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RP: The Wayward A New Life (Ep 00)


Retired Staff

That was the digital flier you received, and since you’re on your way there you at least figured it was something at least worth looking into. Once you arrive at the station it takes a little asking around before you can find the place, seems it's relatively new so not everyone knows about it.

The store front looks almost residential as opposed to the industrial look that is common now a days. There are even potted plants outside under the windows that look in on a neat and clean cafe. In front of the door is a red mat for you to wipe your feet on before entering. As you step in to the foyer your feet land on a soft carpet and music can be heard playing softly for ambiance. Before you go further there are coat racks for you to put your coats and hats. Further inside you reach the main room with the flooring and all the furniture appearing to be made out of mahogany wood, accented by brass light fixtures. To your right is the bar where instead of stools they have long legged bar chairs for comfort and an extensive selection of alcohols on display behind the bar. And too your left is the cafe area with different sized tables, all with individual rugs under them so that nothing spills on the floor. In the back of the place there is a recreation of an antique record player, the source of the soft music.

The cafe is not empty, there are a few people scattered throughout and there is a woman that stands six feet tall with bright red hair in a casual red dress walking around and making sure everyone is having a good time. From what you've heard she is the proprietress and name sake of the place.
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Hugar was curious as to what this crew could be, so the Helashio found himself wandering into the Rot Mädchen. The Helashio was large, and exceptionally muscular at a height of seven foot, four inches, and a weight of two-hundred and fifty pounds with no form of fat on him, just muscle. His tail lightly swayed behind him as he looked around. He spotted the woman whom was the proprietress and moved over to her, after a moment of standing there watching her move around and do stuff he spoke up. "Excuse me. I picked up this flier about the Anbruch Crew, so I was wondering where I had to go to meet up with the person who's holding this talk or whatever, or...do you even know?" He asked, eyes shifting around to look at all the people there, he even spotted some Lorath there, but he gritted his teeth, ignoring them for now. He had other goals in mind.
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Embel read the flier as she was travelling to Rot Mädchen and smiled "this seems interesting" she looked around just realising she said it out loud and quickly moved on through the crowds. The Gartagen was only five foot, two inches and slipped through everyone even though her tail was going everywhere while she tried to slip past all the people talking and blocking her way, she hit someone with her tail and was happy that they thought is was the Nepleslian beside them and a fight broke out with all the people around her and she managed to sneak past and entered the Rot Mädchen.

Embel looked around the cafe until she saw a tall Helashio talking to the proprietress and walked over wondering if they were part of the crew, as she reached them she coughed "hello there, I am here to join he Anbrush Crew....." she had just realised these people may just be talking about other thing and have no idea what the Anbrush is "that is if you are the crew."
The woman in red looked over to both the Helashio and the Gartagen, she had a soft smile on her face, and it was easy to see that the shop's logo was not an exaggeration. "Well look at you two, you look like some pretty experienced folk." She spoke perfect trade with a voice that was almost motherly quite different from the gruff sounding Nepleslians that usually speak it. "Come this way." She took them both tot he back of the cafe to a table an placed down two menus. "Can I get you anything? Tanja will be here soon, she just got a little caught up in things."
The Helashio looked at the Gartagen and smiled to her. He followed the Nepleslian Woman who was the proprietress of the bar and sat down at the table making sure he didn't sit on his tail in the process. He stretched a bit and looked at the Menu. "Just some Milk would be nice if you have it." He tilted his head a bit, red hair slightly shifting as he took in the sights and scents of the place around him before looking at the Gartagen. "Here to join the crew as well? My name's Hugar. Whats yours?"
The Gartagen looked at the woman "I'm okay sweetie, maybe some other time~" she turned to the tall man known as Hugar and nodded "pleasured to meet you Hugar, I am Embel" she sat by Hugar and holds her tail, it made her look like a little kid because of her height. Embel looked around she was holding her tail so it wouldn't be stepped on by anyone, she turned her attention back to Hugar "so what are you hoping to do with the Anbrush?"
Hugar smiled, Embel, she was definitely a pretty girl then again most were. He tilted his head a bit noting the holding of the tail, though he didn't question it figuring that she was doing it for a reason. "Its nice to meet you Embel." He listened to her question and then chuckled a bit. "Well... I'm a biologist by trade, though I definitely learned my way around weapons and such so I can hold my own in a fight, so I'm hoping to lend those skills towards the Anbruch. Though...I am doing it for a more selfish reason too, I plan on using the Anbruch to try and locate my sister who's been missing since before my freedom." He leans back a bit. "What about you?"
"One glass of milk then" Veronica smiles and walks off to go get the order.

Hugar and Embel could glance around and notice, a lot of the customers in the place are pretty rugged and most of the conversations are about their voyages. It looks like this place caters mostly to ship crews.

It doesn't take Veronica too long to come back with Hugar's order though and she places a glass of milk in front of him. "Here you go Hun'." After placing the drink down she goes to tend to other customers
Embel let go of her tail and grinned at the man "I'm doing it for my family, we are all friends that have lost our real family so we became our own, I am the mother of the family, so need to support the others" she giggled "for what I do, the better question is what I can't do."

Embel sorted out her outfit as she looked around "I just want to make sure my family has the best chance in life while I help out some people" she smiled then yawned "god though, I really need to sleep, I haven't in a while."
Hugar blinks a bit. "Well thats an honorable reason, Family is always important, even if they are friends who became family." He chuckles lightly. " He turns his head to Veronica and smiles taking the milk. "Thank you Miss." He takes a sip. "Oh? Well I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to rest on the ship.
There is a soft chime at the entrance to Rot Mädchen as a woman not even six feet tall with blue-black hair in a bobcut stepped in. It was hard to tell what kind of mood she was in since she had on a pair of goggles that were shaded all the way around. She wore a grey jacket with a blue shirt under it, and a pair of blue cargo pants as well. As she made her way further into the establishment a long narrow tail could be seen swaying about from her hips.

The woman made her way over to Veronica and spoke with her briefly before then heading over to the table Embel and Hugar were seated at. "Looks like some people are already here huh?"
Embel turned to the woman and her mouth dropped as she smiled "hello, yes you do, I am Embel" she stood up and bowed "at your serves, I can do a lot of things to help out" she sat back down and looked at the table surprised she just did that in front of everyone.
Hugar looks at Embel go and bow, then looks at the woman and salutes a bit. "Hello, I'm Hugar, I'm probably gonna be the muscle, but I'm also pretty knowledgeable in biology and such.
Tanja blinked at their response to her showing up and was a little at a loss between a bow and a salute. "Well I wasn't expecting you guys to realize I was the captain so soon, I was planning on acting like a crew member and just relaxing." She looked around noticing some eyes watching them since they're all standing "Let's sit down people are looking at us." She motioned them to sit back in their seats and then sat in one of her own, stretching a little.

"So, tell me a little about what you guys can do?"
Hugar sat down and tapped his fingers against the table and looks at the woman. "I'm a weapons and biology expert, I can fight in many forms and do it well including hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. I also am an expert in xenobiology and Genetics, though when it comes to biology I am generally decent with anything, those two were my focus in school."
Embel looked at the Captain "you have a aura about you telling me that you were someone strong and a leader" she smiled "I have taken up a lot of jobs my favourite were the bodyguard jobs, I am good at ranged and close combat, also cooking, dancing, and a bit of piloting and maintenance." She looked at the two "I can do other things that are better left for private" she giggled at the two, she smiled and looked around "there isn't much you need to know about me, apart from that my family will be messaging me every so often."
Tanja grinned at what she got as a response and leaned back and suddenly spoke up rather loud "You hear that Veronica, she can cook! So I win the bet!" Of course many customers looked over wondering what was going on.

Without even a minute of delay Veronica came over "Tanja, don't shout we have customers now it's not just a hang out anymore. And besides, she still has to make it as the crew before you win." She smiled to them again, but this time she didn't walk away.

Tanja didn't look too effected by being informed that she hadn't won yet and looks between them. "Well anyway, I wouldn't call myself someone strong, but well I guess I did my fair share of leading before I started this." She sat back up straight "Name's Tanja Dunst, I'll be the captain. It's good you both got some fighting in your background, I'd prefer if most the crew could fight. Space...isn't that easy a place that you can get by relying on someone protecting you."
Embel looked at her "what is with this bet about a cook, did you think you weren't going to get one or something" she was interested in this bet placed on getting a cook and was glad she helped the captain win it, whatever it was. Embel sat back down and just started playing with her hair and tail suddenly she felt shy and just wanted to move away from this place and sleep soon.
Hugar nods. "I can also cook, clean, and do...other things, should you desire, though I'd much prefer not to rely upon my slave skills...though I can if needed." He looks between Veronica and Tanja and then to Embel and shakes his head lightly in amusement. "I understand that, I've been many places across the galaxy and systems I know very well how horrible it can be." He smiles a bit.
Veronica chuckled a little at their responses. "Finding people who can cook good food and want to go into space is kind of hard. But cooks are important to keep the morale up and to keep a good diet going. So if we have a cook that's one less worry."

Tanja grinned and leaned forward looking a bit eager "So what brings you two to me? What is it you want to accomplish that you can't as a soldier in your planet's navy?"
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