma and Elysians are more concerned with religion than rough, tough, MANLY Nepleslians. Consult the Great Pumpkin about your afterlife insurance policy.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

GM updates will be made tomorrow. There's still a number of you who haven't posted. I know a couple are out of town. Don't do it now, you forfeit your free auto-post.

Edit: So I just found a page with a picture of an NMX ship interior. Please amend your mental images to this while I make sure to incorporate more visual descriptions in the post i'm working on.

NMX Interior
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

That image is of the type of interiors found in SMX ships, not NMX ones. NMX ones are fairly industrial.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

The distinction isn't very clear on the page. Especially when there's a link called NMX Butcher Room. I was linked to it from the Mishhu equipment page :?
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