Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Laz Public Network Alex' Salvage Sale Corner

I would like 43,478 KS/HS for this, which comes out to 50,000 with the this adequate?
Sender: Lorath Matriarchy, Treasury Department
Re: Payment

Payment is authorized, prior authorization given by admin, have a happy Yuletide.

Lorath Matriarchy Treasury Department
AI Message System: Ticket #2425200
Packages shipped. Please note that if Ketsurui Uesu simply cannot be reached, his package will go to the Imperial Palace instead.
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After consulting with them, we are wondering if you are satisfied with 24500 KS. That is the most that they can pay out of pocket while having enough funds to start up in Nepleslia.
Vampire-class patrol craft (freshly repaired) sold. Will include for spare fuel:

1 x Antimatter Storage
8 x Antimatter glob (dangerous!)

The organisation I represent would like to purchase some of your goods. One thing, how discreet is your service?

Re: "Greetings"
To: "J"

I can do discrete. What did you have in mind and how much? I need some basic information.
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To: Alex Burning
From: Senator Barachiel Valeria

Alex Burning,

On behalf of the Elysian Celestial Empire, I would like to inquire about purchasing the following items currently in your possession.
Compensation will be made available in the form of 32,500,000 Aureas issued by the Elysian Celestial Empire. The shipment is to be delivered to the Diplomatic Institute located on the planet of Elysia Novus in the Elysia Novus system.

Senator Barachiel Valeria

”If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
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Dearest and most sincere Alex,

I'll buy your entire lot. I know the supplier you've got and like them a lot. Hook me up with a comfort bed audition for anyone you know that would like to work as one of my waitresses, too. I also do the more traditional "black casting couch" thing at some locations of my restaurants. I'm really looking for girls as most of the ones I had working started from the bottom but rose to the top and are now at high-level positions within the company I own and operate, having founded it. I'm looking for people to fill those entry level positions. Put the word out there to any daughters or their friends. Thanks pal.

What do I owe you? Like I said, I want the entire lot of what you have. I'll be paying in KS, but I hate my financial advisor at the moment, so I'm unwilling to ask them what I should pay. What do you think?

With love and care,

Koga Akemi
To: Senator Barachiel Valeria
From: Alex Burning

Hi there! I feel like I should clarify before we continue. This material doesn't seem to be from the current Elysian government. It's from some other separatist group. A good number of the ships are based on this design, which are controlled by a single synthesized soldier. We encountered such an entity in a more intact vessel.
To: Akemi:

Well, millions of metric tons of Durandium should cost a good bit. 12.9 billion kilograms of Durandium...maybe 1 KS per KG? Is that too much? I've got other people asking for some of the other ships and such, and I think we might keep one of the AF-27s after all. I'm selling for multiple people, so I have to get as much as I can for it all.

Also, I'll have to consider that waitressing fun for myself or my family members sometime~
My friend Alex,

I'll take whatever anyone else hasn't claimed besides the Durandium. I don't need too much of that, anyway.

Thank you so much!!

Koga Akemi

Before you sell, we wish to attempt to outbid some other inquiring buyers for several listed items. The organisation I represent has a greater need for military assets than Akemis does, in the pursuit of freedom and not burgers. I'm sure he can understand.

I'm sure the Elysians will move heaven and earth to get their tech so I doubt you'd be willing to invoke their wrath, those assets are not necessary.

If you could list your stocked military assets with estimated price values that would be perfect. Akemi can take anything that doesn't have military capabilities of course.


These are going to be used in an upcoming plot if I get them, so they'll see RP again and not just be noted on a wiki page ^^
To: Alex Burning
From: Senator Barachiel Valeria

Alex Burning,

On behalf of the Elysian Celestial Empire, I would like to inquire further about the "separatist group," the "design," and the "synthesized soldier" you are referring to. In addition to the aforementioned 32,500,000 Aureas, you will be compensated further - again in the form of Aureas issued by the Elysian Celestial Empire - for any supplemental information you provide regarding the items mentioned earlier, particularly if physical examples or media are supplied.

Senator Barachiel Valeria

”God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
>>> Transmission Received <<<
[To]: Alex Burning
[From]: Mark Oaklen

Greetings, I am interested to know if you have any remaining stock. We are willing to trade valuable technology for merchandise. I am Co-Director of Section 6, formerly a government division of the USO. We have recently departed said government and are looking to acquire anything of use that can aid us on the long trip ahead.

We are but a humble fleet of families now looking for a new home. However we would be more then happy to arrange sharing resources, and finds, when we find out new home. As well as possible arrangements for shipments of technology in the future.

Mark Oaklen

>>> Message Ends <<<
Hi friend, haven't heard much!

Here's my offer and then some.

My bid for everything in your store besides the Durandium and, well, junk section is: 57,747,000 KS

Sorry for the rushed response but I wanted to message you as soon as I remembered that I was waiting to hear back from you!

By the by, sending a gift basket of several dozen Watamote plushies, my family restaurant's mascot! Love the egg, live the egg! Inside the basket are several window boxes of freeze-dried and flash-preserved burgers that can either be eaten or displayed on a shelf for the rest of time. Have a lovely time deciding on my offer.

Much Love to you and yours,
Koga Akemi