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RP: Kennewes Offensive [Alpha Squad] The Hammer Falls

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"Nice shooting, Henry." Ran noted the two now very much dead Cyclones lying on the hill, causing the 6 attacking Demons to increase the speed at which they were running towards the facility. "Focus on hitting the goddamn Demons, everyone. Those Power Armors that are flanking us are gonna hit us soon. Let's just make sure they do it in less numbers."

Ran's attention was soon diverted to an incoming message from one of the orbiting Green ships, in response to his request for close-in air support. "Cadet Third Class Ran Rui, this is the 1st Destroyer Squadron, "Avengers", we've got a N-F/A 01 en route to our Destroyer from a mission, and he's still got his 30 Mil and Missile Pods. We'll send him right over. Looks like Marines from the NSS Alliance aren't all they're cracked up to be, over and out."

"Motherfucker.." Ran swore to himself, that he would from now on hold a grudge against -anyone- from the Avenger squadron. Soon after, the pilot of the previously mentioned N-F/A contacted him. "Cadet, I'm about 3 KM out and requesting targets, over." Ran looked out to the Red forces attacking, deciding that the 6 attacking Demons were a current priority. "I've got 6 Demons attacking us from the front with two groups of PAs trying to flank us. Take out the Demons, and we'll be ok."

The shrieking sound associated with a jet passing close by was heard, as a vague dot showed up on the horizon, coming up on the Demon's 7 o'clock, coming in using a narrow dive. As it got closer, only about two missiles started screeching towards their targets, ripping through two Demons and moderately damaging the four, which had unwisely dropped down onto the ground. Soon after the missiles were let loose by the jet, the most amazing thing occurred.

There was a low hum as the N-F/A fired it's 30MM cannon, causing smoke from the now overheating main cannon to trail underneath it, peppering the rest of the Demons as the jet screamed away. "Munitions expended, returning to base. Good luck, Cadet."
The whole time the fighter made its pass, Harrison was whooping and hollering- if only that had been his Raven, the scene would've been better.

"Alright! Now that they're taken care of..."
Crouching down her breathing heavy, eyes split watching everything at once, taking a few shots here and there at objects on her radar. Below her she spots Kokuten a head on his head she cocks a brow and attempts a more friendly conversation with him. "Hey, you OK down there, Sir?" Looking around to her left she spots activity on the ledge and takes a shot at a far off Demon.
On Cheza's words, the Medic jumped, looked around, and took sight of some of the injured demons. Kokuten unloaded a spray of anti-matter on them, making use of the gatling modification. He wasn't sure if the rounds were going the target, they were focused on them, but he was firing wildly.

"I'M FINE!" Screamed the Medic, unable to control his voice.
She growled slightly at the loud yelling in her ear and couldn't control herself as she yelled back "CALM YOURSELF! I don't know WHAT the FUCK your thinking SIR, BUT YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE!" She took another succesful shot.
"Who the -fuck- said anything about dying under -MY- command?!" Ran screamed at the two over the comm, surveying the carnage that the close air support left in it's wake. The four Demons were all very motionless, with one reaching a mauled arm towards the sky, shaking very uncontrollably. One had a lower torso missing, and started crawling towards the facility.

"Kokuten, you've got an H2 Panzerfaust right next to you, which is more than enough to take care of any fuckin' limp dicked Red balls-y enough to try and take us."


"This is so goddamned ridiculous...." Tyler grunted, clearly annoyed at the fact that their advance force was just defeated, and that already two Cyclones that were part of their flanking force were already dead. Crouching low and pushing his complement of Cyclones aside, Tyler aimed his two aether cannons at the facility's wall, sending two streams of pure "fuck you" at the wall, carving an entrance for the 4 DDs and now 5 Cyclones.
"Better get the fuck in there, Lieutenant, I'll back you up from here."

At that, the four Dark Demons and 6 Cyclones went up over the hill, stacking up along the un-destroyed portion of the facility wall. Their close proximity caused them to not even bother conceal their positions on radar, instead relying on just sheer numbers to intimidate the Greens.


"Oh, shit!!!" Ran saw those two same streams of aether from before streak across the hill. The Cadet immediately dropped low onto one knee, in order to dodge any incoming debris. The entire squad would be pelted by various-sized pieces of concrete, which would only served to scare them instead of hurt them.

"That's our cue to get the fuck out of here. Harrison, pound anyone that comes through that opening with your PAL and cover Henry, Cheza and Kokuten as they retreat back to Rally Point:Alpha, in the courtyard. Try to hide yourself amongst the equipment in there. Let's do this, people!" Ran took one PA grenade and lobbed it over the side of the wall for good measure.

"Cheza, you're first! Henry, you next, and then Kokuten after!"
Henry took a look at one of the Demons coming closer to the base and took aim with the LBR, trying to get the Head or Chest.

He then squeezed the trigger gently and the usual BWUSH!! ensued and hit it in the upper torso. It fell from the sky and laded into the marsh. Another grin across his face.

Then he heard the order to retreat and began boosting backwards towards the Rally Point, "Yessir." Was all he answered while still keeping his LBR up and taking potshots at other demons which tried to get into the facility. Only one managed to hit one in the leg.

He then made it to the courtyard and took a look at what to hide in, behind or near. He found a stack of barrels near a wall and hid behind them with his LBR in hand and Particle dispenser keeping his position secret.
Harrison said nothing. Instead he drew a bead on one of the Cyclones coming up the pile and blasted him. The round hit the PA square in the face and blew up, splattering the surrounding armors with demoralizing blood, gore and brain matter. Shortly after, several shots came past Harrison's position; one fizzling right past his left ear and singing the outer part of the head.

"Just fucking brilliant." Harrison took another potshot at one of the armors, and ended up taking the legs off a DD. The demon crawled forward, continuing to try and make its objective.

The hell is that pilot thinking? Harrison thought to himself. He opened a com channel with Rui.

"Hey, Cadet. Permission to speak freely." With or without permission, he pressed forward. "If you want me to, I can just disable that invincible armor and drag it back to base. Or we could just do a field dissection here, take apart his armor and salvage some of the weapons. A bit of the tech on that asshole seemed downright nasty. Think of what we could do with the Aether cannons like those ones mounted on OUR boys."

"Oh, and Koku, if you keep this up you'll make Order of Hermes!"
"Priority is to repel this fuckin' counter-attack, Harrison. Just keep your mind on that instead of tech stealing and medals." The corner of the building that Harrison and Ran were on exploded, clipped by a hastily-fired H2 missile. The missile had just taken a few chunks off the right corner of the building and had exploded above it at the same height as Ran and Harrison, sending a blast wave in all directions that served to knock the Cadet to one knee. "Fucking Reds are getting testy. CHEZA! You're up next. Kokuten, Harrison, covering fire!"

Ran took one of his last two grenades and whipped it through the opening, exploding just in time to blind an entering Cyclone. The power armor raised it's arms to it's eyes, flailed it's arms around. Seizing this opportunity for a kill, Ran jumped down from the top of the building, using his boosters just slightly so that his landing wouldn't be too rough. Landing dangerously close to Kokuten, he boosted again towards the Cyclone, firing the two prongs from his EAG.

The Cyclone stopped flailing around and simply dropped to the ground. Seizing this advantage, Ran pulled his VCL out and swung it downward from overhead. The same high-pitched whirring sound associated with the Long Chainsword being activated would be the last thing the Cyclone pilot heard, as the Vibroblade tip pierced the head, with the chainsaw edges doing well to spray blood and gore over the Cadet's armor.

"Fuck yeah!!!!" Ran screamed, exhilarated that he got such a visceral kill. The returning pain from his severed arm, however, phased out his previous excitement, causing him to wind the EAG's prongs back, and nearly drop his Long Sword. "Let's get moving, guys. I don't think that huge Power Armor further out is gonna let us keep mauling his guys like this..."
"Well, you heard the man, let's move!" Harrison sniped another incoming Cyclone, sawing off a leg and blasting a crater into the ground behind it, the shockwave knocking it over forward.
"SON OF A BITCH!" Kokuten yelled as the Cyclones and Dark Demons advanced. The Medic's vision was getting blurry. So, he got around to wrapping his hands around the Panzerfaust.

What am I doing? He thought, his body moving to position the weapon.

Why am I aiming this thing? He thought again, his aim steadying on an advancing Dark Demon. He pulled the trigger.

Am I even in control? His mind seemed to question. The Dark Demon attempted to whirl to the right as the shot flew towards him. It connected on it's shoulderplate, blasting it, and it's shoulder off. He could've sworn he could've heard a woman scream. Was it dead? He didn't know.

"-Kokuten, Harrison, covering fire!" Kokuten heard, and instinctivly, he raised his weapon and started to fire wildy into the direction that Dark Demon had strode from. Was he hitting something? He didn't know.

BUMPF was the sound of an ELEMENT PA landing next to him. The Medic shook in his armor for a moment, and trained his mono-eye on the armor. Ran. Okay. WHIIIIIIIIR[/i] went something, a chainsaw?

SPLASH went the blood on his mono-eye. He pawed at it for a moment, trying to wipe it off.

Wait a minute... Kokuten's eyes began to focus, and everything seemed to speed back up. Oh my god, I'm in the open! Kokuten shrilled as he busted into cover, his body seemingly taking the entire thing as if it were a stroll, but now his mind seemed to connect. He was forgeting something though...

"-Covering fire!", Kokuten picked up his rifle and began focusing fire on the enemy.
Harrison had seen the effect the battle was having on Kokuten. It had played out before him hundreds of times before, on the Flare and Charmer's Luck. He was scared shitless and running autonomously, without his own will in control (at least, if it was, minimally).

"Covering fire, roger!" Harrison opened up again and fired at another armor. This shot connected with the upper torso, and this time it was Harrison who swore by the fact he heard a woman scream. Sure enough, when it fell, the singed remains he could see from atop the building were discernably female. He sighed. Red bastards.
"N-NO! Melissa!!!!" Screamed one of the Cyclones. Private Roy Smith had just voluntarily joined the Red Army, right after his girlfriend Melissa Clint had been conscripted due to the immense shortage of PA pilots on Kennewes.

Not one month ago, the two teenage lovers had shared a stroll down the street of their hometown, with the setting sun lighting up the city in a golden light. Their final exams had just ended, and they were so sure that they would move on to bigger things in their high school career. Roy could still feel the excitement of feeling Melissa's sweet whispers into his ear, and the humble blessing of her head resting on his shoulder. He could still remember how he trembled at placing the wedding ring on her finger...

...And now that same ring, attached to the same finger, attached to a severed arm was lying in the dirty streets of the Water Treatment Facility, a mangled piece of something once beautiful.

"You bastards! You fucking green bastards!" Roy's words were lost in several explosions. "I'll kill every one of you!" Roy ran through the opening in the facility's wall, ready to kill every one of the Greens responsible for killing his beloved. Unfortunately, he was only met with the concussion and blinding explosion of a PA grenade, causing him to raise his arms to his eyes and flail horribly. The sound of a "THUD!" could be heard, and his flailing was ceased as his Cyclone suddenly lost power.

On the ground, he saw a WATER2 towering over him, with it's right arm severed. Knowing this would be his last moments, he spied the severed arm next to the WATER2, bearing the wedding ring that he gave to her. Reaching a single arm out towards it, his final words would have been "I love you, Melissa", but the Vibroblade that entered his brain stopped this.


Ran had taken a look at where the Cyclone pilot's arm had been stretching towards, and followed it's desperate, outreached hand to a severed arm laying on the ground. He saw what once may have been considered a feminine looking hand, now bloody and burned with the H2's explosion. On the hand, miraculously, was a perfectly preserved wedding ring. "Damn it.." Ran thought to himself, now noting the lull in the battle, as the attacking force was severely reduced, possibly forcing the Reds on the other side to try and think up a better way to attack.

He had heard the shriek of a woman as Kokuten's missile connected with her shoulder, and had been sprayed with the gore as he descended the building to attack this Cyclone. This had bothered him horribly, and based on his squadmate's current actions, must have bothered them too. Ran bit his lower lip and opened a communications link with the rest of the squad. Speaking in a calm, yet firm voice, Ran addressed his squad with: "We can't afford to be civilized and forgiving people. These Reds are soldiers, too, and would never hesitate to kill us to spare themselves. This is fucking war, and we are Marines." Ran nearly swallowed his tounge, noting that the large PA in the distance was now advancing upon the facility, as well as it's full complement of Cyclones.

"Forget this shit. FULL RETREAT TO THE EQUIPMENT! Kokuten and I will remain behind to cover you guys. Kokuten, you'll go once the rest of them are in position. Move it NOW!!!" Ran steeled himself, revving his Chainsword and readying his last 8 ARROWs.
Harrison heard what Ran said, and looked down from his vantage point at the scene below.

He was silent for a long time as he boosted down off the roof and looked at the arm. He was unfazed as a beam of hot plasma sizzled past his head and found a mark in the wall behind him. He knew what would happen to him if he survived this.

"I'll be right back, sir." Harrison then proceeded to attempt to use the fat fingers of his ELEMENTAL heavy support armor to finesse the golden ring off of the severed arm. He succeeded in this action, just barely, and clasped the ring in the dead Cyclone's hand. Obviously, this man was willing to die for love. The least he could do was to leave him with one memento on his journey to the afterlife. He recovered his standing position just as another bolt of plasma sizzled past his left arm, putting a gouge in one of the armor plates just above the wrist.

"Mission accomplished. Falling back, sir." Harrison took one last look at the Cyclone, turned, and fell back to Ran's position.

You're getting soft, Harry. Damnit, you're a soldier. This is war. Chivalry is dead, and there is no such thing as last rights for the dead in a balls-out firefight... Harrison's rock-solid soldiering side was screaming into his conscience as he took this action of dedication and possible insanity. But he was determined to know that chivalry wasn't dead and by God he was going to give this soldier his last rights. It was the least he deserved for seeing his love killed; even if he was one of Harrison's enemies.
Henry was still hiding behind the barrels and was oblivious to the drama outside with Roy Smith and his girlfriend Melissa. After all, even though they might have been conscripted or just plain unfortunate, it was war after all. Bullets and plasma couldn't judge you because in the end everyone was equal, regardless of their P.A or Weaponry.

With his LBR in hand. He got out from behind cover and fired at a Demon that was charging towards the Barrels he was hiding behind.
The hit was scored in the head and the Demon armour toppled into the stack of barrels, not knowing what had hit him, her or it.

Then the order to Retreat to the equipment was heard. "Yessir." He muttered as he made his way over to Ran's position and then began heading over to the Equipment area of the Water Plant.
Tyler advanced up the slope, fuming that not only was the Lieutenant dead, but the nearly half the counter-attacking force was decimated due to the spirited defenses put up by the Greens. Advancing with his Mesher System active, and hidden amongst his complement of Cyclones, the Greens would only notice a large group of PA on radar advancing straight on to their position. So far out, the Red Sergeant had also kept his Active Camouflage on his Crooked Demon on, moving very slowly amongst the group of Cyclones so that the image distortion associated with AC wouldn't be noticed as much.

As his complement of Cyclones advanced, they would stack up on either side of the hole previously made by Tyler, ready to file in and support the Crooked Demon after he breached the walls.

As soon as Sergeant Jackson got to within 30M of the hole, he would turn his Active Camouflage off, already beginning to charge his two Aether cannons. Catching two WATER2s out in the open, Jackson's fire control system placed several targeting cursors on the two, designating them as targets. While locking the two WATERs, he noticed the one without an arm as being the Green that he had previously injured. "Well, looks like I caught to assholes in the open!!" Was all that the Sergeant screamed, as he unleashed two streams of Aether at Kokuten and Ran.


"Fuck...that huge group of PAs is starting to worry me." Ran thought to himself, noting that Cheza, Harrison and Henry were all in position behind cover amongst the equipment. "Henry, there's an H2 missile somewhere in that rubble. Find it and prepare to defend the position once these fuckin' Cyclones try to breach. Kokuten, you're next to join the-" As the Red Crooked Demon broke from the Cyclones, several proximity alerts screamed into Ran's ears, but without any visual way to target the Crooked Demon, his weapons system were currently unusable.

"Ohhh shit..." Ran's eyes slowly widened as the Active Camouflage system on the Crooked Demon was shut off, presenting a squatting PA in front of Ran and Kokuten, already charging those damned Aether cannons. "GET DOWN!!" Was all Ran screamed, as he unleashed a volley of 3 ARROWs at the Crooked Demon, mere nanoseconds after his fire control system designated it as being a target. Unconcerned as to if the ARROWs actually contacted with the Crooked Demon, Ran simply boosted to the left, and spun, aiming to tackle Kokuten and himself out of the way of the two streams of Aether, and to present his WATER's shield to the Aether stream instead of his right side.

Several alerts sounded as Ran's shields started to wither in the small amount of time he was caught in one of the aether streams, causing the surface of the armor on his EAG to melt just slightly before his boosting took him out of the way of the streams.
"Aye." Henry said as he put his LBR over his shoulder and began to dig through the rubble for a usable H2 Missile. Searching through rubble wasn't his forte, but he sifted through various bricks and pieces of power armour that had been blown off.

Eventually, he picked up one H2 Missile, ready to launch. It was a little bit dusty and had a few scratches, but still in working order.
"Interesting." Henry noted as he examined the missile, "These are usually called Panzerfausts..." He hauled it over his shoulder and attempted to arm the warhead.

Then alerts began to scream in his ears. A new target was found. Henry got up out of the rubble and saw the massive Crooked Demon bearing down on Ran and Kokuten. "He looks familiar." Henry noted to the group as a bead of sweat ran down his face upon seeing it once more, and hopefully for the last time.
He managed to finish arming the missile, stepped out of cover and aimed for the back/neck area of the Crooked Demon, then fired. He threw the missile tube away and drew his LBR as he jumped back into cover.
Fuhmp! was all Kokuten heard as he was taken to the ground, his mono-eyes rapidly swivled back and forth, scanning what had happened. The Cadet was laying on top of him, awkward, but reasonable as two blasts of aether were cutting above him. Though, that was not to last as his armor was dragged away swiftly from the blasts.

The Medic regained himself in cover as he looked on at what was happened, the large group of Power Armors were making him nervous. Then he diverted his attention to the Cadet, noting his condition, other than the arm, he had a few knicks and cuts.

"You still feeling that arm, Cadet?" said Kokuten, placing a hand at the lock of his MEDtek pack.
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