Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward A New Life (Ep 00)

Hugar thinks about that. "Frankly put far to many regulations involved in the Navy. I like the idea of at least a little freedom." He says idly. "Plus with a job in the Navy you have very few places you can go, with you at least there is no restrictions where our ship can go, if we so choose." He taps his fingers on the table. "That lack of restriction I hope to find a few clues on my missing sister, which I would not be able to do on a contract with the Navy." He nods a bit. "Plus I'm out of is that."
Embel looked at the two as they talked and smiled as she spoke up "well the thing is, I would rather be with other species and learn about other cultures, I have had enough of Gartagen's excepted my family, so I thought coming on a ship like this would be a lot better than the Gartagen Navy, miss." Embel looked as other people in the cafe looked at them "I don't know how well I can cook, but he family likes it so I guess it is good" she giggled and fiddled with her hands.
"So, one's looking for his sister, the other wants to branch out?" Tanja spoke softly and gave a nod of approval. "We'll be going to all sorts of places during our journey, probably stopping at a lot of stations as we go. So we might end up seeing your sister. But work with the crew comes first if you're on my ship. You understand that right?"

Veronica noticed how fidgety Embel was and put a hand on her shoulder "Are you nervous?"
Embel jumped and turned to face Veronica then looked down "it's more the fact that everyone I have met here today, is tall and cool, unlike me who doesn't have anything interesting about them" she looked down and away "I am not really used to this but I love it, especially since two of the people I have met are so kind, the other is driven by a family bond like me."
"Being tall isn't that special. Besides you're really pretty yourself." Veronica gave her a soft pat on the shoulder. "I'm sure more people are interested in you than they are the rest of us." She said with a smile
Embel blushed massively at the comment and hid her face as she tried to talk "t-thank you Veronica" she wasn't sure what else to say apart from that and was wondering if she was saying the truth or if it was just to make her feel better.
Hugar nods. "Of course, I wouldn't dream of not working, or slowing down production of our ship. For my own selfish goals." Shakes his head. "Believe me Captain, you can rely on me." He nods then looked at Embel and smiled. "It does feel like we're already friends doesn't it? Almost as if we all clicked." he laughs a bit. "I like it too.
Embel nodded to Hugar "it is great we all clicked, I hope we get along with the whole crew like this because then it will be an amazing time together" she giggled still with a blush as she looked around then at Veronica "actually may I have a drink, Retsina if you have it, Gartagen Root beer it is lovely" she looked hopefully "if not whatever you would think I will like."
Reed stood facing the "Rot Mädchen" and for the fifth time checked the digital flyer on his DataJockey. After checking the store sign again to confirm that this was the right place, Reed finally entered the building. Taking note of the hat rack, he removed his cap and smoothed down his short raven black hair. The Nepleslian stood at an average height of 5' 10" and had a thin wiry build. He dusted off his brown trench coat and walked further into the building. Looking around, he located the proprietress talking to a group sitting at a table. He walked up to her and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, I am sorry if I am interrupting but could you direct me to the crew of the Anbruch?"
Veronica looked up at the man that just arrived and gave him a warm smile standing up. "Welcome to Rot Mädchen, I'm sorry I didn't greet you. The crew of the Anbruch is right here." She motions to him and the seat she was just in "Would you like anything from the menu?"

Tanja looked over to the man who had just arrived, he was shorter than her which was surprising since he looked Nepleslian. Her tail betrayed her curiosity to the man though "You're looking to join?"
Veronica left now to get Embel's drink, huming softly to herself.

Tanja motions to the chair for Reed. "There's no need to stand, sit. And tell us a little about yourself? Why are you trying to join a civilian ship?"
Reed sat down leaning back in his chair. "Well, if you must know why, I wish to join the Anbruch because my old ship was confiscated and I need a new job."
Embel listened to the new person as she sipped on her drink happily 'at least now on one is focused on talking to me" she thought with a mixture of happiness and sadness as she watched the others carefully.
Tanja was a bit surprised by Reed's response, she was expecting everyone to be rather green in handling a ship, since the Anbruch didn't have a reputation after all. "Oh you've been on a ship before? What did you do?"
"Rot Mädchen" didn't look dangerous but it was always best to observe before running in. Shadow walked into the cafe stooping through the doorway ignoring the coat rack he retained his trench coat and walked to the bar and asked "where's the anbruch captain?"
Tanja nodded softly "A cargo ship huh? That's good we'll definitely need your skills then. The Anbruch is a Henkei class ship, nothing too big she's about the size of your average light freighter. Right now she's fitted with mining gear."

She was about to say more but then heard someone calling out for the captain of the Anbruch and turned looking back at the man. "I'm the captain, what can I do for you?" She motioned the obsidian skinned man over, not surprised by his skin color cause she couldn't appreciate just how dark it was with her goggles still on to protect her eyes from the light.
Embel looked over at the person asking for Tanja as her eyes widen, he was massive and his skin colour was pure black, she felt really inferior to the Goliath standing there, but she sipped from her drink Veronica's comment about her still at the front of her mind as she smiled "seems the big guy may want to join us as well~" she giggled as she tried to finish her drink.
Approaching the Abrewhan Shadow introduced himself "Hello I am Shadow, may I join the crew. I am a mechanic and can maintain weapons"

looking around at the assembled people Wraith noticed a species he had never seen before and asked "What are you pink one"