Star Army

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RP: Kennewes Offensive [Alpha Squad] The Hammer Falls

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"These are the 'Blackguard', men and women with extended combat training and experience. They are my personal retinue, as well as a hammer to the nail when it comes to situations like this. They are considered to be the best of the best, the cream of the crop. People would kill to be apart of this group for it's pay, it's training, it's action, and it's prestiege. For quite a while, I thought my trained soldiers were the 'best' our Nepleslia could muster." Pyros proclaimed proudly, his Blackguard marines standing a little straighter to it.

"Though, with what I've seen here, I believe I was mistaken. Perhaps I underestimated the reputation of the NSS Alliance, perhaps not. However, what you Marines have done today, is more key to the Offensive than you think. Your bravery, and your plain hard-assed will has secured us this beachhead." Pyros moved up to the armor without an arm, Ran, infront of him. He clapped a hand on the Marine's shoulder. His Blackguard suddenly seemed to lose their rigid stance and seemed to assume a more of a 'disbelief' stance.

"You'd make a damn good Blackguard, Ran, believe me, you have the making and mind of a great soldier." He turned to the rest of Alpha squad. "That goes for the rest of you, you're all damn good soldiers, worthy of recognizing for your efforts today. You looked those Red bastards in the eyes, and then shot those eyes out." Pyros' mono-eyes turned back to Ran to see if he had anything to say, or anyone else in the squad.
The Cadet raised, what had to be by now, a very sweaty eyebrow at the description the Master General made of the PA-clad Marines standing behind him. Then mentioning of elite groups within the Nepleslian Marine Corps was nothing really new to him, but seeing that these guys answered to the leader of the entire damn Corps, couldn't help but be impressed.

However, his quizzical demeanor towards these Blackguard was being replaced by a growing sense of self satisfaction and pride, as the tone of the Master General's voice and the way he started his next sentence after the Blackguard introduction caused him to suspect his squad was going to be congratulated. With his squad being described in such a positive light by the Master General himself, he couldn't help but smile to himself and straighten his stance as the Blackguard's own started to falter in disbelief.

As the Master General pat Ran on the shoulder and address Alpha squad, he stood at full attention, lifting his left arm up in a salute. "Sir, we're just doing our job, sir." He said rather enthusiastically.
Henry was in awe that the Master General of all of the marines around would come here not only to help out, but to personally congratulate us on a job well done. Henry was more than flattered. He thought that the rest of the squad would think the same way.

The thought of being eligible for a Blackguard was astonishing. He followed Ran in suit and saluted. He couldn't salute with his right arm because he was still hanging onto his LBR.
As usual, he still kept as quiet as a plank of wood does.

He looked out onto the Water Treatment facility, with the many lifeless bodies of the Reds soldiers scattered about liberally.
Just doing our job indeed... He thought to himself with a minor smile.
Harrison slapped on a typical military salute and held it, though inside he was in turmoil. On the one hand, the Blackguard sounded so much better than regular Marine life. On the other hand, all of his friends (namely Henry and Ran) were in the Marines. What to do...
"That's good to hear, Ran, now the first Act of this offensive is not over yet. I know your tired, Alpha, but who would like to assist my Blackguard and myself, in pushing the tide in the underwater battle?" Pyros asked, assuming the presence of a commander again.
Fuck damnit, he thought to himself, silently cursing the fact that his squad had done so well. He -knew- that he would be subjected to the intense fucking pain of having salt water make contact with his freshly ruined limb, as well as having to deal with the relative immobility of moving in water, as well as not having any weapons to make up for all of that. But then, Ran was a Marine. And his kind stayed in the fight until it was done.

"Sir, yes, sir." Ran piped up, without really giving a chance for his squad to react. "But we'll need a couple of minutes to rearm. And I've got to find myself a weapon down there." He pointed down the street, where several Type 1s and Type 2s lay unused.
Harrison sighed. Combat was good, but combat on top of combat wasn't what he wanted right now, and combining that fact with UNDERWATER PA COMBAT using only energy weapons, where he'd be scared shitless about getting smashed like a tincan didn't exactly tickle his fancy. Nevertheless, he would have to follow orders.

"General, sir, shouldn't we at least get something to patch Ran's arm underwater?" Harrison said, also commandeering a Type 1 chaingun. The familiar feel of the grip of the weapon brought him back to the Kestrel.
"With that arm, you won't last twelve minutes into the descent, Rui. We'll fix you up with a quick prosthetic and you can join us on the bottom. In the mean ti-" Pyros began, though was interupted one moment.

"Master General, we have just recieved comfirmation that the guns are silent. Requesting permission to descend into Kennewes' atmosphere and begin deployment." it was Captain Hannah Sherman. Despite the NSS Hammerfell being a Marine Corps ship, it has a Navy Corps presence like all over ships.

Captain Hannah Sherman was basically the ship's 'Driver', as she commanded the Bridge Crew and took care of the Hammerfell. Pyros, however, was command of the ship's Marines. There is often dispute on which person owned the ship, as Pyros used it to train and transport his Blackguard, but Hannah actually commanded the ship. As a higher rank, Pyros would usually assume command in the planetary battles.

"Permission granted, Captain Sherman, position the Hammerfell over the pre-ordained insertion point and begin deployment." Pyros relayed back, and then turned to Alpha squad.

"You fella's want to see something cool? Watch this." Pyros proudly stated to Alpha. With that, the sound of gravitic engines broke the ambience of the battlefield. The clouds seperated and the massive figure of a Shaika broke through the clouds and and cause the water far below to ripple and shake. The massive ship was a combination of Olive Drab Green, and a browny Tan.

The ship settled over the sea and hovered for a moment. Then, like an angered bee nest, 79,950 power armors began streaming out of the launch tubes of the Hammerfell, splitting out into groups and then flying into the water. Shuttles began deploying, to collect wounded, including one coming towards the group of Alpha Marines and Pyros' personal guards.

"Alpha, you have time to board the Hammerfell, commandeer a new set of armors, and join us at the bottom. Ran, the medics will fit you with a prosthetic on request. Good job today, Alpha. You've put a lot into the fight, but we're not done yet, you are dismissed to move to the Hammerfell. I understand though, if you wish to call it a day, but make that clear to my armorers when you board the ship." Pyros stated over the squadwide comm.

Kokuten stayed silent, reflecting on what happened in the last few hours. The Medic thought back even further to when he told his family he had signed up for the Corps, feeling it was the right thing to do. His father scoffed and scolded him, telling his son that he wouldn't be able to handle combat, Chiaki's weren't for battle. Kokuten had set out to prove his father wrong, and find his place in this universe.

Was his father right?

Kokuten had began to wonder that as soon as they had come under fire. The Chiaki could only think of keeping his head down, and only providing 'suppressing fire'. He didn't want to hurt anyone, it was natural to him, every Chiaki exhibited a quiet pacifism, Kokuten just didn't know it would be so strong. For the past 7 hours, Kokuten wondered if he was actually cut out for the Corps.

When Pyros had shown up, his compliments were recieved with skepticism. Kokuten knew the others had fought bravely, but what did he do? He only hid behind cover and fired off a few rounds. He pulled it together in the end, but it was too late to really make a difference. The Medic came to a conclusion though.

It was his purpose to help people, his purpose to pull them out of combat. He wasn't supposed to be brave, he was supposed to help those who were brave. He looked around at his squad before his attention was stolen by the Hammerfell. As the armors streamed into the water, Kokuten remembered that Delta was the only squad from the NSS Alliance down there with a Medic.

"Permission to speak, sir." Kokuten quickly responded. An audible sigh was heard from the large EARTH, it turned and it's intimidating body turned in his direction.

"What is it, Sergeant..." The Master General stopped speaking for a moment, and then continued with, "Kokuten Chiaki?" The EARTH looked at his retinue for a momnet, one seemed to answer him.

"Oh! The 5th! Ah, I've met your father, Sergeant, at his induction as Head of the Medical Corps, but you had something to say, so shoot." The General stopped to listen to Kokuten.

"Requesting to assist with the intial assault." Kokuten said.

"Sergeant, may I remind you that you are low on ammo." Pyros answered.

"Sir, Epsilon and Delta are down there with one Medic, he's a good friend of mine, and I know he'll do his job, but that's large amount for one Medic to handle." Kokuten explained.

"Your dedication to your squad is admirable, Sergeant, but..." Pyros stopped for a moment as Kokuten stiffened in his stance. "Dammit, alright, you're with us until we locate your other squad."

Pyros looked to the other Alpha members, "Anyone else feel like going without a fresh suit?"
Oh, a new prosthetic arm, huh? That'll be great...something to finally shoot with. However, the fact that it would be a rather hasty replacement sort of worried him, especially if he'd have to make do with a low-quality replacement after the Offensive. This inner doubting, however, had ceased as the sounds of the gravitic drives of the Shaika filled the air around them. What the fuck...I really have to pay attention to what the military gets as new toys... Seeing the several tens of thousands of PAs drop from the massive ship, he could only help but wonder what role Alpha could have in such a massive operation...

Kokuten's conversation with the Master General had been playing in the back of his mind while they spoke, allowing him to pick up on key phrases and such in order to also understand what Kokuten was trying to do, while he started planning out as to what he'd retrofit himself with once he got onto the Hammerfell. "Sir. With all respect, as their squad leader, I cannot allow them to go underwater with the Power Armors they've got." He stood at full attention while saying this, hoping to dodge any sort of angry objection by the Master General.

"They're already low on ammunition, and the weapons load out on their WATER and FIRE armors won't work underwater. And these weapons scattered around are, admittedly, either broken and just inferior for underwater use. I'd like to take all of Alpha onto the Hammerfell and load up in AIR or NDI armors, sir." His WATERs mono-eyes shifted to Kokuten, expecting a very disappointed sort of body posture from him.
"Depends on what you got, General. Any spare EARTHs around? I just got this thing all marked up to my specifications, so I can just go with this if you don't have one." Sure, in many places the fire that was around the wrists was scorched from the chaingun fire and his legs had been covered with sand and mud from the landing, but it was nothing a quick stop on the Hammerfell couldn't fix. He walked over to Kokuten and opened a private channel.

"Don't worry about your performance back there, Sergeant. I've got your back. The reaction was only natural, you'll get over it. I was just as disturbed at some points as you were. But the feeling will wear off. Don't worry, I got your back."
Henry took a look at his LBR, which was ill suited for Underwater combat.
"Requesting some minor refits - and swapout." Henry voiced using the speaker. He figured that he'd swap out his LBR for the Type 1 Rifle, which would be able to work underwater if you completely submersed the rifle, with no air bubbles to complicate things, "And I - will be ready."

He took a look at Harrison when he mentioned EARTH, "The EARTH Model? Ah. That's a - Juggernaut model, suited - to bulky marines who want - to destroy all in their path..."
This put his mind on the subject of some of the new ELEMENTAL models. He'd heard that some new ones had come out, and he wanted to investigate.
"Hrm, your Cadet is right, Chiaki, stay with your squad." Pyros said, then turning to the rest of Alpha. "Any armor of your choice can be provided on request, I suggest moving quickly, my Blackguard don't like to slack when there is a duty to be done."

Pyros looked off out at the ocean, "That's all the time I can spare gentlemen! I'll see you on the floor!" With that, he pointed a finger up into the air and set off, his Blackguard following suite. The company of armors dissappeared into the water, and Alpha was left to their own decision.


Edgar B. Lumar sat stiff in the pilot seat of shuttle as it took off from the Hammerfell. The craft shook as it moved and tilted as it banked toward the beach that Captain Sherman had marked for his craft. He shook and twitched as he attempted to put a hand on his helmet. His co-pilot, Samuel Langston, put an arm on the pilot's shoulder.

"Chill, Ed, this airspace is quiet for the moment, we'll be fine." Sam tried to comfort him.

"Well, hell Sam! I've only been shot down 32 times! YEAH, your words REALLY help me forget that." Ed twitched his hands stiff on the controls. Samuel simply turned back to his display, watching the monitor.

Their craft landed on the beach as the Master General seemed to leave. Ed's eyes twitched, watching them skip off, and turned his displays to Alpha.

"So... uh, hey, you the Alpha guys we're supposed to pick up?" Ed asked uncomfortably over their SquadCOM.
"I'm sure none of you want to drop out early in this." Ran closely examined his stump, seeing that several pieces of jagged metal on the end of the armor were stuck in his arm, as a result of the antimatter storage exploding. This would be a painful procedure indeed, and the fact that it would be a rushed job meant no anesthesia. Maybe I can bum a few cigarettes off of them up there....

Ran's attention was diverted to the Shaika hovering above the water, as well as his monoeyes tracing the individual flight paths of a few shuttles coming out of it. ...One shuttle appeared to be very cautious in it's approach to the surface, eventually setting down on the beach they were at. The amount of sand blown onto Alpha would make any beach go-er either blind or incredibly...gritty.

A name and rank appeared on the upper right corner of his HUD, only to minimize, to give way to a jagged line that represented the shuttle crew's voice. "Yeah, that's us." Ran replied simply, turning around to face Alpha.

"There isn't much for me to say to you all that the Master General hasn't said already. Just remember that you're Marines and those are your brothers and sisters dying under the water. Now load up on either AIRs or whatever NDI Power Armor they have. Make sure to focus less on energy weapons being loaded on and more on projectiles."

With that, Ran's dirty, worn WATER turned to the shuttle and sauntered wearily over to it.
"Yessir." Harrison shielded his eyes from the sand blast and moved towards the shuttle.

"Oh, by the way, I can help you with some of those shards if you need it. Frontier medicine never hurt anyone... Permanently..." He chuckled.
Ran shook his head vigorously, attempting to dust off all that crap kicked up by the shuttle off of his PA's head. "God damnit, you guys. At least try to land where the wet sand is so you don't kick up all this shit." Ran looked at his stump, and found that there were several bits of sand grains mixed in with the cauterized parts. God damnit...

Sitting down, he smirked at Harrison's comment, already longing for some liquor or cigarettes. Injecting the rest of the morphine into his body, he leaned back and accepted that wonderful, warm feeling of numbness wash over his body..."Nah, it's alright Harrison..." His voice was a bit slurred thanks to the anesthetic. "I've got a little more morphine...."

He then leaned forward. "Hurry the fuck up, guys! We got a job to do!"
Henry watched the Shaika, keeping itself overhead and releasing shuttles to pick up the weary squad. Sand was being kicked up everywhere, which annoyed Henry, even though he could see what was going on perfectly.

"Yes - Sir!" Henry replied over Squadcom as he slung his LBR over his shoulder and advanced towards the Shuttle that Harrison and Ran were sitting in. However, it was a little bit crowded, with 2 armours in the back of a single shuttle already!
Henry simply sighed and began moving to an empty shuttle to take his trip to the Shaika.
"Oh, man..." Ran sighed into his Power Armor, leaning his head against the wall of the shuttle. This had been a rather rough assault for him, and it's intensity had already started to take a toll on the Cadet. Feeling the edge taken off by the morphine start to return, he simply closed his eyes, giving in to the after-effects of the drug.

The shuttle was such a nice, safe place to be.

"Oh shit!" Ran's head jerked forward terribly fast, as a certain realization jerked him out of his deepening sleep. He then opened up a comm with the NSS Alliance:
"NSS Alliance, this is Alpha Squad with a situation report.

We have successfully secured and defended the facility and are now en route to the NSS Hammerfell to re arm and assist with the underwater battle.

Alpha out."

Ran then took the time to finally lean back and rest, wondering what was happening on board the Alliance at this time. His mono-eyes shifted to Henry, who was sitting by him. Now becoming very drowsy, he forced himself to make conversation with him.

"So Henry. Thinking of joining the Black Guard?" Ran himself had no real interest in the organization at all. He was a Marine and he'd stick with them through thick and thin, and would never shrink their ranks by one person to join some prestigious group.
Edgar kicked the shuttle off the ground and the insides shook as the passengers were pulled down by the slight g-force. He trembled for a moment as his intruments blinked for a moment, registering the fight below.

The shuttle ascended to the Hammerfell and stopped outside one of it's many shuttle bays.

"This is Petty Officer Edgar Lumar, requesting permission to board." Edgar replied, his tone relaxed now. Cadet Apprentice Sam next to him, was looking over the communications suite, his facial expressions noticeably changing as the battle raged.

"Change of plans, Skeet.", answered a rather sultry female voice from the other end of the channel. The woman was using Ed's nickname, Skeet, for all the times he had been shot down.

"...What?" Edgar answered back, a mix of confusion an annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah, the Offensive is over." she told him, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You're kidding! Mary, we just got here!" Ed exclaimed.

"No, I'm not, some of guys from a ship called the Alliance cleared up the underwater part of the base, by themselves. At least, that's what Sonya told me from the bridge." Mary explained to him.

Ed and Sam looked at eachother, and then looked at the door behind them leading to the troop carrying part of the craft.

"Really." Ed said plainly.

"Really! They say they practically took the entire inside by themselves while the guys on the outside were fighting their way in. Now, you're objectives have changed because of this, and now you're supposed to go to the Alliance" Mary told him.

Edgar sighed heavily and rotated the ship upward, following the coordinates to the Alliance.

"Fuck me..." Edgar sighed.
"Yeah, the Offensive is over."

At that, Ran's head jerked forward, as he was grabbed by the shoulders and thrust out of his deep sleep. He was still extremely dazed and confused in the short time it took for him to transition between near-REM sleep and awake, but it took him only a few seconds to piece together what was happening.

"Holy's fuckin' over...?" Ran said to himself, keeping off the comm. What came next was equally interesting to him. One of the squads from the Alliance cleared the underwater part of the base, which somehow meant the offensive is now over. "I bet it was fuckin' Delta." He said over the communications channel. "Fuckin' Sergeant Stromm, man. It's gotta be. I can't take Rico seriously enough to see him doing something like this."

He then leaned back and sighed heavily, hearing of their next destination.

"Fuckin' NSS Alliance, here we come! You bastards better keep away from my cigs and schnapps when we get there. I'm planning on getting as fuckin' trashed as possible after my arm gets fixed." Ran crossed his arms and laughed heartily, raising a middle finger to the floor, as if such a gesture showed through the floor of the shuttle to the surface of Kennewes, where all the dead Reds were.
Henry was in a meditative state and didn't quite respond to Ran's question. The message then sunk through after a moment and he replied: "It looks - good, to say the least." He responded flatly, "I'll think about it though. At least here - I have some company..."

"Yeah, the Offensive is over."
With that little quip, Henry was finally contented at the thought of having contributed to a war with a cause, and his contribution with his fellow marines that won it over. He smiled at this thought of accomplishment underneath his metal shell.
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