Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Aeon Discussion

Arrived back earlier this afternoon, after two very long days on the road. Plot will proceed tomorrow.
Nashoba said:
Arrived back earlier this afternoon, after two very long days on the road. Plot will proceed tomorrow.


While you where gone, I was ironically reading a story about aliens called Dizyntk in "Timothy in the Dizyntk Imperium" by "Brian in the Dark". The irony was how aliens where cat girls like Yams are.
You might want to read a few posts back and you can see why Kame is going done. To help assess the condition of the ship on the ground.

There is no way that most of the drones would a) be able to get to the shuttle, let alone fit in it.

If Kame wants to take the Terrain that is fine. But the others would serve no purpose. For example, the Marine one your landing site is far inland, with no major bodies of water.
Nashoba said:

There is no way that most of the drones would a) be able to get to the shuttle, let alone fit in it.

If Kame wants to take the Terrain that is fine. But the others would serve no purpose. For example, the Marine one your landing site is far inland, with no major bodies of water.

We are on this planet right?

Yeah, I knew they wouldn't fit... that was part of the joke about getting cozy. Ever since you loaded all the drones on, I kind of thought you wanted bring all the drones with us.

In hindsight I probably should have had my character ask where exactly the land zone was <-<;; . And I probably should have remember this line:

Until we have a better idea of what is going on, I deployed a VCMAD-AIR on our last pass. We will send down an Away Team in the Diligent our T7 Shuttle.

You know this bring up an interesting question... did anyone invent a orbital deployment pods Wes wanted a while back.... ? hmm.... oh wait were those ship boarding pods?

Well I don't need the drone so I guess I carry all myself >->;;

P.S. Sorry if I kept you up ><;
Ok edited it minus the drones. Still I like the reaction you gave for Arkase-hei so I might post a continuation tonight before I head to bed. ^-^


Posted. I actually feel kind of sorry for my vertically challenged character.... but only a little.
Well, since I was home sick today, I decided to take care of a todo I had on my list.

The Logo for the Aeon was created back when she was first launched, and the ship image looked nothing like the way she does now. So here it is, the YSS New logo
Kame immediately noticed something shiny and slightly wispy a good of couple of kilometers away. She whispered to her companions, "Got-t something very far away at our 2 o'clock, but I cannot tell if it’s a dust storm, mirage, smoke, or something poorly cloaked.

Hey guys I wanted to give you a heads up that this line was something I came up. Rather than try to create an enemy, I was more to emphasize Kame's slight headache and nausea is give her visual troubles like seeing two Arkanse or not being able to tell 100% what something is in the distance.

Honestly, though its up to Nashoba or SSharp if they want any potential enemy to be spotted this early in the mission. So I leave it up to them to decide what Kame saw.
We'll leave it as her blurred vision. I have plans for where and when the enemy will be encountered.
Nashoba said:
We'll leave it as her blurred vision. I have plans for where and when the enemy will be encountered.
Ok, fair enough. I kind of suspected you had plans for something later rather than sooner. You wouldn't mind if I took some artistic creativity and made it a 5 foot turtle with a long neck would you?

SSharp said:
I'm not the GM, Phacon. I don't create enemies. :O
Lol, sorry for accidentally putting you on the spot. You been on longer and have more experience than me, so I though originally that you might have been in a similar situation as this one and had some advice ^^.
Hey guys,

I had a family issue come up with my brother in a accident, who in the hospital right now, so I may be gone for two-three days or at least sporadically on/off.

I may try to post something today if I have a chance before I go.
Do what you need to. We'll be here. Hope things go well with your brother.
Hey I am back guys 8-) .

I forgot to mention ealier, but my brother was involved in a wreck in Illinois involving two cars one of which swerved to the side hitting him and several other pedestrians. Fortunately no one died, but several people where injured including my brother. Since my brother had to go to the EU and none our kind where nearby, it was decided I would fly up on Thursday-Friday to make sure he was ok.

When I got their I was informed that my brother was still suffering from a concussion, torn muscles, and several broken bones including his femur.... whereever that is <_<; . So, I stayed with him for the next few days sorting out the stuff like finding a local college friend who could stay and check up on him while he recovers and informing Matt's professors of what happened. (Do you even have notes to take in art school? ).

And unlike hospitals in Atlanta, hospital did not have free emergency wifi or at least one I could find <-<;

On Wednesday night the neurologist finally pronounced him to be well enough to be moved to outpatient; therefor, a nurse, my brothers thespian friend, my brothers friend who was a girl, and I moved him over to his thespian friends apartment so my brother can recover. So then I finally managed to catch a flight home this last Wednesday night, and now I am back in town trying to catch up on my own college work that I missed X-X;; .

Hopefully though I get something here today or tomorrow ^^; .