Tom, I'd seeing an odd trend here with our SAINT agents.
Reika, 2 years old, Nito Heisho
Izumi, 3 years old, Joto Heisho
Suzuyu, 5 years old, Itto Hei
Saku, 6 years old, Nito Hei
So, the older you get, the lower ranked you are? Wierd!
Though perhaps there's a way to play off that. SAINT often sends its people on high risk operations, some extra-legal... though it's usually fine as long as you don't get caught. Operatives are generally expendable, though usually too well trained to not be respawned if they die. Still, after a failure, the debrief usually comes with a demotion.
Perhaps some of the older operative PCs are not only aware of that, but have also suffered of such? Portraying this might add to the ruthless portrayal of the organization you are part of.
Also seeing how you cope with that could be interesting. After all, some of you are well used operatives in contrast to young Reika whom was just freshly promoted... just after having stepped off from a Princess-commanded ship.
I recall Kotori's fast rise in rank got a few people to think of her as the 'apple-polisher'. Not that I want to give Reika more trouble than she'll already have, this sort of consideration and perhaps even tension (even if it's held in) could add dept to your PCs if you choose to go that way.
Also, you guys don't have a single technician. Not one. Ow. Strong lean toward 'soldier' too. *headscratches* Looks like I'll have to adapt to get things a bit more infantry oriented ( >_> I thought that was Doshii's plot...)
Mm. Well, I'll ask: at this point, are any of you interested in considering minor alternate roles?
Tom and Aendri might already have an idea, but I'll explain: back on Miharu, Blas - whom played Nyton Claymere - pushed toward taking control of more than just his character. There was this prisoner rescue we did on our 3rd mission, and from the prisoners he fleshed out two caretakers and two medics. He started portraying then and they ended up staying on the ship: his to roleplay whenever there was an opening for something interesting to do with them.
If it comes to it, I can create NPCs to fill the roles. That's not a problem. But if your soldier is on standby, you might enjoy being able to RP one of the techs whom actually has more stuff to do. And if there's more than one person whom has a "spare tech", then they can mess around together. This could work for nurses and caretakers too.
It's up to you guys, but I've seen some of my players have fun handling more than just their own PCs. So the offer's on the table while the plot is still in its formative stage.